For many years now we have sent out through various channels lots of information and revelations about Jesus’ imminent return
Because the Lord has specifically told me to tell people about his return.
Because the Lord really is coming very very soon to collect his sheep, his true believers, his CHURCH.
What does it matter that we send all this out, beyond of course that we are fulfilling God’s assignment that the return message is my message right now?
It matters that this is the time that the Lord is returning. It matters that most people do not know the Lord and most certainly are not ready to go with him.
(We still of course heal people as they ask and teach on all the gospel subjects, all very important, but that is not the primary focus. Jesus has made it patently clear to me that our ministry focus now is his return. Think about it. What does it matter if a person is physically healed but doesn’t get into the Kingdom? That person is still lost and set up for a horrible eternal existence.)
One hope – if all this we send out indeed reaches people who are not true believers or perhaps are just on the fringe of belief – is that all the shocking evidence that the return is upon us will press them to seek the Lord themselves, to seek more truth in whatever sources are available to them. God can use this to wake them up to where we are in time and that they are in a precarious position.
The other hope, perhaps even the major impact, is that these writings will encourage believers and equip them to get out there to reach more with the gospel truths of Jesus and his imminent return.
The challenge for all believers today is to do all they can to reach those who do not know the Lord and thus will miss him when he comes to collect his sheep.
There is little time left. The events of our day and recent years make that patently clear. If you are one of Jesus’ true believers, you are a member of a royal priesthood. Christ’s priests and missionaries are not just for taking the good news to distant lands; they are also for taking that news right here to those around us. Where you live is a huge mission field. Most you encounter in daily life probably do not know the Lord and will not be going with him unless things change in their lives. I’m talking about some of your neighbors, your friends, your family, your relatives, your co-workers, many of those you know and encounter.
Now I realize how hard it is to know how to reach others for Christ, to get to those who are so difficult to engage with, to listen and consider. And it is not fun to have people rebuff you when you are talking about the most wonderful thing in your life.
Since Jesus is returning soon, it should be obvious that when he picks that small group of true believers in him and takes them with him, the rest of humanity will remain to suffer the wrath of God spelled out in Revelation and the atrocious behavior of the evil one, the anti-christ, and the false prophet. So if you care at all for other people, at least those in your network of family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, relatives, you should seek how best to get the truths of the gospel message to them. Pray for the Holy Spirit to orchestrate encounters, to soften hearts to receive, to arrange whatever he would. It may not be easy for you to engage in head to head evangelism, but the Holy Spirit can set up situations that work even for you. Don’t force things. Let the Holy Spirit be your guide.
Aside from meeting other people in a head to head discussion, you can do such as some of our ministry partners do. One sends our CDs on Jesus’ return (Prophecies Fulfilled, The Importance of Israel, What Happens Next?, and Where Are They?) plus our other CDs about Jesus and about the Holy Spirit to those she knows throughout the country. Another prints out copies of our newsletter and gives them to neighbors. Another forwards them by email to a large number and tells them how to be added to our distribution list. Another in a national ministry actually sent one recently throughout the country to her network. And another at times includes our newsletter in his publication.
I myself when dealing with people far away often direct them to watch our television programs that are on our web site. You can do the same. People then can watch these in their own homes in private and think and pray about it all. We have many there on the return and other subjects. People around the world have had their lives impacted by those television programs. How do I know? By the telephone calls and emails and other communications they have sent. You can also tell people to go to our blog, search for the “return,” and read many of our writings on this subject (our newsletter archives on the web site are another good source). I hope you realize that God reaches people in many ways – through one-on-one people interactions, through newsletters and books, through videos and such, and even through direct encounters of the person with God.
I know it is hard to reach those who do not know the Lord or who just attend church and think they know when you clearly see they do not. And the truth is that no one can come to Jesus unless God draws that person to Jesus. The Lord himself said this. Still, the Lord does work through people. And that is us, you and me. The Holy Spirit is your guide and friend in all this. And if someone does not respond positively, just do what the Lord did when on earth. Go on to the next person. Maybe what you have done will have impact in the future. Or maybe not. You can always continue to pray for the person to receive the Lord. You want to help as many of your friends, family, and contacts as possible to at least have a chance to do so.
One final thought. For those who might be left behind when the Lord collects his believers, you might leave behind in obvious places in your house or elsewhere CDs and writings and such that will help them in their upcoming difficult days and perhaps help in God leading them to Christ even then. We have for a long time had a copy of our CD Where Are They? in a very visible place in our house.
Keep Your Eyes on Jesus!
(April 2017)
Copyright © 2017 by John Newlin
[NOTE: This article may and should be copied, printed, or forwarded by email to others so long as it is copied, printed, or forwarded in its entirety with appropriate attributions included (including the copyright and the ministry contact information). It may also be quoted in part as long as appropriate attributions are given. We in fact encourage you to do all this and to give printed copies to those who you know would benefit and do not have access to computers.]
PS - Thanks again to all who support John Newlin Ministries with your prayers and contributions and efforts. This is the primary way we receive support, through people like you. If you have not contributed, please consider joining all those partners who make this ministry possible and contribute what you determine in your heart to give. If possible, even become a regular monthly contributor. Giving to where you receive is even scriptural, for the Bible says: “…one who receives instruction in the word should share all good things with their instructor” (Galatians 6:6).
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