Tuesday, January 24, 2017


That is a good and appropriate term, isn’t it?
A term to describe all those horribly violent, angry, vicious, hating members of the politically correct world – many from the entertainment world, the academic world, the media, the political establishment including some elected officials, even the religious world.
Lost is another good word for them.  They don’t know the truth.  They can’t see the truth.  Once years ago God said to me regarding unbelievers and their cold and hard response to his word, “They can’t see because they really can’t see.”
Yes, they don’t know the truth and they can’t recognize it.
I don’t know if they will ever wake up, if these people will ever be enlightened and come to recognize the Lord and what is happening at this end of the age.  I don’t know that.  God does.  I don’t.
It is so easy for all of us to get to the point of outrage ourselves at their outlandish and dangerous behavior, at their lack of basic human respect for the rights of others.  We just have to remember.  They don’t know.  They don’t know the truths of God.  They don’t know the truths of the Bible.  Deep down in their hearts they do not have these truths and this great moral basis to stand on.  They don’t know what is going on in the spiritual realm, although some no doubt are influenced by the wrong part of that realm.
If you ever needed help in understanding what lost people are like, you shouldn’t any more. They are in front of your face.  You see them in the news every day.  You hear their confused and terrible opinions and views all the time.  You encounter them in daily life, maybe even in your family.  Recently Cathy and I have encountered various people telling of breakups in their family life, how a son hadn’t talked to his father in fifteen years, how an older father says his daughter for some reason he does not know just suddenly decided to separate herself from him, how communications between different branches of the family were severely chilled just because of the recent election.  Amazing.  I hope you have not forgotten that Jesus himself said he came to turn a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, that a man’s enemies will be members of his own household (Matthew 10:34-36).  Much the same words are in Micah 7:6.
In your efforts to get the truths of the Lord and the gospel message and Jesus’ soon return out, you surely will encounter some of these people.  It is not for you to battle and seek over and over again to win the same people to the Lord.  That is his battle.  That is the work of the Holy Spirit.  Do not take offense.  Be led by the Holy Spirit always.  As a general guide, unless directed otherwise, present your case as and if possible and move on.  That is what Jesus did.  He did not hang around and argue and cajole and work over and over to convince someone.  He told the truth and left for new and other pastures.  You do the same.
The Bible encourages us all to the extent possible to live at peace with our neighbors.  That guidance is going to be tested more and more in these last days, really tested. 
We are getting down to the nitty gritty now.  It is all about who is with him and who is not, who are going with him when he comes and who are not.
In all things and always maintain your focus on the Lord and his word.  Ask him to love these difficult people through you.  And in prayer put them in his hands.  Give them to him.
Perhaps a poem I wrote many years ago serves us well now, so I reprint it here:

            by John Newlin
Walk away.
Jesus did -
A few words,
Sometimes a parable,
Then departure.
The next step was theirs.
You can’t make
Others believe.
On to the next town,
The next house,
The next person.
Walk away.
[This poem was published in the July 20, 2003 issue of Purpose and the March 2004 issue of Bible Advocate. ]
Keep Your Eyes on Jesus!
                                                                              (January 2017)
                                                                              Copyright © 2017 by John Newlin
[NOTE:  This article may and should be copied, printed, or forwarded by email to others so long as it is copied, printed, or forwarded in its entirety with appropriate attributions included (including the copyright and the ministry contact information).  It may also be quoted in part as long as appropriate attributions are given.  We in fact encourage you to do all this and to give printed copies to those who you know would benefit and do not have access to computers.]

P. O. Box 15797, Wilmington, NC 28408       910 395 1465        

Email: info@johnnewlinministries.org       Twitter.com/johnnewlinmin       
Blog:  johnnewlin.blogspot.com

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