We are now in a bizarre
moment. Middle America, conservatives,
and evangelical Christians have risen up and put in the White House the most
unique individual we have ever had there.
The only possible one close would be Andrew Jackson. I think we all have to recognize this,
regardless of whether we voted for him or not.
Many in opposition continue in
opposition, even violent and vitriolic opposition, far different from what we
have seen in the past. Just think back
to the time Mr. Obama was inaugurated in 2009.
No wild demonstrations and violent outbursts from the opposition. Think back to 2001 when Mr. Bush the younger
was inaugurated after the election was settled by one vote in the Supreme
Court. No wild demonstrations and
violent outbursts.
We obviously are living in a
vastly different time.
Yes we are. As the famous movie line goes, “We aren’t in
Kansas anymore.”
We are living in the time when
the wheat and the tares grow together, when people finally and eventually have
to decide they are real true believers in the Lord or not.
People who don’t know God truly,
who look to the government for their help and source of supply, are
terrified. Frightened. They don’t know what to do or expect, and
they are believing all sorts of lies.
Spiritually, the evil one is
making hay of the whole situation. He is
pressing now. It is the home
stretch. Time is running out. And he is not going to stop trying.
We all know who is the King, how
this all eventually plays out, but that does not make the current time easy.
Our “Keep Your Eyes on Jesus!”
statement was never more appropriate or needed.
Each of you must seek God’s
guidance for your life daily. Follow all
Paul advised in Ephesians 6. We do have
available a laminated wallet-size copy of the verses there describing putting
on the armor of God and standing in faith, an essential step in this time. If you would like one let us know. No charge.
The evil one and thus those
confused and led by him and his efforts are going to keep going now, and you
must be prepared. Not long ago in
prayer, God warned Cathy and me to prepare for war. He noted it is his battle, but still, his
advice is to prepare for war. Now that
just doesn’t mean physical war between nations.
It means war against the attacks of the evil side. Our ministry and we personally have
experienced that several times in recent weeks as you have read in our recent
newsletters, and we do indeed know the scriptures, we do have faith, we do
stand firm, and we overcome. But none of
this was enjoyable in the least! Prepare
for war. If you don’t know how request
our CD Fighting Evil from the web
site or by contacting us by mail or telephone.
It is available for any donation.
The Lord Jesus is coming
soon. He is coming (1) to collect his
CHURCH so that they might be spared from wrath, and then (2) he is coming at
the end of the seven year tribulation period to win the battle of Armageddon by
eliminating those fighting against him there and having the anti-christ and the
false prophet thrown into the Lake of Fire, with the devil being put into an
abyss, and then (3) to establish the Kingdom of God rule from Jerusalem. Whether this all begins right now or happens
sometime in the next several years, it is coming. Absolutely nothing has to happen before he
comes to collect his CHURCH, that body of people worldwide who truly believe in
him. You can carry all this to the
There are all sorts of false
prophets out there today giving all sorts of false prophecies and
interpretations, including one view I hear from time to time that maintains
Jesus really doesn’t come back in person but rather his presence just grows in
each of us. That just is not
correct. Yes his presence grows in
believers as his return nears, but that eventual return is real and concrete
and spelled out clearly in scripture.
Your essential role today is to stay focused on the Bible and the truths
there, to keep your eyes on Jesus. The
Bible is true on many levels. And it is
absolutely true on the level of the literal reading of the words. I have never found it false anywhere. Keep your eyes on Jesus and be guided always
by the Holy Spirit. Use that gift of
discernment to keep from being deceived.
Another area of easy deception
relates to the really positive feelings many have after this recent
inauguration. While many object still,
many others are clearly elated at the new administration and hope for all sorts
of wonderful things. They hope for a
true rebirth of the nation that has led the world in so many ways for so
long. Certainly this is a good
hope. Lots of people are caught up in
this. I just read a long article by
Jonathan Cahn where he offers all sorts of good insights into the last eight
years and the coming years, comparing the new president to Cyrus from the Bible, comparing the new administration
to that of Reagan in 1980, and focusing
greatly on the 2 Chronicles 7:14 verse most of us know. Still, I give this admonition: Jesus Christ is returning on the same
schedule that God has always had planned.
The appointed day is still the appointed day. This change in administration, whatever it
accomplishes, is not a long term “new day in America” before the Lord
returns. My thought is that it may give
believers a window of freedom and openness to evangelize even more in the US
and elsewhere, while at the same time the evil forces will be stimulated to
rage even greater opposition and violence and such. Regardless of whatever great accomplishments
come about through the new administration, the Lord is still to come soon to
collect his believers, the tribulation period will begin, and it will all go
God is not changing the appointed
time of the Lord’s return. That’s the
whole meaning of the word appointed. It
is set. And the clock to that date
continues to run. It has not stopped.
Get out there! Stand up for Jesus! Protect yourself and your families. Prepare for war! Spread the gospel message wherever possible
and as led by the Holy Spirit. And be
alert and ready for his coming.
In the last chapter of Revelation
Jesus says he is coming soon three times.
Three times! He is. We are living in that “soon.”
Keep Your Eyes on Jesus!
(January 2017)
© 2017 by John Newlin
[NOTE: This article may and should be copied,
printed, or forwarded by email to others so long as it is copied, printed, or
forwarded in its entirety with appropriate attributions included (including the
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in fact encourage you to do all this and to give printed copies to those who
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