Friday, July 29, 2016


From time to time we have written about key wars yet to occur.  One prominent such war is described in Ezekiel 38 and 39, the attack on Israel by a coalition of nations.  It has been and is my expectation that particular war will occur in the early part of the tribulation period.

Why?  Well, in Ezekiel 38:11 we are told that the attack on Israel is on unwalled villages, on a peaceful and unsuspecting people.  In other words, people not expecting to be attacked.  That surely does not describe Israel today, but it does describe Israel after the peace agreement is confirmed as discussed in Daniel 9:27.  Once that happens, the seven year tribulation will begin.  Israel will be living at peace, and the attack in Ezekiel 38 will happen.

Why am I writing this?  Because the major nations described to attack Israel then are right now aligning themselves.  These are Russia, Turkey, and Iran.  The recent failed coup in Turkey has given the leader there, Erdogan, the opening to implement all sorts of tough measures as he moves to create a conservative Muslim state.  Tuesday Erdogan proposed in a conversation with the president of Iran his willingness to cooperate with Russia and Iran to settle regional crises and restore peace and stability to the region.  As Turkey moves to join them, the stage is set.  (The other nations involved are the Sudan, Libya, and an area in Eastern Europe).

Remember from our earlier writings on this that it is interesting the nations surrounding Israel are not involved – Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the Gaza area, and more.  Why not?  Most likely because they have been destroyed or weakened in an earlier war described in Psalm 83.  That particular war is likely to happen soon, a war of Israel fighting its surrounding Arab neighbors.  Part of that I would think likely includes the destruction of Damascus, which is described in Isaiah 17:1, Amos 1:3-5, and Jeremiah 49:23-27.

This moving together of Turkey, Russia, and Iran to form the key base of the group that attacks Israel in the tribulation period means we are really getting close.  For their attack to happen, there has to be the peace agreement signed as described in Daniel 9:27.  And there has to be the Psalm 83 war.

Here is the timetable:
Psalm 83 war comes very soon.  Damascus is likely destroyed.  The Arab nations around Israel are destroyed or greatly weakened.  A peace agreement is then put together and signed by Israel and others, the leader of that agreement being the anti-christ.  At that point I expect Jesus comes to collect his believers.  The tribulation begins, and the coalition of Russia, Turkey, Iran and others attack Israel.  That attack is foiled by God himself as described in Ezekiel 39. 

So the players are coming together.  The table is being set.  Not much longer to wait.

Keep Your Eyes on Jesus!

                                                                                                    (July 2016)
                                                                                             Copyright © 2016 by John Newlin

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