looked over my recent writings to see what I might send out. I wanted something encouraging, something
with hope. The world needs hope. Darkness is increasing, and those who handle
the communications and who occupy the leadership positions in this current
world society are for the most part lost and confused themselves. The time is ripe for an inspirational leader
to arise, is it not? A false
inspirational leader? An anti-christ?
wanted to send something into your world, something encouraging. Something positive.
I could find was Jesus.
that is enough.
am never going to lose you, John.” He
said that to me one day years ago after a terrible battle with evil.
he said that to you too. Did you read
it? (John
is life and hope. He is power and
authority. In him you can do all
things. In him you can do the same
things he did. You can do even greater
things than those. You can order the
mountains of your life away.
is always there, wherever you are. At
home where you pray. In your car. In another city. On an airplane over the ocean. In Africa or Asia or wherever. I know.
I’ve been there.
ago after a very hard time, I was lying on the floor of my apartment crying out
to the Lord. Actually I think I was just
exhausted even from doing that. I was
just quiet. Face down. And in the still quiet of that room that
night came this voice and these words:
know how much I love Jesus? That’s how
much I love you.”
was God the Father speaking. That was
all he said.
loves you the same way. (John 17:23)
Jesus was there in the beginning. He is
the Word. He was in the beginning with
God. He is God. Through him all things were made, and without
him nothing has been made that has been made.
In him is life, and the life is the light of man. The light shines in the darkness, and the
darkness has not overcome it.
darkness will never overcome it.
Keep Your Eyes on Jesus!
Copyright © 2016 by John
[NOTE: This article may and should be copied,
printed, or forwarded by email to others so long as it is copied, printed, or
forwarded in its entirety with the appropriate attributions included. We in fact encourage you to do so and
especially to give printed copies to those who you know would benefit and do
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