Friday, April 1, 2016

LIVING IN THE MIDST OF MADNESS - Experiencing 2 Corinthians 4:4 in Action

Our newsletters and our Sign of the Times and A Watchman Warning publications for the last several years have focused on Biblical prophecies of things to happen before the Lord returns and on how they have been fulfilled.  As we have moved past the period the Lord referred to as birth pains, we have focused on what I consider the very current and deeper prophecies – the warning about deception and the warning about the falling away from God, the apostasy.  I don’t see how any of us could deny we are right in the midst of those. 
Recently, as I have written more about specific occurrences and behaviors in this world and how they relate to the prophecies, I have moved into at times pointing out drastically incorrect and evil and wrong behavior on the parts of people and countries.  Massive groups, governments, and individuals seem to have fallen victim to the Bible’s statement in 2 Corinthians 4:4 that the god of this world (the devil) has blinded the minds of nonbelievers.  How else could you explain their behavior that so clearly leads to increasing dangers for the people, often being almost suicidal?  Yet they apparently cannot see the danger or just cannot believe it.
Below I give several concrete examples of this behavior that is truly insane to most of you, to anyone who can discern the truth and think rationally.  Thank God for those of us who are born of water and the Spirit, who have the Holy Spirit and have been baptized with the Spirit.  Such a person has the gifts, and one includes discernment, the ability to discern truth from falsehood.  It is these people – us – who see the horrible errors being made by leaders and countries and people, who realize the folly of so many actions today, and of course who are so distressed over these bad actions and over the blindness of so many around us. 

Just consider a few examples:

Recently the NY Times had a headline:  Europe Far Right Fueled by Fear.  There is only one thing wrong with that. It should have read:  Europe Far Right Justifiably Fueled by Fear.
If all Europeans are not fearful today, they are not alive.  Serious changes to their culture and peace are underway.  The threat to Europe of the huge muslim immigration of recent years and continuing today cannot be overstated.  The threat of the murderous jihadists who hide in this immigration pool is obvious. 

Europe is in for dark days. Look already at Paris and Brussels.  Europe seems incapable of dealing with this.  Allowing more people of a truly alien culture which harbors violent terrorists to enter every day is a policy of death.  The leaders seem incapable of recognizing what is happening.  I think this parable captures the views of the European leaders and media and many lost people:

Someone says there are a hundred people outside your home who think almost entirely differently than you and want to come in and live.  They want to maintain their beliefs and culture at the expense of whatever happens in your home.  And one or two of these are horrible terrorists who intend to kill you and your family while they are here.  You (representing the leaders of Europe) then say “Come on in!”

If ever there was a time when the leaders of the people were blind to what is happening and truly lost, today in Europe is that time.  Taking this on to America, those who cannot see the danger here from such blind immigration policies fall into the same camp.

Hard to believe I am writing about this, isn’t it?  Many of us probably think of Baal as a word used in the Old Testament, not in our day.  But no.

Not long ago in Palmyra in Syria ISIS destroyed the temple of Baal that was there.  In their fundamentalist approach, they are opposed to any idols and structures like this.

Now, in some convoluted effort to remember this archaeological item (best word I could use for such a wretched thing), there are plans to build that temple in Times Square in New York City.  Or at least part of that temple.  And evidently plans to do so elsewhere in the world as well.

Can you think of anything more evil and more wrong to do ever, and especially as we approach the Lord’s return?  Baal?  The devil himself?  A temple?

What are the people opening up when they build such a temple?  What does this portend for New York City and the USA?  I think you can imagine.  God will not be pleased. 

Remember, the god of this world has blinded the minds of nonbelievers.  And those are obviously the people doing this.

Recently the North Carolina legislature and governor took action to stop the application of a Charlotte ordinance giving a person the right to use whatever public restroom with which he/she most identified. 
The objective of the Charlotte ordinance evidently was to help that tiny percentage of the public who are transgender (figures I have seen are about 0.3% of the public).  But under this ordinance a ten year old girl could go into the ladies’ room followed legally by a strapping male with all the normal equipment.  This ordinance put all children and women at risk.

I have to think that any rational clear-minded person agrees with the state’s action to stop this ordinance.

But amazingly major corporations such as APPLE, American Airlines, Facebook, even Bank of America have come out against this action of the state.  There have been threats to move the NBA all-star game from Charlotte to another state.

I can remember and probably you can too when major corporations were focused on never offending the values of the majority of society.  Now they are backing extreme minority positions that do not make sense to us – except for 2 Corinthians 4:4.  Their positions don’t even make sense from a business standpoint as they are surely offending a large portion of the population with this backing.

The extraordinary rise of radical muslim terrorists through major groups like ISIS and BOKO HARAN and the TALIBAN and AL QUEDA and more is well known by all of us.  I would suggest even the word terrorist is inapplicable.  This is a major movement, conducting a real war against western faith and values.

Yet the official government of the United States still refuses to use the word muslim in describing these groups.  And there seems to be a constant effort to downplay the seriousness of all this.  If the leaders of the government truly do not see the seriousness of this and cannot recognize this for what it is, they truly are living in 2 Corinthians 4:4.  And they are imperiling all the citizens of the country.

For those of you who do not keep up with this, let me say that these groups are active all the time, in the ongoing wars in the Middle East but also in terrible attacks on innocent men, women, and children in countries throughout the world.  In just the past few days we have seen the horrible Brussels attacks at the airport and the subway station and the terrible slaughter of Christians at a park on Easter Sunday in Pakistan (mainly women and children).

The American people for the most part still are largely ignorant of the culture and policies of fundamental islam.  Women are greatly mistreated and subjugated, for example.  When I was in Saudi, women walked behind their husbands, did not really talk to me on the street, were almost totally covered in clothing, did not get nearly the education of men, could not drive, were limited in jobs they could hold, and on and on.  I understand there have been some improvements in this recently, but the gap is still enormous between men and women.  And the Taliban, wow…they make the Saudis look like flaming liberals.  So why haven’t we heard more from the women’s rights groups in working for the rights of muslim women?  Can’t they see?  Can’t they read?  Don’t any of them know the truth?  Ah, it’s 2 Corinthians 4:4 in action again.

On a related front, fundamentalist muslims do not tolerate those who take illegal drugs.  Truly.  And they do not tolerate homosexuals.  So why in the world haven’t we heard an outcry from the LGBT groups and those who support open drugs here in protest against this treatment?  Why are members of these groups not in real fear of an increasing presence of muslims, especially fundamentalist muslims?  They should be terrified.  Why aren’t they pressing the government to take whatever action it can to defeat the jihadist groups?  Well, you know the answer.

Why aren’t mainstream churches in America speaking out and mounting demonstrations against horrible government actions and demonstrations in support of positive steps such as the step the NC government took as described above?  Why don’t we see a million person march to Raleigh to support the governor and the legislature against the attack of those lost pagan leaders of the corporate world who are speaking out against their action? 

You can answer this, I think.  Fear?  Partly.  Lack of knowledge?  Partly.  We know that the fullness of the gospel is just not taught in most churches – the Holy Spirit, the filling and baptism of the Holy Spirit, the gifts of the Spirit, healings and miracles, and now the imminent return of the Lord.  Amazing, is it not?  The Holy Spirit is God, you know.  A member of the Trinity.

When I early went into this ministry, one pastor friend came to warn me.  He said that some of the pastors of the churches I was encountering were not born again.  That is mind-blowing!  If they are not born again, they most assuredly don’t know the Holy Spirit and all that follows.  So what can they be teaching their congregations? 

The scripture 2 Corinthians 4:4 applies in individual churches too, you know.  If you don’t hear any of the issues I mention above being discussed in your church, why don’t you ask the pastor why not?  When the Lord returns, don’t you think he would want to find us out there doing all we can to advance his message and truth rather than being silent and withdrawn from society?

Many of our CDs, our television programs, and past newsletters – all of which are on our web site (television programs also on YOUTUBE) - focus on the crucial subject of this newsletter.  Go to them for much more teaching and revelation.  Request the CDs.
The August 2013 newsletter contains a trove of information on basic prophecies fulfilled.  Most newsletters in recent months deal directly with aspects of our time and the return.
And our blog contains dozens of writings on aspects of the return.  The home page of the web site connects you to each of the three latest articles and the blog itself, which contains all the articles.

Keep Your Eyes on Jesus!

                                                                                                               (APRIL, 2016)
                                                                                                Copyright © 2016 by John Newlin

[NOTE:  This article may and should be copied, printed, or forwarded by email to others so long as it is copied, printed, or forwarded in its entirety with the appropriate attributions included.  We in fact encourage you to do so and especially to give printed copies to those who you know would benefit and do not have access to computers.]

P O Box 15797, Wilmington, NC 28408       910 395 1465

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