Tuesday, April 19, 2016


Many years ago Cathy and I were in a wonderful Christmas Eve service at a local church.  As we were sitting there, suddenly the Lord spoke directly to me:  “John, these people are celebrating my birth, and here I am getting ready to come back soon.”

I knew immediately what he meant, and so I expect do you.  He has already been born as a human being.  That happened more than 2000 years ago.  Wonderful as that was and is, what is important now is that he is coming back soon.  The really important issue for people living now is whether they know him and are prepared for that return!

This past Easter season, or Resurrection Sunday as many like to say, I thought the same thing.  The crucifixion and the resurrection and ascension have all happened, and many years ago.  Thank God for that!  Thank Jesus for his going through with all that!  Still, that is the past.  Now we are at the point of his return.  How many of your friends and neighbors and people you interact with daily know that?  How many are ready for that return?

I know the answer to those questions.  Not many.  Not nearly enough.

You know, all this reminds me of many times and periods in ministry.  I have seen over and over that God operates in seasons.  At the peak of one of his seasons, things go really well, but when that season has ended the same things, the same approaches used that worked well in the past just don’t work as well.  I have also seen how he generally likes to do new things, how he likes to answer prayer and do things in ways we do not expect.

In our ministry I can see several seasons, such as years of primarily focusing on healing services and conducting Holy Spirit led services and leading people into the presence of God, and years of teaching and preaching the fullness of Jesus and all he did, and years of recording and producing CDs and producing and broadcasting television programs, and years of writing and sending out our various publications.  Yes, sometimes there has been overlap of these, but really they have been pretty distinct seasons.

If you are following God’s call and seeking to do all he leads you to as and when he leads, you will see there are seasons.  God has specific times for you to do something.  You may be living and working in fulfillment of what you understand he wants you to do, and then almost suddenly, or maybe slowly and quietly, what you are doing will gradually fade away and he will begin to move you in a new direction.

Many of you who have known us for several years know of my burning desire early on to teach and preach and lead people into the presence of the Holy Spirit and for them to experience divine healing.  So many people just did not know about any of that.  And then gradually we moved into focusing on the fullness of Jesus and all he did and all we are in him, still of course ministering in the spirit and healing as led to do so.  About ten or so years ago one time specifically Jesus spoke to me right in the middle of a service while I was up teaching and preaching:  “John, tell people who I am and that I am coming soon.”  So while we continued doing what we were doing, I began to shift more and more into teaching about the Lord’s imminent return.  As he revealed more and more to me on that subject and as I realized all the Biblical prophecies of events to happen before that return that had now happened, I focused more and more on the return.  Then about two and a half years ago God gave me very specific guidance containing several points.  The one I want to mention here is his point that now the return is my message.  In other words, that is what I should be teaching and writing about!  Thus my increased focus on all aspects of the return recently.  He gave Cathy an amazing scripture while we were praying about this guidance - 1 Peter 4:7.  I want you to look that up.  Amazing.  The Lord was also very strong about my not being distracted from what he wanted me to focus on – all that he told me then.

So at times when I see people crying out that we all need to have a type of program that we or others  had decades ago, I appreciate their heart and their desire that more and more come to know the Lord and realize where we are in time.  But I do not necessarily think we need to replicate what was done way in the past.

My experience is that God likes to do things in new ways.  He operates in new seasons.  Symbolically, he uses new wineskins, not the old tired and worn wineskins that will burst and fall apart and not work.

For a real end-time revival, or awakening, before the Lord returns, I think we all must be open to the fact that the Lord will likely move in ways we have not seen.  It is clear from the actions of various pastors and serious believers in past years who try to hold meetings that will lead to a revival, who hold all night prayer meetings over and over in preparation, that we and they just can’t on our own make the end-time revival happen.

God has to do it.  It has to be God’s timing!  We several years ago had a series of amazing meetings that still warm my heart and bring a smile to my face, meetings in which the Holy Spirit showed up in great power and in obvious demonstration.  People encountered God who had never done so in their lives.  Most people have never seen God operate right in front of them, right in their presence.  But they did in those meetings.   People were healed, people encountered the Holy Spirit, people met God.  Wonderful.  Amazingly none of these meetings led to all those present going home and dragging everyone they knew to our subsequent meetings. 

For example in one overwhelming meeting in a traditional denominational church the Holy Spirit touched everyone in the service.  I expect none or at best only one or two of the church members had never seen anything like that before.  But God chose that night to reveal himself to all.  One elderly man said to me later that he had been in that church fifty-seven years, and after that night he knew all that had been a waste.  What he meant of course was that he met God that night for the first time.  But do you know, the church never invited us back to do another program there.  And even though there were real repercussions from that meeting – for example one woman sent one of our CDs to relatives far away who then used it to hold teaching classes in their church – there was no large revival in that area.  The people who were impacted somehow did not act in a way that would lead to a large revival in the region.

Here’s my thought.  You know why that did not happen?  Because it was not God’s time for it to happen.  Just that simple.  I have seen serious born again, spirit filled ministers of God eagerly set up programs to preach to a community which they hope will lead to a large revival.  I have seen people like this set up ongoing programs to teach truths of Jesus that most just do not know.  And in all this I only see in general the same local believers attend who always typically come out to events like that.  There may be a few new ones reached.  But not many, not the hoped for revival.  Just not God’s time.

So my advice for anyone seriously contemplating setting up such a thing: have you heard from God on this?  Is this the time?  Is it now?  Is it your idea or God’s?

We are about at Jesus’ return, and I have no doubt there will be an end time revival.  So the time does have to be soon.  But’s let’s all be alert and sensitive and wise to take the steps God wants – not our steps but the ones he guides us in. 

Keep Your Eyes on Jesus!

                                                                                               (APRIL, 2016)
                                                                                             Copyright © 2016 by John Newlin

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     Blog:  johnnewlinblogspot.com

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