Thursday, July 2, 2015


Will there?

What do you think?

Or will we live in a country that falls further and further into the pit, a society led by many government, media, entertainment, business and even some religious leaders who are as lost as they can be and are marching straight down the path to the Bible’s lake of fire, to hell.  Time to call it what it is.  A country that celebrates when the Supreme Court endorses legally an act that is called an abomination by God is hardly a country on the right path.  Imagine.  The White House bathed in rainbow colors to celebrate the LGBT movement and the Supreme Court decision.  Imagine.  The Episcopal Church saying they will marry same sex couples in their churches.  Imagine.  The nation has now aborted more than fifty million babies.  Imagine.  Thousands are butchered in the Middle East and elsewhere by absolute barbarians and the nation does almost nothing, except to fly over and drop a few bombs or send a drone.  It’s arm chair fighting.  Imagine.

Well, you don’t have to imagine, because that’s all true.  You don’t have to imagine.  The nation is plummeting faster than ever.

Several weeks ago the leader of the national government, Mr. Obama, announced he would commemorate the coming Sunday (May 17) as the international day against homophobia and transphobia.  In other words, an international day advancing the cause of homosexuality, the cause of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBT) movement.  He may as well have said he would commemorate Sunday by challenging God, by insulting God, by ignoring God, by thumbing his nose at God.

You might be interested in this – Mr. Obama is evidently planning a visit to Kenya in July, the land of his ancestors.  So when this came out a group of 700 Kenyan pastors got together and called on Mr. Obama not to preach when he comes.  This was in reference to his stance on homosexuality.
One Kenyan bishop declared that Obama has ruined America.  Ironic isn’t it.  This country in Africa and its pastors are taking a bolder stand than the people and pastors of the US.

Will there be a revival?

Where are the true believing Christians through whom God will lead such a revival?

I saw one famous television newsman say his show wanted to have religious leaders on to ask their views about the gay marriage issue but they couldn’t find any.  He says there are no strong religious leaders who can speak clearly about this.  Hmmm.  He didn’t ask me.  I would have gone.  Did he ask you?  He is talking about some bishop or priest from the Roman Catholic Church or some preacher from a mainstream denomination.  That’s who the media think are people who speak for the church.  But you and I know most of those people don’t.  For the most part, they represent man’s organizations. 

One national evangelist did speak out, Franklin Graham.  He said that the rainbow lights on the White House were "outrageous" and a "slap in the face" to millions of Americans who support real marriage.  He made the point that God gave the rainbow sign to Noah following the flood and it is an image forever "associated with His judgment" and a sign of "God's judgment to come." 

Will there be a revival?

Only if God wants it.

And only if some true believers will step out boldly.

I see a few older believers here and there getting together to pray for a revival, to pray for the US.  Nothing wrong with that.  But this is not a normal time.  This is the end times.  What you see happening in the US is the falling away Paul spoke of in Thessalonians.   The rate of fall has been increasing exponentially.   Watch what happens in coming weeks and days.  What will people decide counts as a marriage?  What pressure will come on preachers to stop preaching against homosexuality?   Already you have seen the pressure on bakers and others.  You haven’t seen anything yet.

And political correctness?  It’s been annoying for the most part until recently.  Now it is dangerous.  People speaking out for America in places are considered threatening.  Look at Donald Trump who is running for president.  Regardless of what you think of him, look at how he is being treated by NBC and Macy’s and others who make their living thriving in this lost politically correct society.

Will there be a revival?  I hope so, because if not when the Lord comes the number going with him will be very very small.

But we do need people through whom the Lord can work.  Are you one of those?  If you think so tell him.  Tell him you make yourself available.  Ask him to orchestrate your day, to bring glory to himself and his father through you.  And live that way.  If you really mean it, he will do all that.

Keep Your Eyes on Jesus!

                                                                                                                                               (July 2015)
                                                                                                                      Copyright © 2015 by John Newlin

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