Wednesday, April 22, 2015


Where are the Americans?  Where is America?

If something doesn’t change soon, it is time to make a name change.  This is not the country through which God saved the world from absolute tyranny in World War II, the country that came to the aid of the United Kingdom which was barely hanging on after Europe itself had fallen to the Third Reich and proceeded to take out the enemy there while also taking out Japan in the Pacific.   This is not the country whose bold stance and vigilance led to the fall of the Berlin wall and eventually breakup of the Soviet Union.  This is not the country that stood boldly in support of the tiny nation of Israel as it was bombarded from all sides for decades.  And the list could go on and on.

Hundreds and thousands of people are being killed….no, butchered is a better word…in the Middle East and Africa, with smatterings in other places as the violence threatens and begins to spread.  They are killed because they do not fit the mold of the militant muslim fanatics that operate under many different names but are the same thing.  Some are killed intentionally because they are Christians.  How do we know?  Because the killers tell us that.  It is that simple.  School children.  Little children.  Men and women.  Killed for being Christians.  And not just killed.  Killed in horrible ways I will not recount here.  And others even in the same muslim false religion are killed because they just don’t adhere to the specific tenants of the killers.  And still others are killed just for being, to the killers, nonbelievers.

Over and over again.  For years.  And the leader of the US government sits quietly by.  He and his government ignore it.  Even when pressed for a comment, they give minimal words.  And the media for the most part sits quietly by. In their current confused world, they would rather report on political correctness issues, on affronts as they see it given by the mass of Americans to various groups. They don’t want to offend the muslims.  But the muslims aren’t just offending Christians and others.  They are killing them!  And for the most part Americans go about their daily routines working and eating and watching TV and sports and cooking out and such.  Interviews that I have seen show a lack of knowledge of events or the simple naïve concern that this is all somewhere else.

No, it is not just somewhere else.  Has everyone forgotten 9/11?  Or the Boston marathon?  Or Fort Hood?  Or other such atrocities?  And consider this:  Judicial Watch reported this week that ISIS has a base now in Mexico within 8 miles of El Paso, Texas.   Can you wonder at all why they are there?  Do you think they have any trouble going back and forth across the porous border of the nation?

So most Americans sit idly by.  This is not the country I knew.  Let’s face it.  It is not what is meant by the word America.

And God of course sees and knows all this.  What must he think about the land he so blessed in its creation and early years?  What kind of a future do you think this land has?

Obviously, it is going to take something greater than just words and the news to wake up Americans, if they will be waked up.  We are so very close to the return of the Lord.  There will be a revival at the end of this age sometime, although I do not know when or how large.  But that clearly will be God’s doing, not man’s.  The American people for the most part are lost and currently seem incapable of being awakened.  Only God can handle such a situation.  I just pray he moves quickly.

Keep Your Eyes on Jesus!

                                                                                                                                               (April 2015)
                                                                                                                      Copyright © 2015 by John Newlin

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