Those who are not born again, spirit filled believers just do not know what is happening on earth today.
They cannot fathom why there is so much violence and evil and lying and corruption and general disorder and mayhem. They cannot comprehend why things steadily are getting worse and worse. They put their hope in humans and in electing new leaders even though they know intrinsically that human leaders have failed greatly in the past. And since they do not know the Lord and do not have the gift of discernment, they do not know how to pick the best of the candidates for any office anyway.
I wonder sometimes what all these people are thinking. In the US so many continue to work hard to support their families and live, yet the increasing cost of living is great and this is all so very hard.
Those in false religions such as Islam and Buddhism and Hinduism just don’t know. They are led by false gods, really demons from Satan’s dark kingdom, and they are just lost…eternally lost unless somehow they hear the truth of Jesus and turn and are saved. That will take an act of God, for as Jesus said no one can come to him unless his Father draws that person to him.
For believers, living in the midst of such national and international confusion and violence is difficult indeed. We all know what is going on and where we are all headed, yet we live in the midst of all the mayhem and confusion and evil. We see the continuous deception of so many leaders and others, the obvious falsehood, and we still ponder why others cannot see all that even though we know why.
Hopefully, the Lord will be here any moment. We know this is the season of his return. We know he is coming very soon. We know that. It could not be soon enough for us. The only possible reason for any delay on his part must be that there are still some in that group God chose before the creation of the world to be in the Kingdom who have not yet come to the Lord. But when I think that, I realize that they could still come to Jesus during the Tribulation or even during the Millennium.
Soon. I expect soon. But how are we to live right now in this period. Well, Jesus himself said his coming would be like the days of Noah and Lot. Now, putting aside all the terrible immoral behavior of those times, the days of Noah and Lot also had people going about their regular life activities right up until when the flood came and when Sodom was destroyed. So I take from that we are to be about our normal activities. For believers, that includes telling others about Jesus and his return as always.
Still, big decisions for some are looming, such as whether they should move for various reasons, or maybe should they trade in their old car, or how are they going to be able to send their child to college soon. What do they do about all this? My only answer is just to continue to live the basic life activities right up to the instant the Lord returns. If they have just moved when he comes and they are taken to be with him, that move and all that effort won’t matter at all will it? No, they will just be overjoyed to be with him.
I have shared so many words the Lord has said to me in the past about his return, about the surprise and the instantaneousness of it all, about how things will be changed. He is coming for his CHURCH, his true CHURCH – that body of people who have been called out of the world society into a new organization of which he is the head. This CHURCH has nothing to do with any of these brick buildings on street corners with all the denominations and organization affiliations and such, other than that some in the CHURCH surely are involved with some of those places. The CHURCH is the collection of Jesus’ true believers, those who have been born of water and the Spirit, those who seek to do his father’s will, those who have the same innocent faith as little children.
How are you to survive all the turmoil and falsehood I referenced at the beginning of this piece? My suggestion is to keep your eyes on Jesus, keep your spiritual ears attune to hear him and the Holy Spirit and the Father, live in the protection God has for us, ask for more wisdom and guidance always, and listen out for that command from the Lord when he comes. And of course to keep telling people who Jesus is and that he is coming soon!!!
May God keep all of us in the palm of his hands, safe from harm and ready to go, actively doing his will for us now in these final days.
September 2024
Copyright © 2024 by John Newlin
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