It all comes down to this. It had to. It is all that really matters in all of existence.
Your hope is in God and him alone.
There is nothing else of any meaning.
God – yes in three forms - Father, Son Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. But overall, God. One God.
There is no hope in religion, no hope in organizations, in church denominations, in morning and evening services, in governments and universities.
No. Some might help in leading you to the one that counts, yes, but that is all.
The one that counts is God.
God has a heart and he opened a way for you.
He came to you in the form of Jesus. He showed the way for you. He spelled it out.
It is not any doctrine.
It is not any creed.
It is not any statement of values or beliefs.
Do you understand? Finally? At last?
There is a way.
In the end of everything there is one thing that counts. You and God.
He is life and whatever you are to have and to be.
No hope at all without him.
Beneath everything, all the shouts and noise and talking and action, covered up is the suppressed realization that…
- You alone must make the decision to have Jesus as your Lord. It is all about your relationship with Jesus. No other human being can take that step for you.
- You have to take the step. You alone have to decide. And it is time. Time to know the Lord. Or give up for eternity. Your future is all about your relationship with Jesus.
We can’t truly imagine God.
We can’t truly conceive God.
He just is.
You have the way to him, the path. Jesus is the way, the only way.
Take it.
He alone is your salvation. Call out to him for help. He will answer, maybe directly, maybe in ways you do not expect. Get started.
Time is about up for you.
Copyright © 2022 by John Newlin
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