Evil is real. Evil is a person. It is the devil, Satan, Lucifer, the evil one, whatever you want to call him, and all his minions. One third of the angels followed the devil.
God is real too, and Jesus Christ.
Right now in time, this devil is the ruler of the earth. The whole world is under the control of the evil one. John the disciple said that in 1 John 5:19.
The god of this age (the devil) has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God. Paul said that in 2 Corinthians 4:4.
He is the prince of the power of the air, the spirit who now works in the sons of disobedience. Paul said that too, in Ephesians 2:2.
Lots of Christians and denominations miss these very important points. Yes of course Jesus defeated the devil in going to and through the cross and yes believers in Jesus indeed are in the Kingdom of God already and have great protections against this evil one and his dark kingdom if they use what God has provided them. And yes Jesus is coming soon to gather his sheep and shortly thereafter to win the battle against evil at Armageddon and lock this devil in a deep pit.
All these people on earth who do not know the Lord, who are not in the Kingdom of God, are ready prey for the devil and his many evil spirits, his demons. His lies, his deception work readily in people who cannot discern the truth. All these many people do not know about putting on the armor of God. They do not know about the authority the believer has to cast out demons. They do not have the protection that God has sent to his believers in the form of angels he sends to serve all those who will inherit salvation. They don’t know any of that.
They are easily led astray. Look every day at the terrible acts of evil you read about or hear about, depraved acts of individuals and groups, horrible crimes, terrible actions like those of the shooter in Uvalde Texas. Look at the behavior of some people near you, maybe even family members who do not know Jesus. Their behavior may not be as horribly violent as that of this shooter or the criminals committing all the atrocities on the streets of some big cities today, but they are still lost and have no protection against this evil one whenever he chooses to lead them astray.
All this talk about mental illness and guns and homes without fathers and drugs and so on…all serious subjects to be sure, but all side issues. The real issue is that the devil and his minions are running amuck now in the world in these last of the last days. And those without Jesus are lost and ready prey. Leaders of the nation without Jesus have no idea of what is really happening. Neither do media or entertainers or business executives or university presidents without Jesus.
That is the world you live in now. It is not a pleasant peaceful place. But this is the truth. To the extent possible this evil one surely will attempt to attack believers in the Lord, especially whenever they let their guard down or stray from the faith in any way. And he will most assuredly attack through others close to the believers, through unbelieving friends and family. Or maybe through other factors, like finances or business or whatever.
It all comes back to that basic truth of Keeping Your Eyes on Jesus, of staying in the faith, of using the tools God has provided. Watch that you are not deceived, and use that wonderful gift of the Spirit, discernment. And always remember, Jesus is not going to lose you.
May 2022
Copyright © 2022 by John Newlin
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