Monday, August 30, 2021



Jesus’ famous warning about these last days to watch that we are not deceived was not said to a group of nonbelievers!  It was spoken to his closest disciples!  So obviously it is a great and sincere warning to each of us who have Jesus as our Lord.
After watching the behavior of various persons and groups, including people who are believers, over these past few years, I see a real need to point this out and to give some guidance.  Let’s look at these illustrations:
In the last presidential election, even after election day and in the period leading up to the inauguration day of January 20, there was among some believers a sense that the former president, Donald Trump, had a group of persons supporting him with a lot of power – including military for example – and that just before January 20 he and they would take over the government. They would expose all the evil doing among various politicians in the country and Trump would be put back in as president.
Now this so impacted some believers that as that day approached, I suddenly received an email from one of our partners who had heard all this.  She wrote to inquire about it and when it was going to happen, if it was going to happen.  She pointed out that the “prophets” were all saying this, prophets well respected by others.  By the word prophets she evidently meant some of the prominent tv and internet persons who call themselves prophets. 
None of this turned out to be true.  These so called prophets – including apparently some fairly well known persons – had gotten their views from who knows where.  Perhaps it was wishful thinking.  I could do little to help her except to tell her to pray about those giving out words she thought prophetic, to inquire of God and to search the Bible to see if their words or what they were doing seemed to fit and be right. 
This was a group of people – perhaps not connected to each other at all – who were living in delusion and deception or who were misleading people willing to believe a hope, a fantasy.  They were people who operate in the Christian world and indeed maybe they are sincere believers.  They themselves may have been deceived.  I want to point out right now, not all deceivers are from the far left, progressive, woke, cancel-culture side of things.  Obviously some are from the conservative and supposedly Christian side.
You can’t just depend on others to tell you what to believe and how to act.  You have to discern yourself, to seek the Lord’s guidance.  This is where being filled with and baptized in the Holy Spirit is such a great help.  The Holy Spirit will guide you in all truth.  He will show you the right path if you are open to him and willing to let him do so, if you will just spend sufficient time with the Lord to hear.
Today I just saw an email from another follower of our ministry. They were concerned about my reporting in a recent Watchman Warning that virtually all the people in the hospitals today for covid are unvaccinated people.  They said I should stop looking at the media.  Evidently they thought I was being misled. 
But you too should know if you pay attention to the hard facts, the statistics, that this is indeed true.  Everywhere now from numerous sources - such as government and university groups that keep such records to newspapers and local television stations  to just plain good old local doctors - this truth is known.  The overwhelming number of persons in the hospitals and dying with covid are those that have not been vaccinated.
I know many people from various backgrounds for various reasons were and are greatly concerned about this vaccine – some thought it not tested enough, some for the fear that comes from their ancestors having been used unknowingly in a medical test decades ago, some others believing that those behind the vaccine were part of a conspiracy.  I know that even some people in the medical field have not had the vaccine.
But all this does not change the fact that those sick enough from covid to be in hospitals and those dying of the covid virus are almost entirely unvaccinated people. 
Don’t be deceived.  Deception can come from the conservative side and indeed from some in the “Christian” community too, as I just described above.  It is up to you to decide what to believe and how to go forward.  So many individuals don’t want to have to figure things out, to discern for themselves.  God is here to help you in that, but you have to take the steps, spend the time, do the research.  Or at the least find persons and authorities you truly know are serious believers that God guides you too.  Be suspicious and check out anyone with unusual, unorthodox theories.  Maybe one will be true.  Maybe a lot will not.
Right now our nation is going through the throes of a complete catastrophe in Afghanistan. The management of the withdrawal has been a nightmare.  Taking out the military before removing the American citizens and the Afghans who had worked with the Americans is almost unfathomable, yet that is what the current American government did.  And in doing so, it showed the world and our giant adversaries on earth like China and Russia and others, just how confused and apparently incompetent the leadership of America now is.
The behavior of our current president has led many to question just who is running things in the government.  Whoever it is is not doing a good job.  One Washington official just declared he wants to know who is behind the curtain. I’m sure we all would like to.
In any event, this administration and whoever is behind it have indeed sought to deceive the American people with the health and abilities of the current president, but that deception is becoming more evident.  What will happen next in the government?  That I don’t know.  Maybe nothing.  But you yourself must seek not to be deceived.  Live with the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
That’s enough for now.  Obviously we are in the midst of the last days.  Obviously deception is everywhere.   
And obviously so many things are happening.  Jesus warned of nation against nation, of earthquakes and pestilence and storms and fearful things and on and on.  Well, we are in the midst of this.
In all things keep your eyes on Jesus.  Use the gifts of the Spirit, especially the gift of discernment, to see and understand the truth in situations.  And if you don’t have the Holy Spirit or know what I am talking about, find some spirit filled Christian to pray for you to receive and be baptized with the Holy Spirit. 
                                                                                                               August 2021
                                                                                                               Copyright © 2021 by John Newlin
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