Saturday, July 31, 2021



Watch out that you are not deceived. – Luke 21:8
…many false prophets will appear and deceive many people. – Matthew 24:11
These warnings above are words spoken by Jesus Christ!  Words of warning to you and to me, for right now, the time we are living in, the last days before the return of Jesus Christ.  We are living in a time of deception and false prophets. 
Again, like a repeat of a bad television program, we are seeing more frightening and controlling behavior from the increasingly autocratic group that now runs this country and society.  As I write this the CDC and various other branches of government are moving forward with recommending and imposing mask mandates, even though a large portion of society now has the vaccines, even though the death rate from covid is still now a small fraction of what it was a few months ago and is many times less than major diseases like heart disease and cancer. 
These people who have taken over the national government and many of the so-called progressive states and cities, are moving once again to apparently further subjugate the American people.  You should have noticed in the news the last few days this growing pressure to put into place again a mask mandate on the people, including those who are vaccinated.  Some places have already done that.
The stated reason has to do with the Delta variant and that people unvaccinated are at real risk.  But as I just noted the level of impact of covid in the USA now is really low, even including this variant.  And indeed all the people who have been vaccinated now are highly protected against this disease.  Even if they were to catch it – and there is a low chance – they would in all probability just have a mild case. 
This current sudden increase in covid cases is evidently due to the more contagious delta variant being caught by those unvaccinated, primarily in five states where the vaccination rate is low indeed.  The overwhelming number of persons in hospitals or dying from covid these days are unvaccinated people.
Covid is a serious deadly disease but it is just not a great risk in America any longer.  Yes, it is still true, people with preexisting conditions, older senior citizens, seriously overweight persons, all these especially if they don’t have the vaccination are at risk of problems if they catch the disease.  But not the bulk of the population.  Covid has almost become just another risk of life today, like heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s, car accidents, and violent assault and other crime.
Regardless of what you think of the vaccination, and there are many opinions on this, it is clear that it has had a dramatic impact in stopping and slowing down the disease. 
There is no obvious reason for vaccinated people to suddenly have to wear masks, other than that the current autocratic leaders are getting concerned the people are speaking up more and more objecting to their policies – objecting very visibly and vocally to things like critical race theory being taught in the schools and in the military, the extraordinary rise in crime, and inane requirements that children wear masks in school. 
So one way to slow down this growing opposition to the far-out policies of the progressive/woke/cancel culture gang is for them to impose mask restrictions.  Certainly we all just lived through a period where it was obvious that wearing masks, not seeing each other’s faces or frowns or smiles, along with the social distancing and other measures led to really muting society, diminishing open expression, reducing the joy of life for so many.  
We are having in America a real growth of dictatorial types who want to tell people how to live and how to run the country.  They are far afield from those who struggled to bring about the greatest free country on earth.  They have no understanding that there is no way ever to legislate true equality of status, income, jobs, talent, abilities, etc.  But we can provide equality of opportunities, and America has done that better than any society in the history of the world for many years.
These people who consistently want to tell all of us how to live according to their human rules are quite apparently just not godly people.  That is obvious from their views, from their vocabularies, from their actions.  Sadly, today America is a land with many ungodly people in the top positions of government and business and media and entertainment.  And sadly, many who should be boldly standing up for the Lord, for the gospel, for God in our world are meek and mum and staying away from the fight.  Many church pastors do not teach we are near the end of the age and near the Lord’s return nor do they teach the full gospel.
The country and world are full of people living and acting like sheep, obeying whatever the increasingly autocratic rulers dictate.  But there is one group of sheep that has the Lord as their leader.  They hear his voice.  It is time for this group - the Lord’s sheep - to behave like the Lord’s followers, like they have faith.  They must stand up for him in every situation in which they find themselves and as guided by the Holy Spirit.  That is tough to be sure but it is their role. 
The only reason the Lord has not come yet to collect his sheep must be that a few of his elect – those God chose to be in him before the creation of the world - have not yet heard clearly of the gospel and the Lord.  Hard to believe I know.  Likely just a few.  But if all had heard, I expect Jesus would already have been here. 
So we keep telling others and sharing as we can and as there are opportunities.  And we await the Lord’s imminent return alert, eyes wide open, ready, never misled by the deceived and lost souls running the country and many other governments and entities.
Read the scriptures at the top again! And Watch!
                                                                                           JULY 2021
                                                                                           Copyright © 2021 by John Newlin
PLEASE:  Forward or copy or print and send copies of this to whomever you would. 
All contributions to John Newlin Ministries, Inc. – whether money or material goods or stocks or bonds – are tax deductible.  John Newlin Ministries, Inc. is a 501 © 3 nonprofit corporation.
To get copies of our book WAKE UP AMERICA!:
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P O Box 1038, Cary, NC 27512        910 395 1465




Tuesday, July 20, 2021


When I sit down to write I always want to write on Jesus and the fullness of who he is and who we are in him.  But then I look around at the world and all that is happening and how close we are to the Lord’s return, and I get concerned so many can’t discern what is happening and don’t know these are the last of the last days.  So I am left again with writing to alert all to this dramatic point.

There are two ways of looking at our times and lives today – the spiritual way and the secular way. 
Spiritually, we are in the very last days before the Lord’s return.  No one knows the precise moment, but we do know the season of that return as the Lord said we could.  And that season is now.  All those many prophecies of things to happen before his return that lay dormant for hundreds of years were suddenly fulfilled in recent decades.  Great prophecies, like the return of the nation of Israel, the takeover of Jerusalem by the Jews, the return of the Jews to Israel, and so many more.  Jesus could come at any moment to collect his CHURCH, that group of people who truly believe in him.  It could be moments or months or a few years.  But not many years.  No, the prophecies and the Lord’s words are all true, and have been proved true.  So he is coming very very soon.
Secularly, we are witnessing a real terrifying travesty of events throughout the world.  In the USA, the great world leader whose founding began a move throughout the world to democracy and freedom for individuals in many other nations, events are shocking.  And sadly, so many Americans either do not see or cannot discern the events and seem ok with just going forward.
But there is not going to be a going forward as usual.  Events are well underway to take away basic individual freedoms.  The Bill of Rights, the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence are being trampled.  Amazingly, at the top levels of government we have people now in place who are truly moving the nation to a more autocratic rule, toward a form of American Marxism or communism, toward a true socialist state.  There are leaders in many fields in the US who suddenly no longer care about the founding fathers and the foundations of the country.  And if you are a believer, you can readily discern that the leaders of this terrible movement are not Christians; they are not believers in Jesus Christ. 
Right now people in Cuba boldly are risking their lives to demonstrate against the terrible and pathetically bad Communist government there.  The economy in Cuba is terrible, the government controls it and the lives of the people.  Yet the American government does not back the people in their brave effort, with many officials backing the communist government originally started by Fidel Castro.  At the same time the American government openly allows in all sorts of unchecked people at the southern border, most of whom are just searching for a better economic life, not fleeing communist dictatorship.
All sorts of false issues are being put up by various far left groups in America in the intent to tear down and destroy, to divide the people.  Racism is being thrown out hourly in response to any issue.  They know it is a word guaranteed to excite and disrupt.  Violent groups seem to think any sort of violence is acceptable as we have seen, and in many “far left” led cities there is no serious effort to stop the violence.  Police forces have been cut greatly even though the great majority of Americans in all races want police protection.  One of these militant groups is led by formally trained Marxists.  In one of their early Internet posts of their positions, they made the point they do not think the nuclear family – mom, dad, children – is the way to raise children.
The LGBTQ group is increasingly more violent and threatening.  Let’s be honest – these people are ever pressing for more acceptance by all people.  They want all people to say their lifestyle is all right.  But of course it is not.  It is not acceptable at all to God.  And if you ever look up the statistics such as life expectancy, suicide, and more, you will see it is not working well here in the secular world either.
That group increasingly is militant.  Recently the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus put out a video that sings about “coming for your children.”  And the whole area of pedophilia is moving to ever more acceptance publicly and nationally.
I just read a document by a fellow writer on these times where he talks about hearing the screams and calls of some of the violent demonstrators in this progressive movement as they attacked persons who had views they would not listen to.  He remarked more than once that the screams and calls were like the sounds of wild animals.  Well, they were.  And these people behaving thusly are.  They are under the control of demons, of evil spirits.  This is the devil in action, and he was hearing the wild calls of demons.
All the while most Americans, perhaps even those who recognize all this, sit at home and do nothing.
What does it take for evil to succeed?  For good people to do nothing.
Now, since we know Jesus is coming soon, maybe some of us think why try to counter the horror of all these lost violent and vicious groups.  But shouldn’t we be doing Jesus’ work when he returns to collect his believers?  Remember his question about will he find faith on earth?  Shouldn’t we be ever working to help in God the Father’s leading of people to Jesus?
If you are a true believer, you can discern what is happening.  You do not need to spend time pondering why others around you do not see this, for those who are not believers and who do not have the great guidance of the Holy Spirit just cannot discern.  Some may be upset by the violence or by some bizarre behavior of leaders, but they just can’t grasp all that is happening.  Only those who are born again, born of water and the Spirit, and who are filled with and baptized with the Spirit have the gifts of the Spirit.  And one of those gifts is discernment, the ability to look at a situation and discern the truth.  That is invaluable in these times.  And as Jesus said, the Holy Spirit guides us in all truth and shows us things to come. 
These are the last days.  We are living in days that Jesus compared to the days of Noah and Lot.  The people in those days continued with their daily lives, oblivious to what was happening soon about them.  And suddenly disaster hit them – a flood in Noah’s case and total destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah in Lot’s case.  The terrible behavior we read of people around Lot at the time is certainly in line with the terrible behavior we read of many in our time today.  Jesus warned us point blank of this.    Ideally believers today are ready to go with the Lord while at the same time, hopefully, using all the protections and spiritual tools God has given us to survive in this time and representing the Lord daily in all situations as the Holy Spirit guides.
May God bless each and every one of you and give you peace.  This is not a peaceful or enjoyable time on earth.  It is not a good time.  Only true believers know joy even in the midst of this dangerous mess.
Go forward as you are led and do the work of the Lord.

JULY 2021
Copyright © 2021 by John Newlin
PLEASE:  Forward or copy or print and send copies of this to whomever you would. 
All contributions to John Newlin Ministries, Inc. – whether money or material goods or stocks or bonds – are tax deductible.  John Newlin Ministries, Inc. is a 501 © 3 nonprofit corporation.
To get copies of our book WAKE UP AMERICA!:
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P O Box 1038, Cary, NC 27512        910 395 1465

