Thursday, January 21, 2021



Things are quite confusing for many people today.  Even those who are serious Christians may find discerning the truth challenging.
Below I have a few points I hope will keep us all on an even keel and filled with peace despite all around us.
  1. Foremost, if you do not know whether you have been born again and thus are saved, take care of that first. By yourself or with a serious believer, ask the Lord to be the Lord of your life.  Ask for forgiveness for your sins.  It’s really simple.  Paul himself said if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that Jesus rose from the dead, you have been saved.
  1. USE THE HOLY SPIRIT’S GUIDANCE! - If you do not know if you have the Holy Spirit or have been baptized by the Spirit, follow this step. You need the tangible guidance of the Holy Spirit.  I hear people say they believe they got the Holy Spirit when they accepted Christ, but generally there is no obvious evidence of that.  This is the truth:  Anyone filled with and baptized with the Holy Spirit knows it.  The Spirit is a badge, a guarantee of your salvation.  And he comes with great gifts, such as discernment which helps you determine the truth in situations and speech by others.  Remember, the Holy Spirit leads you in all truth and shows you things to come.  That guidance is spiritual but it is also tangible. If you do not believe you have been filled with/baptized with the Holy Spirit, get some serious born again, Spirit-filled believer to pray with you for that.  Or you can pray yourself seriously for that.
  1. USE THE BIBLE - Realize in your heart the Bible is true and live as if you believe it. Check any guidance or info you receive from others against the Bible.
  1. USE THE WARNINGS OF JESUS - Jesus gave some very specific warnings to his disciples – and thus to us – about these days in which we live.
    • “Watch that you are not deceived” – Surely you see the massive deception all around, in some political leaders, television and other media people, entertainers, preachers, and others. . If you hear something from someone – a minister, someone telling you of things to come, whoever – always check what you hear against what the Bible says.  If it does not fit, then don’t accept it.  I don’t care if the person is famous or not.  Doesn’t matter.  Just because someone is famous does not automatically make what he says true.
    • “False prophets” – Jesus also warned about false prophets in these days. These would be people who say things about our time or the future that are just not true.  Certainly there are so many voices out there that people can easily be misled by all the confusion and statements and supposed prophecies.  You have to really think about what to believe and what to accept.  The Holy Spirit helps you with that.  The Bible helps you with that.  You can also discuss some concerns with friends who are serious believers, but remember – they can be confused or misled too.  Pick them carefully.  This is a difficult time we live in.
    • Jesus also warned there would be people claiming to be the Messiah. Thankfully we aren’t seeing those yet, at least on a major scale.  Just remember, Jesus is not going to be down here on earth walking around visibly and teaching and preaching.  His next big appearance will be coming in the sky to gather his believers.  Then he will be back at the end of the Tribulation to lead his forces in annihilating his enemies at Armageddon.
  1. USE THE BRAIN, the mind that God has given you. You know there are physical laws on earth God set up long ago that remain in force – gravity for example.  You certainly would not step off a cliff expecting to be fine.  Well, you have the knowledge and intelligence to realize that truth.  So why would you put yourself in obviously dangerous positions?  For example, why go out and join an angry mob that is likely to riot.  People as we all know get hurt in mobs.  Or in this time of coronavirus, why go to a gathering of many people who will be close together?  Yes, God can protect you, but he already has given you a mind to make good decisions.  Remember, Jesus declared “Do not put the Lord your God to the test.”
  1. USE GOD’S PROTECTION – Use the tools God has given us and I have written about frequently. And remember all that he has given us regarding health and healing.  Remember further that you in Jesus’ name can cast out demons.  All good advice!!! 
  1. USE GOD’S GUIDANCE - Plan ahead. Ask for guidance from the Lord, from the Father, from the Holy Spirit.  Seek to plan in case things get worse where you live.  Maybe store up some food and water as people did on the coast when we lived there and they were ready for hurricanes.  Maybe think about a place to go if your area suddenly gets really unpleasant.  These are not happy thoughts, but then this is wisdom.
  1. USE THE BIBLE’S WORDS ABOUT JESUS’ RETURN – The Bible is full of information and prophecy about the time of the return of Jesus. Go to the Return of Jesus Resources page on our website to get information on all this.  Read the Bible chapters such as Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21, Zechariah 14, Luke 17:20-37, and more.
I expect the Lord to come really soon based on all that has been fulfilled and on all he has told me over the years.  But I know that does not necessarily mean in the next few days.  It can be a few years too.  And we really don’t know how difficult it can get before he comes.  Indications from his words and those of Paul and others are that it could get pretty difficult.
Remember, James said we can ask God for wisdom and if we do not doubt he will give it to us.  Ask him for the wisdom you need to deal with all that is happening and will happen.  Remember too God said to call out to him and he will show us great and hidden things we do not know.
May God bless you in all things.
  • OUR VIDEOS ON WEBSITE AND YOUTUBE – especially these:
                                KEY POINTS TO HEALING
                                FIGHTING EVIL
                                THE BELIEVER’S AUTHORITY
                                WHAT DID JESUS ACCOMPLISH?
                                THE HOLY SPIRIT
                                SO MANY MORE
    • April 2020 newsletter on protection
    • March 2020 newsletter on healing
    • February 2020 and December 2019 newsletters on Jesus
                                                                                             JANUARY 2021
                                                                                             Copyright © 2021 by John Newlin
[PLEASE:  Forward or copy or print and send copies of this to whomever you would.] 
To get copies of our book WAKE UP AMERICA!:
Order from our ministry - click here:  JNMI
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We will send a copy to your church pastor at no cost if you provide us their name and mailing address.

All contributions to John Newlin Ministries, Inc. – whether money or material goods or stocks or bonds – are tax deductible.  John Newlin Ministries, Inc. is a 501 © 3 nonprofit corporation.


P O Box 1038, Cary, NC 27512        910 395 1465




Monday, January 11, 2021


The key to life has always been Jesus Christ and your relationship to him. 

 Today we must not forget that but rather double down on our intense focus on him.  His advice to me so many years ago to keep my eyes on him is surely the great advice for all believers today.
I know all believers who love America, the constitution, the founding fathers and what they created here, and the amazing impact of America on the world these past 200 + years are greatly distressed today.  I hear from my sister that her friends are walking around in a stupor. Well, that is probably not unlike many today.  Why a stupor?  Because they just don’t know what to do.  It appears – and more than appears – that ungodly forces have captured the government of the country, the media, and leadership of the hi-tech giants and other business giants.  In such an environment, how are those who keep their eyes on Jesus, seek to follow the life the Lord intended for us, and admire the Constitution to keep going?
The answer is the first statement.  They keep their eyes on Jesus.
These are the last days of this age before the return of the Lord first to collect his believers and then at the end of the seven-year Tribulation to vanquish his enemies and set up Kingdom rule from Jerusalem.  How many times have I written of this?  Sometimes I am concerned that you all must tire of my writing, but then I am reminded again that the great majority of Americans and people of the world still do not know the Lord is returning very very soon.  Even worse, the great majority do not know him and thus are not going with him when he comes.
So I write over and over about various aspects of his return and our time.
If you get disturbed, and I know you are, just remember the great behaviors prophesied in the Bible by Jesus, Paul, and others for this time.  Deception.  Delusion.  Falling away from God.  Rise in lawlessness.  And so much more. 
That is a good description of the world we live in, isn’t it?
And sadly look at the great number of churches and pastors who do not preach on any of this.  They still seek to say things that will keep their congregations, or sound good to people’s ears.  The Bible warned of that too.  Even quite a number of well-known preachers are guilty of this.
Jesus described our churches today when he wrote seven letters to various churches in the first chapters of Revelation.  In particular, the church in Laodicea seems to be today’s popular church type – neither hot nor cold.  Jesus said he would spit them out.
May God forgive all of us for not doing more to get his word out to others, for not warning others more.
I do know that quite a few of you resend out ministry emails to others, to your own lists.  And some of you print them out and give them to others.  May God bless you greatly for doing this.  To the extent you can, speak to others about the Lord, about the gospel, about his return.  Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you in all this and specifically to set up appropriate encounters with others so they will be open to hear.
Some people give others our WAKE UP AMERICA! book.  One woman called the office last week to order more.  Summarizing what she said, she made the point that recent events all have created an environment where others are confused, upset, and now hopefully open to hear the news of Jesus and his return.  She wasn’t talking about confused believers.  She was talking about other people in general!
I encourage you to follow her example in speaking to others that you suddenly realize the Lord has put in your path.  And get copies of our book to give to others.  Sometimes people who will barely listen to you talk will take a book to read at home by themselves.  WAKE UP AMERICA!  is a pretty good title for now you must admit.  God gave me that title 27 years ago.  And the subtitle makes the point of what is soon to happen very clear:  JESUS IS COMING SOON.
I agree with the person who called and spoke about people and their receptivity.  In fact I think her calling was a message from God for me.  And so for the next two months we will make this book available to all for the very low price of $10 a copy, taxes and shipping included, no matter how many you order, one or a hundred.  To get this price you must call the office to place your order or print out and mail in the attached order form.  Our website and Amazon will not have this lower price and will continue to list the book at the full higher price.  Please take advantage of this offer.  Neither you nor I want to have to answer why we didn’t do more in this time or anytime.
I repeat one more time:  These are the last days.  Prophecies have been fulfilled and are being fulfilled right in front of our eyes.  Large numbers of lost and seemingly ungodly people occupy key positions in the government and media and in business leadership.  Their decisions are hardly ones you and I would make. This is truly a dark time for America and the world.  But then, Jesus is Jesus.  God is God.  And things done in darkness will be made known in the light.  Jesus’ people are heading to a far different future than the mass of those you see around you.  Help others to join you in that future.
                                                                                               JANUARY 2021
                                                                                               Copyright © 2021 by John Newlin
[PLEASE:  Forward or copy or print and send copies of this to whomever you would.] 


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This offer is good through February 28, 2021.






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