Quick bold points taken from the world around that make the case of where we are in time. There are lots of things we have said and could say about the imminent return of Jesus, but you might use these points below taken right out of the daily news to get the attention of some who have so far been asleep or are not alert to what is happening.
Just from this list alone it is very apparent something very big is about to happen.
- Reported from Israel: top rabbis are afraid to leave the country because they do not want to miss the coming of the Messiah (Israel Today).
- One very top Israeli rabbi has pointedly just said the Messiah is coming soon and that he has been in communication with the Messiah (Breaking Israeli News; Israel Today).
- In Brazil a gigantic Christian meeting referred to as the Send Conference was recently held in three stadiums – 140,000 attending in all. Note the name: Tens of thousands there adopted various mission fields. I’ve heard the number was 70,000. Sending forth of believers to the world. Think that might be part of the last days effort of God to get the people into his Kingdom that have not yet come to Jesus, those elect who haven’t yet realized who they are? (Fox News)
- Billions of locusts have been ravaging East Africa. Now there are similar reports of locusts moving into Yemen, Pakistan, Iran, India, and even China. (CBN)
- Coronavirus – a potential pestilence and all that entails, and other disasters like multiple earthquakes are the stuff of our daily world news. You may not see the reports of the earthquakes, but they are always indeed happening. There are daily many many small earthquakes in the world. But in just the last month there have been several major ones, like the one Sunday in Turkey and Iran, the one earlier in the month in Japan, the one between Cuba and Jamaica that even provoked evacuations in Miami, one in the Solomon Islands, and another in Turkey. All of this is in line with prophecies of the last days.
- The serious effort to get a real peace plan signed between Israel and the Palestinians continues. Obviously this has not yet happened, but the “deal of the century” recently put forward by the US government and surprisingly favorably received by some Arab nations is a clear indication we are getting close. Looking at Daniel 9:27 and Ezekiel 38-39, the plan the Israelites sign must evidently give them a sense of true peace since they move to living in unwalled villages - e.g., no protection. (The signing of an agreement which accomplishes this will be the final straw, and the Tribulation will begin.)
(February 2020)
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