Wednesday, May 31, 2017


It was late at night a couple years ago, and Cathy and I were driving back from a visit to an off-shore island on the East Coast.  We were far away but hoped to make it home rather than have to spend the night somewhere.

We had crossed over a large sound and were on the mainland, driving through some heavily wooded and swampy area, heading directly westward.  Almost no other cars were on the road.  It was a sparsely crowded area.  We just drove and drove.  I looked at the GPS and the map.  I had realized we would eventually intersect with a smaller highway, not an interstate but an old highway that would go south winding its way through countless little towns.  It would be heading south, the right direction, and it would save an hour or two of driving to get to the nearest interstate heading south.
Cathy and I talked about the merits of turning onto the smaller highway.  She wasn’t sure it was a good idea, but I thought it a good way that might save time and would get us heading in the right direction.  We discussed it and drove along.  Eventually we approached the intersection where we would have to turn off to get onto that highway.  We decided to go ahead and take the small highway.  So at the proper exit Cathy turned right up the exit ramp and followed the signs that eventually led to going south on the smaller highway.  So now we drove along, quiet and peaceful that we had made the turn and were on the way south.

Time passed uneventfully.  Maybe a half hour.  Nothing of note and nothing of interest.  It was very dark.  Then I saw a sign.  It mentioned a small city and said sixty miles.  I saw it.   And then suddenly realized …why that city?  We are going south on the small highway.  That city was much further west on the original route!  Why was that sign even there?  I looked up at the compass on the car.  WEST!  It said we were going west!  But we had exited the original route and had turned south onto the smaller highway.  We had been driving many miles since.  I checked again.  I checked the GPS.  I saw more signs.  We were indeed heading west.  We were on the original road!  We were still driving on the original road we had been on before turning off, and we were going west, now much nearer the big interstate. 

Cathy and I were quiet.  You could hear our breath.  Finally one of us made the obvious observation.  “I guess God did not want us to go on that smaller highway.”  For whatever reason we may never know, he did not want us there.  We continued on to the interstate, took it, and eventually got home.

God had not let us turn off to the smaller highway.  We got home safely.  Would we have had a problem, an accident, run into something dangerous, if we had driven on the smaller southbound highway?  Maybe.   Something for sure.  But physically, even though we had turned off on the exit and had driven onto the small highway going south, we were not on it.  God did not let it happen.  Another miracle. 

Years before at a meeting at a university someone praying over me had prophesied miracles would follow me always and that I would not even see them unless I looked back.  That’s pretty much the way it has been.  Sometimes the wonders and miracles are clear and understood.  Sometimes, as in the case of this journey home, I just realize God had better plans for us and he made sure we didn’t get on the wrong route.  He does things like that.  How?  Who knows?  He is God.

                                                                                        Copyright © 2017 by John Newlin

[NOTE:  This article may and should be copied, printed, or forwarded by email to others so long as it is copied, printed, or forwarded in its entirety with appropriate attributions included (including the copyright and the ministry contact information).  It may also be quoted in part as long as appropriate attributions are given.  We in fact encourage you to do all this and to give printed copies to those who you know would benefit and do not have access to computers.]                     

Keep Your Eyes on Jesus!

P. O. Box 15797, Wilmington, NC 28408       910 395 1465


Friday, May 19, 2017


The cosmic battle between good and evil has reached epic proportions in our day.  What we see being played out in our world, in our nation and throughout the planet, is but the local physical manifestation of a gigantic struggle in the spiritual realm.

Good.  And evil.

Our battle, the battle of those in the good camp, is not really against flesh and blood but against all those various hierarchies in the spiritual realm who are in the evil camp.  In Pauls’ words in Ephesians 6:12… we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.  These are all ranks and positions in the evil spiritual world.  But of course the physical manifestation of that battle is most assuredly physical as well.

Good.   What is good?  For our purposes, for our understanding, it is all those who ascribe to the values and standards and commandments of God himself.  That is the good side.  Evil therefore is obviously all those who do not, knowingly or not.

Suddenly, shockingly in our day, we are now confronting a large number, a great number we had not heretofore recognized as so obviously in the evil camp.  For earlier decades in the lives of people living today, evil was apparent in violent crimes, in the behavior of a certain few national governments that were so antagonistic to a peaceful world, and on a more personal basis in the more private inner struggle of individuals not to sin, not to give in to impulses that obviously are wrong.

But we had not yet recognized the mammoth scope of evil on earth.  Now that is apparent.
The evil side has always been led by a cunning being who is sophisticated in his presentation.  He uses deception above all else in his leadership, and appears himself at times as an angel of light.  He leads people astray, people who do not know the truth, who do not have the rock solid foundation of God deep in their hearts and souls.  He is a murderer and has been from the beginning.

Yes, we are frightened and troubled by the highly violent without limit terrorist organizations in the world.  That is readily apparent evil.

But what I focus on here is the giant evil movement that has now become public in America and in other lands.  It has captured a mass of the population.  Half?  Who knows?  Maybe.

Of all the scriptures that fit our time, the one in 2 Corinthians 4:4 that the god of this world [the devil] has blinded the minds of unbelievers is the most accurate and to the point.

In past years we could conveniently ignore that many around us - including many who go to traditional Sunday church services - really did not know the Bible and did not know Jesus, did not know God.  We as a nation went forward under some general understandings of a set of civil values that enabled at least on the surface a somewhat harmonious discourse and relationship among the people.

That was always a false bubble of course, but the nation continued on in it.

Now, in these last days, the bubble is gone.  We see that thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions of people are so apparently deluded.  Their minds do not work as ours.  They do not see the truths in situations that we believers see.  They take stands and espouse positions that to us are insane at the core and dangerous to the very existence of our society and nation.

Yes, that is what is going on and has happened dear believers.  The devil has blinded the minds of the unbelievers.  And there were always and are now a lot more unbelievers around than you had thought.  They make up the majority of the nation and world.

These massive groups of people – political groups, social groups, groups of young people, most of the media, most of the entertainment world, large numbers of the religious world – that are so irrationally vocal and virulent, that is the evil side.  They cannot see the truth because they don’t know nor recognize the truth.  They don’t know because they truly don’t know.

Right to our face, right from the TV screen or the Internet or the newspaper or in public meetings or on university campuses they say and shout things we know are a hundred percent wrong and dangerous and harmful, evenly blindly stupid.  Yet they cannot see.

These are the physical manifestation of the efforts of the evil one to move to that one-world government for which he has labored for so long.  In past centuries he has at times gotten far in building this only to be turned back – in the days of Rome, in nazi Germany in the last century, in the communist Soviet Union under Stalin, in isolated pockets such as Cambodia in the last century, in parts of the arab muslim terrorist world.  But now with all the benefits of modern electronics and communications he has reached much further – in Europe, in America, and elsewhere.  He is oh so close, and he knows that.  The serious powerful human leaders of this movement that rarely if ever are public have been pulling strings and developing organizations for this purpose for centuries.  They and their leader can taste the prize.  It is close.

But suddenly in just the last couple years there was pushback, maybe a final pushback, from the remnant of God’s people and their impact on those still not overcome by the evil one.  In Britain, then the US, and perhaps elsewhere, pushback.  An effort to stop the tide to this controlling worldwide bureaucratic, evil government.  And that effort has infuriated and enraged the evil one and all those millions in his camp.  It has pushed them over the edge.  No longer are they concerned with maintaining the charade of civility and harmony.  No longer do they want to appear as part of a larger peaceful society.  No.  It is full steam ahead no matter what.  Destroy any effort to the contrary, and any people in the way.  They appear insane in their views and words and actions.  They are, evil and apparently insane under the influence of the evil one.  They are lost.

And that is happening and it is going on.  It is terrifying and it is in front of our faces and it is rolling.

This last great push of the evil side and its leader will result in some form of one-world government, whether it ever really gets completely to that point or not.  It will result in the maniacal leadership of the anti-christ and his false prophet.  And they and it will be destroyed in short order.

One day the anti-christ will be revealed, the Lord will collect his believers, the seven year Tribulation will occur with God’s judgement on the world playing out and ending in the final battle at Armageddon, the establishment of Kingdom rule from Jerusalem, and the move into another era.

And what is our role?  To clearly recognize the times we are living in.  To utilize the gifts God has given us to discern the truth in every situation.  To keep our eyes fixed on the Lord, on Jesus.  To represent the Lord and tell others about the Lord every opportunity as the Holy Spirit guides.  To watch, to be alert.  And to realize that the days of this current world and American society are numbered and dwindling rapidly, like sand through an hourglass.

Keep Your Eyes on Jesus!

                                                                                                            (May 2017)
                                                                                                            Copyright © 2017 by John Newlin

[NOTE:  This article may and should be copied, printed, or forwarded by email to others so long as it is copied, printed, or forwarded in its entirety with appropriate attributions included (including the copyright and the ministry contact information).  It may also be quoted in part as long as appropriate attributions are given.  We in fact encourage you to do all this and to give printed copies to those who you know would benefit and do not have access to computers.]

P. O. Box 15797, Wilmington, NC 28408       910 395 1465          

Wednesday, May 17, 2017


A few years ago I was sitting in a church chapel while another man led a healing service.  A woman came to the front for healing.  She had a large lump in her thigh, a tumor the size of an orange.  Her sister had died from a similar such tumor.
The man put his hand on the tumor, and I got up, walked to the woman, and put my hand on top of his hand on the tumor.  We then spoke healing words over this and in Jesus' name ordered the lump to be gone. 
A couple days later my telephone in the office rang. It was the church secretary.  They had been trying to reach me.  The woman had called the church to report what had happened.
After leaving the chapel service she had gone to see her doctor.  He could not find the lump!  So he sent her to the hospital for an MRI.  That procedure confirmed it: the lump was gone!
Vanished!  She had been instantly healed!!!
There is even an interesting addition to this wonderful event.  Some years later a woman and her husband came to our office for healing prayer for the husband.  While there she said she believed in healing, that some time back she had had a lump in her thigh and she had gone to a service and she then proceeded to repeat what I just wrote above. 
I told her, "I was there.  That was me, along with the other man." 
She rightfully did not even remember who I was, for it was Jesus who had healed her so long ago, and she had just received it that day.  It is always Jesus.  By his stripes, we are healed and made whole.

                                                                     Copyright © 2017 by John Newlin

[NOTE:  This article may and should be copied, printed, or forwarded by email to others so long as it is copied, printed, or forwarded in its entirety with appropriate attributions included (including the copyright and the ministry contact information).  It may also be quoted in part as long as appropriate attributions are given.  We in fact encourage you to do all this and to give printed copies to those who you know would benefit and do not have access to computers.]                     
Keep Your Eyes on Jesus!
P. O. Box 15797, Wilmington, NC 28408       910 395 1465
