Monday, October 26, 2015


So many are so easily distracted.  It was thus with the ancient Israelites.

Do you remember how about 3500 years ago Moses led the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt and into their long trek to the Promised Land, to Israel?  Of course, it was really God who was leading them out through Moses.  God did great wonders right in front of their faces on this journey.  Remember the parting of the sea so they could escape from pharaoh and his chariots and soldiers?  Remember the water that came out of the rock?  The food, the manna, from heaven?  Remember the encounter with God on the mountain, where Moses received the law?

All these Israelites saw this great escape, these great wonders.  Yet when they soon came to the Promised Land, their faith, their belief, evaporated.  Moses picked one man from each tribe, and these went as spies into the Promised Land.  When they returned ten of these brought reports filled with fear, reports of how the Israelites couldn’t overcome the giants of the land.  And the Israelites were filled with fear.  They moaned and complained about being there, about their state.  Only Joshua and Caleb had faith and knew God would make it all happen, that they could be victorious in the new land.

And because of the disbelief and fear of the ten and then the entire population, God sent the Israelites back to roam in the desert for forty years until all the adults who had been present at that time of the terrible behavior and disbelief had died out (all except Joshua and Caleb).  Only then could Joshua lead the now grown children and their children back into the Promised Land, into the physical place of rest.  Only then.

And now we are here, at the very time so long talked about and wondered about by all those great believers and prophets and writers and preachers who have preceded us.  We are living in the days of the return of the Lord.  Now.  Of course we do not know the specific day or hour, but we surely can recognize the season and we know it is now.  Jesus told us signs to look for, and we have seen them.  We have seen the fulfillment of so many Biblical prophecies, that fulfillment only beginning in earnest really in the last century and continuing up to today. 

Now we are confronted with a multitude of disturbing things in our home areas and in the world at large.  Terrible violence.  Frightening “monsters” of evil operating.  Deception in so many places.  An abundance of people who cannot discern truth from falsehood.  And all of us who are born anew, who have been filled with and baptized with the Holy Spirit, look with shock and anguish at all of this.  We are so distressed by the multitude of those who call good evil and evil good, who in fact cannot tell the difference between truth and falsehood, who obviously cannot distinguish when people are lying to them.  We watch with shock as those around us at work or in the family or neighborhood or wherever, readily believe words and ideas and plans spoken on television or written on the Internet that we immediately see are false.  How do we so recognize that?  Because we have the guidance of the Holy Spirit, the gift of discernment.  People who do not cannot see.

The Bible clearly says the god of this world (the devil) has blinded the minds of unbelievers (2 Corinthians 4:4).  They cannot see the truths of the gospel.  And in fact it has become abundantly clear, they cannot see and recognize truth from falsehood in any walk of life.  They are lost.  And they are the majority of people in our society and on earth today.  So many.  What is especially disturbing is that this group not only is made up of total nonbelievers but also includes many who attend church on a regular basis but have never been born of water and the spirit, as Jesus said to Nicodemus.  They can’t see either.

But you, you can.  And because you can, it is essential you continue to keep your eyes on Jesus.  Stay focused spiritually.  Certainly take whatever steps are wise to protect yourself and your family in this world.  But at all times keep your eyes on the Lord.  He is coming soon.  The prophesied events of the end times have been unfolding right before our eyes.  We see that right now in the rearrangement of alliances among the world’s countries, in the coming together of nations who are involved in end times wars, in the atrocious behavior of certain radical groups and individuals, and in the gigantic moral fall of the people in the country. 

Years ago God told me a parable.  He said that when a person does a small thing, and he does it over and over, and I do not pay attention, soon I will not notice it at all.  That is what has happened in America.  Individuals and groups who surely are not believers have chipped away on so many fronts against the moral and constitutional structure of the country, and as this chipping persisted, people just didn’t pay serious attention.  And now, kaboom.  The moral structure of society, even the basic concept of government and the constitution, has been horribly damaged.

But again, you know the truth, you know the Lord.  His return to collect his followers is imminent. And then the terrible tribulation period will begin for those left behind.  In these final days, months, and possibly even years before that happens we will find living here increasingly difficult, as recent months have already shown.

Every day pray that God will orchestrate your day.  Ask the Holy Spirit to arrange whatever encounters the Lord would have you have, that he would soften the hearts of those you might speak with about the Lord.  Ask the Lord to bring glory to himself and the Father through you.  And go forward, having put on the full armor of God and having prepared yourself for the day.  Believers must step out, must be out there professing the Lord and standing up for Jesus wherever the Holy Spirit leads.  There are still people God would lead to Jesus.  He never stops, and we cannot either.

1 Peter 4:7 
Luke 21:8                 

Keep Your Eyes on Jesus!


                                                                                                                                   (October 2015)
                                                                                           Copyright © 2015 by John Newlin Ministries, Inc.

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