Monday, August 24, 2015


We are about to enter the month of September.  Much has been written and said about all the extraordinary events to happen this month,  We ourselves have written at least twice on this, focusing on the specific  Jewish Holy Days scheduled long ago by God (in Leviticus, Exodus, Numbers) – Trumpets, Yom Kippur, and the Feast of Tabernacles.  And we have written about two lesser known events also from scripture that occur in September – the completion of the seven year period known as the shemitah and the beginning of the Jubilee year which occurs every 50 years.  And lastly we have written of specific astronomical events as well as major scheduled events planned by the world’s governments in September. 

That is a lot.  I do want you to know that there is even more we could have written about.  The Internet is full of rumors and accounts, and some seem to have a grain of truth and should not be entirely discounted.  But for us, let’s focus on those from the Bible, from God’s guidance, and the very concrete visible things referred to above.

What does all this mean?  It means that September is a very unusual month.  It means that a plethora of events worthy of notice are happening all in a short period.
I am reminded of the scripture I quote so often, Luke 21:36, Jesus’ own words to us about this time period:  “Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.” (KJV)

Yes, we must be alert.  As of now I have not received any more specific guidance from the Lord, and I do not know that anyone else has either.  But as you know from all our writings of the past few years, so many prophecies of events to happen before the Lord returns have happened.  In fact, nothing has to happen before he comes to collect his believers. 

The world is clearly spinning more and more out of control.  In America the visible society continues to fall precipitously; the government in all its branches does not seem capable of acting wisely and apparently does not know what to do in many situations.  Violence is increasing rapidly in many areas, a subject generally hidden from view but impossible to conceal.  The United States has stepped off a moral cliff and fallen away from God with its actions in recent years, as we have documented in recent newsletters and other writings.

Yes, I do expect some type of awakening, or revival, before the true end of the age and the beginning of the millennium.  But when that happens or how, I do not know.  It appears from efforts and events in recent years that much of the American populace cannot so far be awakened spiritually, despite the efforts of some well-meaning and serious believers and evangelists.  So many people seem oblivious to what is happening.  In some other areas of the world there are what appear to be real revivals going on, and we should pray that happens here.

Some positive signs are that a few of the traditional churches seem to be opening up a tiny bit to the Holy Spirit, that I continue to meet born again spirit filled pastors God has called and assigned to a specific purpose, and that the so-called middle America has surely waked up to the fact they do not like what is happening in the country.  I just do not think they have waked up to where we are in God’s time and how serious the current situation is.

My thought is that whether something dramatic happens in September or shortly thereafter – whether in the economy or something of a natural nature – we are right at the end of the whole birth pains period, to use the words of the Lord.  When deception reared its head so dramatically these past few years throughout all society we had clearly stepped deeper into the end times.  I think now we are about to step again much deeper into the end times period, whatever happens.

So be alert.  Be prepared.  Those of us who live near the coast are always alert to the weather and always have in the back of the minds some thought of escape, of preparation.  You all should be like that.

Please let us go forward keeping our eyes on the Lord, trusting always in him, expecting to be guided clearly by him, by the Holy Spirit.  Listen and pay attention, every day, every hour.  Live expectantly.  Be alert to daily encounters, for the Lord will orchestrate such encounters.  Think of every encounter as a possible situation the Lord has put you in.  But also be alert that there is always the possibility of deception by the evil one.

Phew!  Though times.  Well, the Lord never said it would be easy.  There is nothing easy about being a true born-again, spirit-filled believer in Jesus Christ.  There is peace in knowing he will never lose us, that we will be with him forever.  But life on this planet is not easy.  The evil one sees to that.  You know the truths I have taught about protecting yourself and your family.  Use that.  Watch our videos on the web site about Fighting Evil.  Get our CD on that.

Be blessed, dear friends, and stay focused on the Lord.

NOTE:  We have an enormous amount of material on the web and available otherwise about these subjects.  Included are these items:

Web site
  • Watch all our television programs/ videos about the return (also on YOUTUBE).
  • Request our CDs about the return or other subjects.
  • Read all the monthly newsletters written about the return.  Here they are.  You can find them by clicking on the newsletter archives section in the menu column.
2015: every month
2014: November, September, August, July, May, April
2013: August, July, May, March, January
2012: November, October, September, February
2011: January
2010: December, October, August, July, April
2009: November, July, June, May, January
2008: December, November, September, August, May
2007: October, July/August
2005: July/August 

John’s blog
  • Read articles on these subjects and others.  You can type the subject you are interested in, such as Jesus return or End Times or something else in the blank at the top of the first blog page and search for all articles on this subject.  You can even sort by date or relevance.  There are many on all aspects of the Lord’s return.  This blog also includes all of our Sign of the Times and Watchman Warning articles.  (You can get to the blog by clicking on John’s blog in the menu column on the web site home page.  Or just go directly there by going to

Twitter – Look through all our past Tweets.  This won’t take long.  Tweets are short!

Keep Your Eyes on Jesus!

                                                                                                                                         (August 2015)
                                                                                                                      Copyright © 2015 by John Newlin

[NOTE:  This article may and should be copied, printed, or forwarded by email to others so long as it is copied, printed, or forwarded in its entirety with the appropriate attributions included.  We in fact encourage you to do so and especially to give printed copies to those who you know would benefit and do not have access to computers.]

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