“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.” (Dietrich Bonhoeffer)
The famous German pastor killed by the Nazi government in WWII wrote this many years ago. It applied directly to what he was seeing around him. And its truth applies to us today.
I would suggest all believers in the Lord will have ample opportunity to deal with this observation in these last days and to decide whether they are going to be silent or to speak out and act.
Evil abounds in our society. The movement to the one-world government is going ahead full steam. What do you think this global warming movement is all about? Yes, I know, naïve and confused people – especially young college students – are ardent about the subject. But the fact remains it is an effort to bring the world under one government. And much more. At the recent meeting in Egypt of world leaders on this subject, the issue of population again came up. Some of these leaders and other elite firmly believe there are too many people in the world. Terrifying. These are terrifying leaders. The World Economic Forum which is so at the front of this movement is terrifying. The UN is terrifying.
At least, all these should be terrifying to all believers who realize what they are doing and where this is heading.
Sadly, most people on earth haven’t got a clue.
Many millions in the US just elected or reelected persons fully supporting this movement, whether they realize that or not. They reelected persons fully behind the terrible policies of the transgender movement, including all that is being taught and brought before children in public schools. They reelected persons who fully back the LGBTQ movement, although this lifestyle is anathema to God.
They reelected persons who back the recent government actions that are destroying the American economy and society.
They reelected persons who are ok with violent criminals being released back on the streets and thus the soaring crime rate in many large cities.
They haven’t got a clue.
In the last days so many are deceived. And to those who refuse to accept the truth (of the gospel, of Jesus), God sends a spirit of delusion. These people thus eventually are lost people. I fear many we see and hear doing such irrational things and speaking and backing such bizarre and irrational and harmful actions are just those people.
So how are you going to live and act these remaining days before Jesus comes?
Are you going to be out there seeking to do what you can to help God the Father draw others to Jesus, always with the guidance of the Holy Spirit?
Are you going to stand up for Jesus wherever and whenever needed? You never know when the moment will be that suddenly the Lord is being trashed and dumped on and you are the only one in the room who knows him and can speak up or act in opposition to all that. You need to decide now how you are going to act and what you are going to do.
Remember Matthew 10:32-33:
“Therefore whoever confesses Me before men, him I will also confess before My Father who is in heaven. But whoever denies Me before men, him I will also deny before My Father who is in heaven.
Obviously in all your words and actions you must be guided by the Holy Spirit. So pray about all this. Every day ask the Holy Spirit to orchestrate your day, to arrange all the encounters he would have you have. Ask for more and more wisdom in representing Jesus in every situation.
Silence in the face of evil is evil. We don’t need Dietrich Bonhoeffer to tell us that.
November 2022
Copyright © 2022 by John Newlin
NOTE: Please forward copies of this to whomever you would.
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