If you are a born again, spirit-filled believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, you know this. And even if you are not, there is a good chance you have realized this truth:
The current leaders of America and other countries too haven’t got a clue as to what is going on today. They look at everything through political lenses and so very often take steps and actions that are irrational, harmful, spiteful, evil. They don’t understand the end results of their actions, or if they do they just are malicious.
Most certainly, they do not know we are all living in the very last days of the time before Jesus returns. They do not know Jesus will soon be here to collect his believers and the terrible seven year Tribulation will begin. They do not know that the one-world government their actions are leading to will in fact be the government of the antichrist who will soon be revealed.
If there are any true believers in the Lord among these leaders, they are surely doing a good job of staying invisible and silent. Basically, the nation and the world are under the direction of godless leaders.
It is sad for me, and probably for you too, to see on the daily news media the numerous issues discussed and covered with never persons invited to appear who know the truth of the Lord’s imminent return and who might shed some light for the population at large. Even the so-called conservative media are only partially conservative – for instance, not always socially conservative – and do not deal with the key issue of our time, which is the end of this age and Jesus’ return.
As for the people as a whole, the “haven’t got a clue” line can be applied to the great majority. One thing can be said though – many even who do not know Jesus do think something is terribly wrong, many do not like the government policies or what is happening in society; but they as always and as necessary work hard to support their families and have a decent place to live. They are trying to make it through. But there is no such thing as making it through. The majority of the population do not know that Jesus is soon to be here and that life on earth for those remaining is about to take a dramatic turn for the worse.
It is tiring, is it not, to realize you have few you can truly talk with about what is happening and what to expect. But they are here, and if you have a group or even one or two true believing friends, count yourself highly blessed. As always, do all you can to help God lead others to Jesus. Pray for him to do that for specific people you know. And ask the Holy Spirit to arrange and guide you in any encounters he would have you have.
Do not lose your peace over the terrible political debates and government decisions of these days. They are actions of lost people, decisions made by the enemy through people who haven’t got a clue. The few believers in that world must find it terribly difficult and we must pray for them whenever we can identify any. And certainty we should pray for God to draw the leaders to a saving knowledge of Jesus.
July 2022
Copyright © 2022 by John Newlin
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