We are living in a spiritual war that for humankind has been going on since the fall of Adam and Eve. That war is reaching its culmination. It is almost over.
Although I don’t usually if ever get this specific, let me now. This battle is between the leader of the evil side, Lucifer – also known as Satan, the devil, the evil one – together with his followers against God and his Kingdom. We know who wins, don’t we? God does. Jesus does. The Kingdom of God eventually takes up rule from Jerusalem.
This atrocious war is reaching a climax on the physical planet earth in our day. Yes, it exists on two fronts – in the spiritual realm and in the physical realm where we live, where the evil forces of the devil have been making startling headway in recent years.
The current government of the US – the administration in Washington, the congress, all the bureaucracies and institutions there – by their very actions are bringing to our minds the thing the founding fathers feared and dreaded. What is that? That a democracy might not work. That leaving the choice of leaders in the hands of the people might be a mistake.
Up to now the people and the country have proved that fear wrong, and many other nations and peoples have sought to copy the US. But not now.
One bad decision after another is happening in Washington. The administration seems bent on destroying the country completely, both internally and in the eyes of other nations. And the leaders of congress seem to be focused on anything other than things that might help. It does appear the American people have turned their nation over to confused, evil, bad, and incompetent people.
Just recently a former president in his penchant for bold statements, declared the US would not survive three more years. It is hard to argue with him. Other people are writing of how the nation is coming apart at the seams.
Well, you and I know that I generally focus on the spiritual side of things, and the fact that we are in the last of the last days before the Lord’s return is a point I make over and over. But that does not mean we should just quit trying to improve life on earth. And certainly we should not stop trying to help in God’s leading others to a saving knowledge of Jesus.
I would think we all want Jesus to find us – when he comes – fully occupied in doing the work he has given us. What work? Whatever he has told you directly and certainly his statements in the Bible. For instance, telling others about the gospel. Preaching/teaching/sharing the good news. Healing the sick. Casting out demons.
And standing up against evil!!!! He gave us the authority to cast out evil spirits, and we need to do that on a daily basis. What do you think you are seeing happen in Washington and in the national media and in business leaders and entertainment? Lots and lots of evidence of the actions of absolute evil. Many of the people in these top positions are pretty obviously ungodly people. If there are some strong believers in Washington, they are pretty much invisible right now.
Daily we see prominent leaders from the president on down call good evil and evil good. They fail to recognize the absurdity of many of their actions. They are living in the delusion that I have written about so much in recent years. The point is made in Thessalonians that eventually God gives people who refuse to accept or recognize the truth (e.g., the gospel) a spirit of delusion. That has to be the explanation for what we are seeing. Deluded people. Confused people. People who do not know the Lord and do not know how to protect themselves spiritually being led astray by the evil one and his minions.
The devil knows his days are numbered. He knows the end of the book. And he is working feverishly to bring about the one-world government we have talked about. Look at all that is happening. Amazing. The world is moving steadily to that one-world government.
Spiritually, as Christians know, the evil one – the devil – is running amuck. He knows the Bible. HE knows these are his last days before he is seized at Armageddon and thrown into a pit. His lieutenant, the antichrist, is soon to be revealed. This individual, with assistance from the false prophet, will work to put together and run a one-world government, an ungodly government with a false universal religion. There are basic requirements in his government, such as everyone having a mark on their hand or head to allow them to participate in the marketplace. This is one reason why the current covid vaccine with government mandates frightened so many – they saw all this as a precursor of this mark. Some may have even mistakenly thought it was the mark.
I did note recently that Andrew Wommack, one of my favorite ministers who did pray for Cathy and me several times when we started our ministry, has with some others started an organization called Truth and Liberty to try to get serious Christian believers into government. Good to see such an effort. We need more of this. Maybe you should search for that on the Internet and see what they are doing.
I just want you all to know how dire the situation currently is for the US and the world. Now some of us expected such as this in the last days. But I don’t think all Christians did. I think some just thought that at some point Jesus would come back, not that he would be coming back in such a terrible time. But the Bible is pretty clear of the times and what would be happening. Jesus was clear. Paul was clear.
Always, my closing point: Keep your eye on Jesus. And be about the Lord’s work. You have joy and peace all these other people do not have. So do your best to carry forward the work of the Lord and the Kingdom and to represent Jesus on earth in really trying situations.
October 2021
Copyright © 2021 by John Newlin
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