Surely you all can recognize and see what is happening. The decisions and actions of the government have gone way over the edge. Things are truly falling apart. The nation is being led by delusional persons who deal in deception, whether they even understand the deception or not.
The Bible’s famous phrase about calling evil good and good evil has come to full reality in our day.
Over and over again I have written of all that is happening and how it is all in line with fulfillment of the Biblical prophecies of the last days. Each day and week that passes brings another action or absurdity that fits right in.
Today I just read how the government is requiring each of the border patrol officers to have the covid vaccine. All at the same time that thousands and thousands of illegal immigrants openly enter the country, camp out, and move on to various parts of America with no vaccines. It is impossible to overstate how insane this is.
Yesterday we witnessed top military leaders testify before the senate how they recommended a few thousand of our military be left in Afghanistan after our withdrawal, and even how if that were not done the Afghan military would be overcome. The point was made that the president surely had these recommendations. Yet he did not follow them and the withdrawal was a disaster in full view of the entire world.
Right now as we speak Americans and Afghan allies are in Afghanistan, hiding out, trying to survive and figure a way out. The horrible Taliban is in charge. We all know – at least all adults who can think and read know – how horrible and medieval that group is. Already they have started schools again, but this time with no girls attending. Recently a woman policeman was killed in front of her family. And a folk musician was killed because the Taliban does not like music (a representative said music is forbidden in Islam).. A couple days ago I saw they were putting up a dead body for public view in Kabul and had three more to put up elsewhere.
These are godless, lost people under the direction of the evil one, terrible people. If this were the time of Moses and Joshua leading the Israelites from Egypt and through the wilderness to the Promised Land, I would expect the Taliban to be a tribe God would have instructed them to completely destroy. Like the battle of Jericho where the Israelites destroyed everything – not only the people but the animals even. He did not want the evil spirits there coming back to the Israelites. This is fundamental evil playing out through human beings.
Our leaders in the US are lost people. And they are making horribly harmful decisions. I know these are the last days and we all expect the Lord to come very soon, but surely we did not want the place we live to fall completely into mad, lawless, insane society. But of course we were warned of the conditions of our time. Jesus told us how bad they would be. Paul told us of these times.
Each of us as possible must represent the Lord with others in all our encounters. Ask the Holy Spirit to set up whatever divine encounters he will and to guide you in those.
I do see that a few in the country are working to put together organizations to elect new leaders in future elections in the country. Andrew Womack, certainly a godly minister who has influenced many including Cathy and me, has with others formed a Truth and Liberty organization to try to get better people elected. But it is more than a year before any new people could take office in congress and more than three years before a new president and administration could take office. Will the country be surviving in any tolerable condition by then? Look at all the terrible decisions and actions that have occurred in just the short period since January 20.
I have written before of how America went off the spiritual cliff back in 2015 when the Supreme Court ruled to approve homosexual marriage. Just in the last week I read another Christian writer who said that on January 20 of this year the shining light that was America went out. Those are dramatic ways to make a point, but it is surely true that no longer can our allies trust America and that people throughout the world must look with amazement and wonder on all that is happening here. (Perhaps we now have an illustration of how the system in the United Kingdom and other parliamentary governments possibly may be preferable to the American one – with a vote of no confidence in parliament, a new election leading to a new prime minister can be held quickly at any time.).
KEEP YOUR EYES ON JESUS IN ALL THINGS! Stay focused. Seek to hear and receive all the Holy Spirit has for you. If you do not know the Holy Spirit, seek to be filled and baptized with him. His guidance in all truth, his telling of what is to come, his great gift of discernment which you can use to determine the truth in all situations are invaluable today.
May God bless you and lead you all your days.
September 2021
Copyright © 2021 by John Newlin
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