You know that what is being said and promoted in much of the mass media and the government and elsewhere today is just plain deception. You know that. Jesus’ first warning about our day was to watch that we are not deceived. Well, I hope you are watching.
Add to all this deception dramatic natural physical events happening regularly and you know you are where you have thought you are. Right at the end of the age. Consider these examples:
- A private school, Grace Church School, in NY City is encouraging students to stop using the words mom, dad, and parents. Why? Because these words contain assumptions about what a typical family looks like. Deception to the full. Even more sad, this is a “church school.”
- There were more major earthquakes in the first sixty-five days of 2021 than in the same time period in all other years in recorded history.
- China has just now undergone a huge sand storm that has cut visibility dramatically, obscuring things like the high rises in Beijing.
- The new president has already given an executive order pushing transgender behavior that will likely lead to boys and men on women’s and girl’s teams, in girls locker rooms, etc. It is the eventual destruction of women’s athletics, unless some groups step in to fight in the courts.
- The new equality act being debated in congress would take LGBTQ rights further and spell the end of freedom of speech and freedom of religion. Pastors would not be free to speak what they should, as now in Canada. Churches and ministries would lose control of whom they can hire.
- The southern borders are now open to large numbers of illegal immigrants. All at the same time that the border with Canada is closed and strongly monitored and the USA supposedly is trying to conquer coronavirus.
- A huge $2 trillion bill just passed Congress under the guise of stimulus to help people and small businesses hurt in the pandemic, but less than ten per cent of the $2 trillion is for that!
- The rate of hospitalization and deaths and cases of coronavirus continues to drop rapidly, yet the federal government and some medical experts continue to frighten the public. Many from the liberal media and government are outraged that Florida has a basically open state, and that Texas is opening up too. In fact now more than fifteen states have dropped the mask mandate. All the while California continues with draconian rules of lockdown. Florida’s schools have been open a long time, restaurants, etc., no mask mandate, while California has been just the reverse. Yet the incidence of the virus has been roughly the same in both states. So what did all the rules in California accomplish?
- Some citizens are gradually waking up to how they have been held hostage, how their rights have been and are being taken away, so there are efforts to recall the governor in California and soon probably something like that in New York for more than one reason.
- The National Guard remains around the capitol building in Washington, DC. The head of the Guard recommended the Guard be sent home but he was overruled by the Administration in the form of the new Secretary of Defense. What are they afraid of? Probably the half of the American population that still knows the outcome of the recent election was highly questionable.
Franklin Graham says madness is sweeping across our country, focusing specifically on the horrible cancel culture that seeks to suppress people who have views different from “what our godless society has deemed fitting and appropriate.”
Representative Jim Jordan says in a recent Tweet that “House Democrats gave felons $1,400 stimulus checks. Today, they’re making it harder for law abiding citizens to buy a gun. And at the same time, they’re trying to defund the police!”
You and I know all that is going on is confused, massive deception….we are living in the time of calling evil good and good evil. We really are living in a godless system restrained by the prayers and efforts of the serious believers still on earth and the actions of the Holy Spirit and God’s angels that are here.
All I have to add is the title of this piece:
The night is nearly over
The day is almost here
Yes it is. Put another way, those words from Romans 13:12 mean this evil age is almost over and the time of Christ’s return is at hand. Evil is darkness. Christ is light.
So do not be dismayed. I know that is easier to say than to carry out. It is an awfully unpleasant and evil world. Believers who view this world through the Holy Spirit gift of discernment see that. Other people, including those not having the Holy Spirit gifts, including even many who attend church regularly, probably not.
Do whatever you can to assist in God’s drawing people to Jesus. Ask the Holy Spirit for divine encounters. Seek his guidance always. He will guide you in all truth. He will show you things yet to come. He will remind you of things Jesus has said. He will tell you things he has heard. He is God, you know, a member of the Trinity.
MARCH 2021
Copyright © 2021 by John Newlin
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