Monday, May 18, 2020


So for years I have written of the imminent return and of the full gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.  Now we are here in the last of the last days before that return, and things are becoming increasingly difficult.

Most of us didn’t think about that, did we, that the times approaching his return would be so difficult.  But then they had too.  With all the unbelief, the increasing immorality, the fall away from God, what could we expect?  And so we have it.

Certainly all born again, spirit-filled believers should be using that great spiritual gift of discernment to see what is happening all around them.  Regardless of how anyone might think this mysterious covid-19 coronavirus began and spread, such believers must recognize that those evil forces we have spoken of so much that operate in the last days and the Tribulation period have jumped in on so many fronts to seize the day for their objectives.  Increasing government control of the people, diminishing religion, ending the basic freedoms even guaranteed in the Constitution, moving ever closer to that one-world government.  Anyone who has lived a few decades and has a grasp of history must still be shocked at the behavior of Americans who initially so readily acquiesced to the end of their rights and the loss of their freedoms.

Are you free to go get a haircut?

Are you free to go outside with your friends to play tennis?

Are you free to get a group together for a picnic in the park?

Are you free to take a beach vacation?

Are you free to stay in motels and hotels wherever you want to go?

Are you free to demonstrate publically against government positions?

All of this type of stuff is protected in the Constitution.  Most of it you have lost, at least in many areas of the country (and world too, although I speak here specifically of the USA).

Fear is at play in a big way and has been for months now.  Fear is not from God.  You know where fear comes from.  Leaders and media types who do not know the Lord operate in fear every day.  They hype death rates and case rates.  They ignore facts.

Those people I have written of and the Bible warned of, those deceivers, those evil persons, those who would work to put together a one-world government, they are moving full speed ahead right now.

Yes there are pockets where some governors resisted.  But especially not some of the big population areas.

Californians don’t have freedoms.  School may not open there this fall.  Yet California has had a very low coronavirus occurrence.  The state has been very successful in fending it off.  The mayor of Los Angeles doesn’t think the people can return to “normal” until there is a cure for this virus.  Of course, you know there has never been a cure for AIDS, or for the common cold, or for the flu.  They haven’t stopped us before.

Those in Michigan are living under terribly tight controls – even against the right to petition, to assemble and protest.

The mayor of Chicago wants those who work for her to declare allegiance to the one-world government.

Are you getting the idea?

This lockdown of the country and the world’s countries was never merited.  The model that forecast such a horrible death total for the US and the UK was highly flawed or just a complete fraud.  While the news media every day hype the death totals and the case counts, the fact remains that the death rate is extremely low, not high enough to ever have closed the economy and society down.  Less than two hundredths of one percent of the population!  When some doctors have spoken up on these truths, they have been shut down.  A video of two speaking out in California was removed from YOUTUBE by YOUTUBE.

Well, freedom of speech is a basic right but not on the Internet.  YOUTUBE, GOOGLE, FACEBOOK, TWITTER do not have to operate by those rules.

Years ago a man from the computer world warned me of the godless computer companies.  Now we see them all working to produce means of control, of following each person, of tracking persons.

I see some municipalities in America have acquired drones to track people and to monitor compliance to their unconstitutional regulations.

What drives the people behind all this, behind the international organizations and the country and state governments?  They for sure are not serious believers.  They are marching to a different drum.  They were either ready for such a world problem as this disease and immediately seized it...  or there was even more sinister coordination of all this than we can imagine.

I like to say the New York City area had a pandemic; the rest of America did not.  Most of the hospitals in the rest of the country were never stretched, never overburdened.  As for the world, you could say the USA, France, the UK, Spain, Italy, and now possibly Brazil had a pandemic; the rest of the world did not.  Have you looked at the incredibly small case and deaths rate numbers for the majority of the world?   Yet even there the people are sheltered in place, even in third-world countries where they have no social network to fall back on for food supply.

This all is a work of the devil.  I hope you can recognize that.  He operates where people are confused, where they don’t know the truth.  He operates in fear and in lies.  In John 8:44 Jesus made the point the devil was a murderer from the beginning and that he is the father of lies.  Evil is at work in a big way throughout the world.  We should expect that.  These are the last days.

Certainly this is a good time to get the full gospel message out to others and to teach about the return of the Lord.  Historically people turn to God in times of suffering and distress.    Certainly this is a time we would expect conditions to help in the Father’s leading people to Jesus.

The Bible had some basic scriptures about this time, scriptures of warning and description.  I share a few here:

2 Timothy 3:13
…evildoers and impostors will go from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived.

Luke 21:8:
“…Watch out that you are not deceived…” 

2 Timothy 3:1
But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days.

Daniel 12:10
…the wicked will continue to be wicked. None of the wicked will understand, but those who are wise will understand.

Well, you all know the Biblical prophesies fulfilled, the signs of the times that I discussed in our book WAKE UP AMERICA and in many past writings.  It’s just the details of how it all comes about that is not covered in the Bible.  All the things had to happen somehow.  So we are seeing that and will no doubt see much more.

Hold fast to your faith.  Keep your eyes on Jesus.  As you are led by the Spirit, do whatever you can to share your faith with others and help the Father lead them to Jesus.  And for your own peace and rest in this time, remember Paul’s advice in Philippians 4:8 – “…whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things.”

In all this, do not forget the Lord said he is never going to lose us.

Live in the fullness of a righteous relationship with God all the days of your life.
                                                                                          May 2020
                                                                                          Copyright © 2020 by John Newlin

[Remember to go to our blog to read current and previous posts on all this.  And go to the website to read current and previous newsletters as well.  Get our book I have mentioned so often.  Get it to others.  They should be open to read it now.  If not now, then when?  Ever?]

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