Tuesday, January 28, 2020


So huge.  So large.  So many people with little or no idea of life and eternity.

This life on earth is temporary.  It is short in physical time.  After that comes eternity.  How many people do you know who have ever spent any time thinking about that – eternity?  Forever.

There are only two eternities available for people.

One, an eternity with Jesus and the Father, and the other an eternity in a place of horror, a place separated from God, a place called hell, a place the Bible refers to in the last book as the Lake of Fire, a place where Satan himself and the Antichrist and the false prophet will also dwell for eternity.

We have all in the last couple days been inundated with news stories about the world famous great basketball player who was killed in a helicopter crash.  He was the sports idol of many in the US and the world.

I haven’t listened to most of the reports, just a few minutes, but I have never heard it said whether he was a believer in the Lord or not.  And that is the key of all life.

Is a person a true believer in the Lord?  Have they been born again, as Jesus said must happen to be in the Kingdom of God?  Have they accepted Jesus as the Lord of their life?

The Lord was very straightforward about all this.  He laid down the criteria.  I have written about all this before.  It all comes down to truly realizing who Jesus is and truly believing in him.  You must know the Lord and he must know you are his.

In all the news lately about the superstar there are all kinds of reports.  But what about his eternity, or that of the others on the helicopter?

Every day we hear accounts of death – some in our circle but mostly people we do not know, deaths from car accidents or violent and insane crime, or some disease.  Wonder how many know the Lord truly and have moved on to a wonderful future?

Death is in the end a very simple thing.  I have had many in my life die, young and old, as I expect you have if you have lived a few years.

Think of death this way.  Suppose we are in the room of a person who is dying, who is near their last moments of life.  Let’s say her name is Betty.  Suppose other people are in the room – Betty’s brother and children, a couple friends.  Somewhere in this room is a door that at the moment no one can see. But soon Betty will see that door, and she will go through it into another room, another place.  Betty’s brother and children and friends will all still be in the first room, but Betty will now be in the other room, the other place.  All in the first room cannot see Betty in the other room.  They can’t even see the door.  But she is indeed there.  And she is no longer in the first room.  All that remains there is the physical body that she once lived in, now just lifeless material that clearly is not Betty the person.

A real mystery isn’t it.  Really unusual for us here in this physical realm.  No wonder so few ever talk about death.  No wonder it is so ignored in our society.  We believers know and understand it is a way to be with the Lord forever, a way to Heaven.  It is the only way in fact other than going with Jesus when he returns to collect his believers.

Life is far more weird and unusual and bizarre than we can even imagine.  The world that made ours and us and in some way oversees us is the spiritual realm.  God himself made earth and people and animals and trees and so on.  Father God and Jesus and all those who have died knowing Jesus like Betty are in Heaven, a wonderful place located somewhere.  The Holy Spirit form of God is on earth right now, especially involved with those who are true believers in the Lord.   Those who have spent much time studying Heaven think possibly it is itself a planet in the north.  But then others think it may be in a parallel universe, whatever that is.

All the time we have been living our lives on this planet, there has been a raging war between God’s angels and the evil ones that follow the devil, Satan, Lucifer, the evil one, whatever you choose to call him.  This formerly top ranking angel of God has been thrown out of Heaven along with a third of the angels.  Now some of these fallen angels are in captivity.  How many?  Satan also has following him hordes of demons.  We just don’t know what they are.  Some think they are the fallen angels, but nowhere in the Bible is there any evidence angels seek or want to inhabit a human body, which is what demons do.   Maybe demons are disembodied life forms, in other words, spirits of individuals of some type that have long departed their bodies.  Are they from our human being race?  Or from some time before that?  We don’t know.

We believers are protected and I think in part kept alive by some of God’s angels that he has assigned to take care of us.  See Hebrews 1:14.  And our knowledge of all God has given us to protect ourselves also helps protect us as long as we know how to apply it.

But back to the title and the opening paragraph.  Just how few people really know God and know where they are going after death?  And how large is that group that does not know and – at least for many – doesn’t appear to give that subject any thought.

Maybe the death of this world famous athlete will at least get some people thinking about death and their future, leading to their being open to being drawn by God to Jesus.

My challenge to you and to myself as well is to speak of the Lord, the gospel message, and his imminent return to others every opportunity you have.  Ask the Holy Spirit to arrange such opportunities for you and to guide you in all that.  The only truly important thing for any person right now is that they truly know the Lord.  If they do they can move on to the next most important thing – telling others.

You can see easily from the television news and the sports programs and the entertainment world and all those around you that huge is the number of people that do not know the Lord truly and thus are not going with him when they die or when he returns unless something changes in their lives.  It is a big challenge – and responsibility - for you and me.

                                                                                          (January 2020)
                                                                                          Copyright © 2020 by John Newlin
[NOTE:  This article should be copied, printed, or forwarded by email to others so long as it is copied, printed, or forwarded in its entirety with appropriate attributions included (including the copyright and the ministry contact information).  It may also be quoted in part as long as appropriate attributions are given.  We in fact encourage you to do all this and to give printed copies to those who you know would benefit and do not have access to computers.]

It goes without saying that we are living in the last days before the return of the Lord.  It goes without saying that most people on earth, including a great many who attend churches on Sunday, don’t know at all about this.  They just aren’t aware.  They have never been taught.  They don’t spend any time themselves to study the Bible or seek out more information on the subject.  For your family and friends and really anyone you care about, please get copies of our book WAKE UP AMERICA! now!  Give copies to those you care for.  Help wake them up! Most people will accept a gift of a book, even if they are difficult for you to speak to about such important matters. 

Order from our ministry by clicking here: JNMI

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P O BOX 1038
CARY, NC 27518

email: john@johnnewlinministries.org
Blog: johnnewlin.blogspot.com

tel 910 395 1465

Monday, January 13, 2020


We are living now in the time of massive delusions on the parts of whole groups of people including some famous and prominent ones in positions of great responsibility.  And that is so dangerous to the world and humanity at large.  It is also reflective of the time in which we live.  Scripture tells us that eventually God will send those who refuse to accept the truth (e.g., the truth of the gospel, the truth about Jesus) a delusion.  Is that what is happening?  Certainly that may be the case, although I hope some of the young obviously lost souls we see on the TV and at times in person espousing ridiculous untruths may just be confused because they have never truly heard the truth.  I hope God will indeed reach some of these through us or other means.

But there is no doubt some are indeed deluded and have no excuse.  The Pope for example, who in his actions is working towards a one world government and a one world religion.  His actions are public and there for all to see.  Surely he has read the Bible, has read the book of Revelation.  Surely.   Delusion.  The move to bring in all these lost religions, the move to bring about one-world education, his lost comments such as Christians should not be seeking to convert others – goodness, do you think he ever read the Great Commission?

There are leaders in the Catholic Church who recognize this and speak out.  I just read some words from a Cardinal who basically said what I just wrote above.  Will they be heard by those who consider themselves Catholics?

One great problem of our day as far as belief and faith and being lost and deluded goes is that the majority of those who call themselves by one denomination or another for the most part have never read and studied and meditated on God’s word, let alone sought and received the guidance of the Holy Spirit on what his words mean.  They just don’t know the Word.  They have let and continue to let preachers and priests and others tell them what to think.  And for many denominations that is a prescription for being eternally lost.  In many denominations and thus many brick building churches the hired or appointed preacher or priest never gets into the true great depths of the faith, never gets into the fact that the Holy Spirit is active right now and miracles and healings happen right now today, never gets into the imminent return of the Lord, never gets into all Jesus accomplished, never gets into the true great reality of prayer.  Why? Because many of them don’t know themselves?  Possibly.  Also because the hierarchy of their denomination is just so lost itself and thus provides poor guidance.

Look at the National Council of Churches and the many protestant churches that are members.  They continually speak out against Israel and take action against Israel.  Are they insane?  Well, deluded to be sure.

Look at the Methodist church that is in the process of splitting into two groups because of the great demand of many churches in that denomination to have gay (LGBTQ) preachers and to perform gay marriages.  Yet the Bible is clear on the subject of homosexual behavior.  In Leviticus and Romans and the last page of Revelation.   Clear.  Clear.  Clear.   Not an acceptable behavior.  Will keep a person out of the Kingdom.  Those Methodist churches pushing to approve the things noted above are just lost.  They are not churches of the Lord Jesus are they? No, but neither are so many other churches out there.  And thus the great risk for all those so called Christian believers who attend church on Sundays and let the pastors tell them what to think and spend no time on their own searching out God’s truths and seeking him in prayer.

By the way, the African branch of the Methodist church has been horrified for some time by this impending support of homosexual behavior in the Methodist church.  They will surely be not accepting that position.  Wait….didn’t these African churches result from America and the Methodist church and other churches sending Africa missionaries so long ago?  The pupil has now become the true teacher!  Africa, as well as South America, is sending missionaries to America, in case you do not know.  Australia also is doing that.  Why?  Because so many of the traditional American churches and the Sunday churchgoers in America are lost, lost, lost.

So the Pope is clearly deluded.  Is that true for other famous leaders?  Appears so – in Congress, in Hollywood, certainly in the media.

Let’s take a moment to talk about delusion and illusion.  We all are familiar with the less serious term illusion – that word just relates to a physical condition, something which confuses the senses.  Like the old optical illusion games we all have seen or played.  Like maybe seeing two parallel lines that appear to intersect because of the background, like seeing two doors that appear to be of different sizes but are not because of the way they are drawn.  Illusions are like that.  Magician entertainers live in the world of illusions, doing things that trick us but we know they are not real.

The word delusion is deadly serious.  It refers to what goes on inside a person.  It is mental in nature.  And therein the danger.  People deep in their minds and hearts believe things that are not true and obviously are not true to those who have the gift of discernment and are not confused.  Without some shaking deep in the soul of those people, change will not be forthcoming.  They will not respond to simple logical discussions and arguments.

In the last days God gives those who will not accept the truth a delusion.

Frightening.  Do not think these deluded people out there in positions of authority or in those random and bizarre street demonstrations are not dangerous.  They are.

These are the last days.  Things happen.

In the words of our Lord, Stay alert!  Watch! So that you may be able to escape all that is about to happen.  Pray for protection for yourself and your family and others.  Cast out evil spirits in Jesus’ name.  Seek the continual guidance of the Holy Spirit and apply that great gift of discernment to confusing situations.

One writer on this subject of the last days refers to those believers who know the truth and who seek to educate others as crazy uncles.  In other words, those around do not accept them for what they say.  They are considered crazy, but they are at least still tolerated.   He suggests those crazy uncles, which would be most of us I think who are reading this, just prepare material to be used by all those to be left behind so then hopefully they will read and see the truth and be able to protect themselves in the terrible seven year tribulation.  He apparently may have given up on our influencing others to believe and see now.  I am not yet at that point, but I do see how hard headed and lost the mass of the people are.

May God have mercy on us all.

                                                                                                     (January 2020)
                                                                                          Copyright © 2020 by John Newlin

[NOTE:  This article should be copied, printed, or forwarded by email to others so long as it is copied, printed, or forwarded in its entirety with appropriate attributions included (including the copyright and the ministry contact information).  It may also be quoted in part as long as appropriate attributions are given.  We in fact encourage you to do all this and to give printed copies to those who you know would benefit and do not have access to computers.]

All contributions to John Newlin Ministries, Inc. – whether money or material goods or stocks or bonds – are tax deductible.  John Newlin Ministries, Inc. is a 501 © 3 nonprofit corporation.


P O BOX 1038
CARY, NC 27518

email: john@johnnewlinministries.org
Blog: johnnewlin.blogspot.com
tel 910 395 1465