Tuesday, August 21, 2018


We are living amidst such deception, delusion, and lies.  Confusion abounds.  Such an unpleasant environment for true believers in the Lord.

Yes, there are still true Christians out there.  Yes, there are still true believers in Jesus.  Yes, there are those who seek to follow God all the days of their lives.

They are just a small minority.  Visibly, a very small minority.

The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers…  - 2 Corinthians 4:4 NIV

Ah, yes.  The blinded unbelievers.  We see them so prevalent in our world today.  They occupy many positions of influence in the secular world in government, media, entertainment, even the religious arena.  But there is even more.  Consider this:

People are perishing because they have refused and do refuse to love the truth.  They reject the truth. What truth? That Jesus is the son of God, that he is the king of kings, that he is the only hope we people have and the savior of the world.  And what is God’s response in these last days to these people who actively and intentionally refuse to believe the truth?  He sends them a delusion so that they will believe the lie (their false views of the world) and so that they will be condemned.  People who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness are condemned (see 2 Thessalonians 2:10-12).

So, delusion added to deception.  No wonder we see such rampant disregard of the truth, of God’s law, of Jesus among so many in our world. 

·     -  There are the violent groups, those who demonstrate and even turn to violence to make their immoral and uncivil complaints.  Many media and political leaders support their tragic actions.

·      -  And there are the loud and vocal leaders from the entertainment world, speaking out from a base of ignorance and misleading the many who treat these people as great icons, as persons worthy of following.

·     - And there are the confused and lost religious leaders, those who have fallen away from seriously following Christ and the Bible and have turned more to community, social, popular discussions and leadership.  They seem to have no difficulty in ignoring God’s word and moving their church organizations to actions where they not only do not follow God’s word but are in active revolt against it.
In my writing and speaking over the years, I have focused on Jesus and the gospel.  And I have focused on the entire Bible.  And of course on all God has said to me and led me to do.  I have resisted pointing out the specific false, deceived, deluded leaders by name and the masses referred to above as I have expected all believers to be able to recognize them.  If you are born again, if you have the Holy Spirit and the gifts of the Spirit, then surely you can see and discern for yourselves these lost individuals.  And if you are not born again you have an even bigger concern and you should seriously be seeking Jesus right now.  If you are a believer who does not have the Holy Spirit and his great gifts, then begin seeking that right now.  Peter made the point the Holy Spirit is for everyone.  Ask a serious Spirit-filled believer to pray for you to receive.

Surely all believers can readily see and identify these many false leaders I have referred to.  In the religious world, those organizations and leaders that conduct formal marriages of homosexuals and allow homosexuals to fill the positions of clergy certainly fit this role and are easy to identify.  So too you should be concerned with leaders who want to ignore words of Jesus or do not teach what he said about who gets into his Kingdom.  Or who just patently ignore whole sections of the Bible and seem much more interested in building church membership and dealing with the cultural issues rather than focusing on the crucial question of being saved and having a future with the Lord.  Or who clearly oppose Israel and take action to support enemies of Israel!

If you attend a church where the Holy Spirit and receiving that Spirit is not actively taught and practiced, ask the pastor why not.  If the gifts of the Spirit are not taught, ask why not.  If persons are not truly healed as part of the ongoing conduct of the church, ask why not.  And if your authority in Christ is not taught, ask why not.  If you are not taught what Jesus said you could do in him, ask why not.  And if the imminent return of the Lord is not taught, ask why not.  If you don’t get an excellent answer to these questions (such as we are beginning to do this now), then rush to get out of that place and find a group of true believers in Jesus to be with.  That may not be a formal brick building but it may actually be with a few real believers! 

In my speaking and writing and such, I have generally often not pointed out all the specific terrible sinful steps and actions of the lost leaders referred to above.  Maybe a few times, but not often.  It is just sickening to do so.  And again if you are a true believer, you can identify all this yourself and take steps to avoid as possible.  For those of you who cannot understand what I am referring to, I have attached at the end of this piece a list of some headlines from recent weeks I have selected because they represent a cross-section.  We could compile such a list every day.  Maybe after you read the list you might like to pray for yourself and your family and friends, for God’s protection and direction.  And for your personal peace.

Some days I get a bit tired of working to get God’s truths out about the time in which we are living, but I will never cease doing so.  It is a calling, an assignment.  Can’t shake that.  The tiredness just comes from the constant bumping into so many who cannot hear and receive.  But as we started this writing with, we see there are just so many deceived and deluded people.  Jesus made the point that only a few are going with him when he comes.  My role – and yours too for that matter – is to help get the truths of Jesus and the gospel out to all so that those God has intended to be in that “few” may hear the truth.

God bless you all. 



Episcopal Church Removes Terms Husband, Wife and Procreation from Marriage to Make it More LGBT Compliant

      Oslo Police Declare “We Have Lost the City”…Islam Has Taken Over

Pedro Sanchez sworn in as new president of Spain.  Mr Sánchez, who is an atheist, took the oath to protect the constitution without a bible or crucifix - a first in Spain's modern history.

      23 Major League Baseball Teams to Promote Homosexuality at 'LGBT Pride' Nights

      Pedophile Who Threatened To Kill President Now Running For Congres

      Vermont nominates first U.S. transgender candidate for governor

      Transgender Model to Compete in 2018 Miss Universe Beauty Pageant The first born-male contestant to ever be approved for the global competition

Keep Your Eyes on Jesus!                                                                                                                                                                                     (AUGUST 2018)
                                                                                                  Copyright © 2018 by John Newlin


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