Friday, February 23, 2018


Jesus made the point that, excluding himself, no greater person had lived than John the Baptist.  No one.

Along that same line of thinking, yesterday I asked this question on Twitter:

Did we just see the death of the greatest person to live in our lifetimes?

And the answer:

Don’t know.  Only God knows that.  But it certainly appears possible.

Makes us feel empty, doesn’t it.

Makes us feel even more alone and out there.

Makes us feel less secure.

I really hate it when persons I care so much about die.  Close family members of course.  But I am talking here about those persons who so influence our life positively but whom we may not really know personally.  Once they are gone, they are gone.  They are no longer with us here.  And we believers must soldier on.

Billy Graham would of course make the point that we are where we always were, in the hands of a loving and all powerful God.  His leaving hasn’t changed that.

Nope.  We still have God.  We still have Jesus.  We still have the Holy Spirit.

Most on the earth don’t have or know that.  So they are really out there alone.  You aren’t.

I am a bit surprised, I admit.  He had said some time ago that he was surprised to find himself alive with all his contemporaries gone.  And he had remarked that he thought, or wondered, if God were leaving him to be here when the Lord comes in the rapture.

Well, he almost made it.  I wonder why God took him home now.  Interesting.  So close to the return.  Maybe to have a big celebration for Billy alone, not mixed up with all the other saints when they come home at that time.  Maybe.

I saw yesterday Franklin quoting some of his father’s remarks: “You’re not saved by joining a church.  You’re not saved by living a good moral life.  You’re saved only because of the grace of God in Christ.” Sounds familiar, much like what I am always writing, like what any true believer knows.  It is all about a one on one relationship with God.  It is you and God, not you and anyone else and God.  You know that.  So many of those around you don’t know that.

I always liked the fact that Billy was from North Carolina, where I was born, and that he liked baseball.  I do too.

Another quote from Billy: “Someday you will read or hear that Billy Graham is dead.  Don’t believe a word of it.  I shall be more alive that I am now.  I will just have changed my address.  I will have gone into the presence of God.”  

Really, really special.

Well, enough said.  He is home now.  We aren’t.  We are still here, aliens in a difficult environment, living and working as ambassadors for God.  Still work to do.

Keep Your Eyes on Jesus!

                                                                                                    (FEBRUARY 2018)
                                                                                                  Copyright © 2018 by John Newlin


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