Friday, March 17, 2017


What a wretched time we live in.  And what a wonderful exciting time we live in.

Yes, all at the same time.  We are living in the last of the last days, in the time leading up to and the actual return of the Lord.

We are getting to see the fulfillment of all the Biblical prophecies of things to happen before and right up to that return.  Much of that is not pleasant and some of that is quite dangerous, as we have already seen. 

Even now we live in the midst of behavior by many that is outrageous and horrifying to any true believer in the Lord Jesus Christ.  It is startling and difficult for true born-again, Spirit-filled believers in the Lord Jesus Christ to even comprehend how and what many people think today - their opinions and decisions seem so confused and lost.  The national and local media seems full of such people, and especially the entertainment world and much of the sports word.  And of course much of the political world.  Even the universities seem laden with many lost students and professors and administrators who don’t know and obviously cannot see the truth of the Lord.  They have even given up on free speech and freedom of ideas, the very cornerstone of the academic world.

The wheat and the tares are growing together.  Frightening and evil things and possibilities are everywhere.  And yes there are reported awakenings to the Lord occurring in several countries throughout the world.  Certainly not in the United States, at least not in any visibly big way!   As has been the custom in recent years, those most lost in society and with the loudest voices dominate the airwaves and the public discourse.  And thus the concern and anguish of the true believers in our modern society.

Well, maybe actually it is time for a kick in the backside to those true believers in the Lord Jesus Christ.  So many of these just remain silent in their anguish, they don’t seem to want to speak out, to stand up.
I remind all of us of these extraordinary and challenging words from the Lord:

 “Whoever acknowledges me before others, I will also acknowledge before my Father in heaven.  But whoever disowns me before others, I will disown before my Father in heaven.”Mt 10:32-33 NIV
If you do not stand in your faith, you will not stand at all. -Isaiah 7:9b NIV.
An editorial posted under Fox News Opinion on March 12 deals with the subject of why are Christians such wimps.  I recommend you read it.   The writer makes the point that some Christians “have confused Christ’s command to love others with being likable, as if that were an attribute of God. (It isn’t.)”  Being likeable is not the point of God’s love.  Sometimes standing up for Christ might make a person appear bold and strong and firm in the eyes of unbelievers.  How do you think David looked to the Philistines?  Or Moses or Joshua in the eyes of the groups they opposed?
If ever there was a time for believers in the Lord to stand firm in their faith it is now.  Remember, when Paul writes of putting on God’s armor to protect yourself, he concludes by telling you to stand.  Stand!  Stand!  Don’t retreat.  Be firm and bold in your faith. 
And remember what Peter said in Acts 4:29 when he prayed for himself and all Jesus’ followers around him in Jerusalem who lived in the midst of those who were a threat to them all: “Lord, consider their threats and enable your servants to speak your word with great boldness (NIV).”
Now at the same time I am encouraging you to be bold in your faith, to stand and not retreat, to speak up for Jesus whenever the opportunity presents itself, I also am not encouraging you to be stupid.  You certainly must be guided by the Holy Spirit as to when and where and how to speak up, as to whether a certain moment is the right time to address someone about their faith or perhaps publicly oppose some government or newspaper or even false religious leader.  And you must always remember that the god of this world (the devil) has blinded the minds of unbelievers (2 Corinthians 4:4).  So unless God is opening the minds and hearts of the person or persons you are speaking to about Jesus, you likely may not get a friendly or positive response.  Jesus himself said in John 6 that no one can come to him unless the Father draws the person to him.  Still, how are people ever to hear the truth unless someone who knows that truth presents it to them?
The Lord Jesus Christ is returning very very soon.  I know that.  It is not debatable.  I trust if you have read our writings in the past, heard our CDs or watched our programs or videos and more, you know that. You should know that just by reading the applicable books of the Bible, such as Luke 21, Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 17, and many more.  The evidence is right there before your face and in the daily occurrences of our lives.
When he comes is he going to find faith on earth?  Is he going to find faith in you?  Is he going to find you out there standing up for him, representing him in a lost, confused, dark world?
Well, you have to answer all that.  And you have to seek his face to understand ever more what he expects of you at this time.

Keep Your Eyes on Jesus!

                                                                                                  (March 2017)
                                                                                             Copyright © 2017 by John Newlin


[NOTE:  This article may and should be copied, printed, or forwarded by email to others so long as it is copied, printed, or forwarded in its entirety with appropriate attributions included (including the copyright and the ministry contact information).  It may also be quoted in part as long as appropriate attributions are given.  We in fact encourage you to do all this and to give printed copies to those who you know would benefit and do not have access to computers.]

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