Wednesday, November 30, 2016


Since the presidential election, there has been continual elation on the part of many Americans, including many evangelical Christians and political moderates and conservatives, who see this as a turnaround in the steady fall of the country in recent years.  I think the election is seen by all these as a rebuke to the ever increasing incursion of government into the lives of individuals and to the steady move to ever bigger “Big Brother” type government (which leads eventually to the one world government of the anti-christ during the tribulation period).  The vote in the United Kingdom to withdraw from the European Union appears to have been a similar expression of this view.

While the popular vote was close, the electoral vote was not.  And it is amazing to note that of the 3141 counties in the United States, the new president-elect won more than 3000.  The few won by his opponent were those of the giant coastal cities in California and New York and other large urban areas.  It really was an election won by middle mainstream Americans.

We see and hear often Christian leaders and other conservative and moderate politicians expressing elation and prophesying all sorts of good things about the USA returning to its former glory.
The newly elected government will obviously work to improve the areas of the economy, trade, medical care, security against terrorism, law and order, and such.  And these are all areas that need repair and turning around.  This certainly encourages many after the election.

The newly elected government also seems to offer a promise of standing against further government incursion into the rights of Christians in the country.  We can all even hope to see these rights returning, the rights to speak more openly about Jesus and the Bible in numerous areas which had been largely shut down or closed under the past government.  This is a real blessing.

But – and this is really important - have you heard or seen any plans to turn around the great moral fall in America of these last several years?  Have you heard any steps to be taken?  Look at all the recent government actions in areas that are opposite to God and the Bible.  I haven’t heard any steps or plans to act on this.

Further, please recognize that the serious forces behind the steady growth in big government and ever greater one-world type government over past recent administrations in Washington have not gone away.  They will not go away.  They will fight with all the ability they have and use every tool they have.  They do not play by Christian rules and values.  Look even now at the efforts to challenge the election and force a recount in several states.  Expect ever more interference as the newly elected government moves toward inauguration day.  Be alert!

Yes, there are the obvious far left wing nuts, as some refer to them, who demonstrate publicly and say and do all sorts of stupid things.  But there are also really serious big money groups behind them.  The devil has worked toward a one world government for centuries.  Hitler and his efforts were the greatest example in recent memory.

You may know some of the names behind all this.  Most are quiet, hidden.  Some incredibly wealthy.  It is all real. 
All this I write to make the point that much of what you have seen in the past several years is not going away.  The strategies will just change and be different.

So all these overly hopeful but understandable statements of how the US is now returning to its great position of the past for a great new future are obviously a bit overstated and premature.  What I see is that God has given us a window under this new president in which apparently and hopefully Christians will not be further persecuted or limited in the US and thus can go forward in getting the gospel message out.  How long will this window be open?  I don’t think it is a long period.  I think we all had better be praying for protection and safety and wisdom for this new government, that the inauguration goes smoothly, that the efforts to go forward as God would have them go smoothly.

Remember, Jesus is still returning at the appointed time.

Last week I was awakened at about 2:30 AM.  I went downstairs and opened my Bible.  Immediately I was led to Jeremiah 23.  It was a clear message from God.  There are numerous scriptures there that apply directly to the US and our current situation.  God first applied them to Jerusalem long ago, but as you know the Bible’s words have more than one application.

Consider these few verses and then go read the chapter:

32 Indeed, I am against those who prophesy false dreams,” declares the Lord. “They tell them and lead my people astray with their reckless lies, yet I did not send or appoint them. They do not benefit these people in the least,” declares the Lord.
21 I did not send these prophets,
    yet they have run with their message;
I did not speak to them,
    yet they have prophesied.
22 But if they had stood in my council,
    they would have proclaimed my words to my people
and would have turned them from their evil ways

    and from their evil deeds.

In these days you must be able to identify false prophets.  I am speaking of all those who fail to see what is coming, who speak about the USA returning to its former greatness as if this promising turnaround is going to continue forever.  It is not. 
Jesus’ return is imminent, the time is soon, and further there are great evil forces out there working against this new government and a return of the USA to its former position.  There is nothing these forces will not do.

Use the time we have been given now to get the word out, to stand, to speak to others about the Lord every opportunity the Lord gives.  Be bold, be honest and true to the Word, let God lead people to Jesus through you.  Be guided always by the Holy Spirit.  Pray always in any situation to see what the Lord would have you do and to be guided thusly.  Pray in the Spirit.  And continue to pray for repentance and revival and that God has mercy on the American people.

Keep Your Eyes on Jesus!

                                                                                        (NOVEMBER 2016)
                                                                       Copyright © 2016 by John Newlin

[NOTE:  This article may and should be copied, printed, or forwarded by email to others so long as it is copied, printed, or forwarded in its entirety with appropriate attributions included (including the copyright and the ministry contact information).  It may also be quoted in part as long as appropriate attributions are given.  We in fact encourage you to do all this and to give printed copies to those who you know would benefit and do not have access to computers.]

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