Monday, October 17, 2016


This sad truth is apparent to any serious born again, Spirit-filled believer in the Lord.  But it is still painful to read and contemplate.

How are they letting the people down?

·        -   Most teach nothing about the days we are living in and the imminent return of the Lord.  It is a subject they stay away from.  And when the Lord soon comes, lots of people are going to be shocked – by what happens, by where they stand.

·        -   Most teach virtually nothing about the Holy Spirit – who is one of the members of the Trinity, along with God the Father and God the Son, Jesus – and about all the wondrous gifts of the Spirit, such as divine healing, prophecy, miraculous works, discernment, and more.  Rather than guide their members to live lives of power in Jesus, they keep them domesticated as ineffective sheep.  The church members rarely if ever see the Holy Spirit operating in their services and lives.

·         -  Many churches even believe that divine healings and miracles ended centuries ago with the deaths of the original disciples.  They have no answer of course if ever confronted with the wonderful divine healings that occur daily or the miracles that happen.

·          - Way back in ancient Rome, believers in the Lord willingly went to their deaths rather than renounce Jesus.  They would not declare the emperor as their lord.  Why?  Because they knew Jesus, they knew God, they knew the Holy Spirit.  The Lord was real to them.  They lived in his guidance and truths and actions.  How many attendees of today’s churches have that knowledge or would act similarly?

·          - Numerous churches work tirelessly to increase membership.  They introduce all sorts of things to draw in new attendees.  They are more concerned with their relationship with people than with God, even though the Bible warns us all to let God be true and every man a liar.

·        -   Many newer churches and some older ones work tirelessly to gather funds to build a new building.  But it is not a new physical building they need!  America has an overwhelming number of church buildings.
      We’re living in the last of the last days.  The one-world government is coming together right before our very eyes.  Really rough stuff is close at hand.  How many even notice? 
      Jesus said that the way is narrow and few are they who find it.  We hardly knew the truth of that message when we first read it, did we? 

      Amazing times.  Amazing truths.  Amazing stuff.

Keep Your Eyes on Jesus!

                                                                                                    (October 2016)
                                                                                                 Copyright © 2016 by John Newlin

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