Wednesday, November 26, 2014



I will praise God’s name in song and glorify him with thanksgiving. (Psalm 69:30 NIV)

Let us come before him with thanksgiving and extol him with music and song. (Psalm 95:2 NIV)

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. (Philippians 4:6 NIV)

Is there any better time to thank God for all he has done for us and our families and friends – for his love, for his protection, for his provision of health and material things, for his guidance, for his Word, for his comfort, most of all for Jesus Christ the King of the Kingdom of God and indeed for Jesus’ soon return. 

In America, from the time of the original pilgrims over the centuries up to today, Thanksgiving has been a memorable time, a wonderful time to sit down and reflect, to thank God, to enjoy each other’s company.  God has blessed the United States of America like no other nation in recent centuries.  The times are tough now, and the future appears difficult but also wonderful with the Lord’s soon return. 

Take time this year to thank God and to enjoy those around you.  Remember each person around you is there at this moment.  You do not know if you will see them again - a shocking thought but one so true and so clearly demonstrated in my own neighborhood recently.  So make sure those you love know you love them and are thankful they are in your life.

Certainly Thanksgiving to God is not just an American holiday and tradition.  It is something all people should engage in.

May all of you celebrate a truly meaningful Thanksgiving this year. 

Happy Thanksgiving to you all!

John and Cathy

Keep Your Eyes on Jesus!

                                                                                                                                   (November 2014)
                                                                                                                      Copyright © 2014 by John Newlin

[NOTE:  This article may and should be copied, printed, or forwarded by email to others so long as it is copied, printed, or forwarded in its entirety with the appropriate attributions included.  We in fact encourage you to do so and especially to give printed copies to those who you know would benefit and do not have access to computers.]

P O Box 15797, Wilmington, NC 28408 * 910 395 1465           Email:

Friday, November 21, 2014


The world doesn’t need religion, any religion.  It needs Jesus Christ.

Jesus did not bring religion to earth.  “Religion” is man’s creation.

Belief in Jesus is not a religion.  It is truth.  It is simply recognizing truth.

Jesus brought the Kingdom of God to earth.  He brought a way for people to God, the only way.

Jesus is the King of the Kingdom of God.  That Kingdom is a government.  Believers are citizens of the Kingdom.  They are ambassadors of the Kingdom.  They are soldiers of the Kingdom.

A Kingdom is a government.  And the King is the absolute ruler of the Kingdom.  What he says goes.  It is not a democracy.  Citizens of the Kingdom have no vote.  And thank God for that! 

Soon, very soon, Jesus is returning to collect his believers.  The Kingdom of God is on earth right now inside those people who are true believers in Jesus.  The rest of the world, as the Bible tells us and as our own eyes and hearts tell us, is still under the control of the evil one.

But very, very soon Jesus will begin taking the next steps to return the Kingdom to earth in power.  First he will take away his true believers, and a seven year period of judgment and hardship on the earth will ensue.  Following that there will be a giant battle between Jesus and his heavenly followers and those following a man of lawlessness known as the anti-christ.  It’s not really much of a battle as the Lord just destroys all the opposition with the sword in his mouth – the Word.  And thereafter he sets up a government from Jerusalem. 

To put the capstone on all this, the Bible itself is the book of the government of the Kingdom, with the policies and truths presented and taught not just through rules and laws but also through parables and historical occurrences.

[NOTE:  All of this about the Kingdom came more to my mind this past several days after hearing of the  death of Myles Munroe and his wife in an airplane accident.  Myles was a brilliant preacher, a man who had received a great deal of revelation on really basic truths such as the Kingdom of God, how prayer works, and more.  He had an infectious smile and bubbled over with gospel truths he wanted to share.  Cathy’s first words when she heard about the accident were “He’s having a good time now.”  Yes, he is.  He wrote and spoke a lot about the Kingdom, and now he is home with the King.]

Keep Your Eyes on Jesus!

(November 2014)
Copyright © 2014 by John Newlin

[NOTE:  This article may and should be copied, printed, or forwarded by email to others, so long as it is copied, printed, or forwarded in its entirety with the appropriate attributions included.  We encourage you to do so and especially to give printed copies to those who you know would benefit and do not have access to computers.]

P  O Box 15797, Wilmington, NC 28408 * 910 395 1465           Email:

Tuesday, November 18, 2014


Once again believers in Jesus Christ are confronted in America with a leadership culture that is lost.  Absolutely lost.  There may be some leaders in Washington who believe in Jesus, but they are woefully silent.  Where are they, you might ask?  Good question.  Oh, some go to prayer meetings once a week.  Well, that is good.  But are they just cowering in the corner or forgetful of who they are the rest of the time,  like so many who go to an hour church service on Sunday and then put on the clothes and behavior of the world the rest of the week?

Recently the so-called National Cathedral hosted a muslim worship service.  Atrocious if you consider that place to be the national cathedral.  I surely don’t.  It surely is not for any believer in Jesus.  That cathedral has hosted speakers from other false religions before.  Just as Congress itself has.  But this perhaps was even worse, for it was a time of a group meeting for muslim prayers to a false god.

There is only one God, and the only way for anyone to him is through Jesus Christ.  Jesus said “I am the way, the truth, and the life.  No one comes to my father except through me.”

Well, not surprising the Episcopal National Cathedral would do something like that.  Yes, the National Cathedral is part of the Episcopal church.  The Episcopal church has been lost itself for some time.  For example, it allows homosexual priests and performs same sex marriage.  And you probably already know that.  It is one of those organizations that calls itself a church, but one wonders what God calls it.

In the wonderful end-times chapters in Luke 21, Matthew 24, and Mark 13, Jesus warns us to watch that we are not deceived.  He also warns us of false prophets.  And Paul in 2 Thessalonians 2:3 speaks of a falling away from God in the end times.


It long ago was time for true believers in Jesus to wake up.  It’s way past time now.

You are living in the last of the last of the last days.  Your government is lost.  Your leaders are lost.  Your culture is in the ditch. 

Time for you to start paying attention to what is happening and where you are.  And to ask God to forgive your country.  Pray for others.  Ask God what your role is in this time.  I think you already know, at least partially.  For sure, one thing is to stand up for Jesus as you are led everywhere you are.

Keep Your Eyes on Jesus!

                                                                                                                                       (November 2014)
                                                                                                                      Copyright © 2014 by John Newlin

[NOTE:  This article may and should be copied, printed, or forwarded by email to others so long as it is copied, printed, or forwarded in its entirety with the appropriate attributions included.  We in fact encourage you to do so and especially to give printed copies to those who you know would benefit and do not have access to computers.]

P O Box 15797, Wilmington, NC 28408 * 910 395 1465           Email:

Friday, November 7, 2014


All of us look to help from others at times.  Some of us are just downright open and forthright and even aggressive in seeking help.  Others of us hope that those around will notice our need for help, or will respond to our quiet pleas for help.

There are times in most people’s lives when this need is very real.  Perhaps the death of someone very close.  Or the time when your career you had so long worked on is falling apart – maybe you lose your employment.  Or maybe a serious illness.  Or the rejection by someone you had counted on for life, like a spouse.  Or perhaps even some mental illness – especially depression in this highly active world.  Americans are not good in recognizing or dealing with mentally ill people.

Sometimes help may come.  Sometimes you may receive feedback and help from a few.  Sometimes you may in fact receive a great deal of help. 

But there are real times in life when it seems no one understands.  And I do mean no one.  Especially when the issue has to do with human relations, a troubled or even dangerous relationship, there are times when others just cannot see.  They are not close enough to see, the problem never manifests in front of them so they can see.

Yes, Virginia, there are times when there is no one on earth to help.  It really is true. 

There is only God.  If you know how to reach out to him God surely is enough, if you do so in time and if you can hear from him and recognize what he is doing or wants you to do.  If you are dealing with a dangerous situation especially you may have to take some bold action, and unless you have a  really close friend to bounce your plans off of, one who can empathize even though not understanding, you are alone in the human world.

There is only God.  Let’s be honest.  In all that really matters, in truth and meaning of life and future hope and such, there is only God.

The title of this piece fits individuals in the quandary I have mentioned above.  It also fits larger groups at times.  What about the Jews in concentration camps in WW II?  What about the people in the path of horrible terrorist groups in the Middle East, people who are just being eliminated? 

The message in this short piece is to get busy working on your relationship with God.  You need to know him.  You need to be able to go to him and get answers.  You need to be able to hear him.  And getting to that position takes some time and effort.  Don’t put it off.  It is your lifeline to truth and hope, your gateway to the Creator. 
Keep Your Eyes on Jesus!

                                                                             Copyright © 2014 by John Newlin

[NOTE:  This article may and should be copied, printed, or forwarded by email to others so long as it is copied, printed, or forwarded in its entirety with the appropriate attributions included.  We in fact encourage you to do so and especially to give printed copies to those who you know would benefit and do not have access to computers.]

P O Box 15797, Wilmington, NC 28408 * 910 395 1465           Email: