Tuesday, January 8, 2013


This is an urgent message to all believers everywhere.  We are living in tense, unpleasant times.  We are living in the days that actually count down to the return of Jesus, in other words, the last days.  And so much is happening.  Yes, people are coming to Christ, especially in areas of the world that have not known the Lord.  But great numbers are falling away as well.  The Western world is sliding away.

You do not even have to be a believer to know things are woefully wrong today.  A huge percentage of people in the US, the leading nation and most sophisticated nation of the world for decades, believe the country is on the wrong track, that their children’s lives will be worse than theirs, and so forth.

For those who are true believers in Jesus Christ, you know there is much more to the story.  We are near his return.  As we near that date, many things happen, and I’ve written about so much of this.  You can find past writings on our web site or my blog, or listen to our CDs or watch our television programs on the subject.

I am writing this now, today, because the pressure is up.  We have seen in our lives and in the ministry ever growing pressure.  I’ve said before anyone stepping out for God is sure to be attacked by the evil side.  Certainly that is true.  Serious ministers of God know that is true.  We’ve had all sorts of attacks over the years – financial, physical, and otherwise.  And constantly there are the temptations the devil brings – “you can’t really do that, you don’t have the funds, nobody is listening, on and on.”  Sometimes the temptations and the words are much worse than that of course.  And the attacks are very real.

Well, now, I want to warn you to the best of my abilities to warn.  The devil and his forces are pouring out their efforts in these last days.  And one area they are really active in is the one Jesus first warned his disciples of in Mark 13, Matthew 24, and Luke 21 when they asked about signs of his return.  What is it?  DECEPTION!!!!

Watch that you are not deceived!!!!!!  That was the Lord’s first reply when the disciples asked him about his return.

While we have been attacked in so many ways and have been victorious in Christ in so many ways over the years, we have now recognized clearly an enormous increase in deception attacks.  This past year and a half there have been four major incidents of this, two involving deceptive “ministers” of all things to flat out deception on the part of a larger organization with which we were dealing and to another concerning an amazing offer to fund our ministry to a high level (This does not count lesser such deceptive activities, hopefully all of which we have recognized.).   In the course of this we have endeavored to be wiser and wiser, to ask for words of wisdom and knowledge and greater discernment every time we have had to make decisions.  But it is difficult. When we began to realize all that was happening in these deceptive attacks, I spoke with an executive of a friendly giant ministry that you all are probably familiar with.  I asked him about another opportunity – not one of the four deceptions mentioned.  A major Christian television network had offered us a prime morning broadcast time, and he warned me about that network, citing their withdrawal from it.  An agent we have worked with for some time also gave a warning.

I’m not speaking of every little falsehood.  I’m speaking of serious deception that can wreck what you are doing, or misdirect your life.  And I warn you now to be alert, to be awake. 

The gift of discernment is a great help here, and all the other gifts of the Holy Spirit.  So too seeking wise counsel – the Bible even advises of this.

This deception is being poured out so fast that we consider every one that suddenly appears in our path with an attractive offer, or seeking involvement that appears something we should do.  Because we have experienced and know to consider – is this real?

Some time back we recorded the CD Fighting Evil to guide you in how to protect yourself every day.  It goes over the tools we have in doing so, the Biblical tools, and advises on how to live and prepare every day.  You should get and listen to that if you have not.  Just request it from us.  And watch our television programs on this subject.

Related to this, you do indeed in Jesus’ name have the power to cast out evil spirits, demons.  Jesus said his believers would do that.  If you realize you are being attacked or tempted by such, take a stand in Jesus’ name.  The devil and his staff cannot win against such.  If you are a true believer.

But I say now, you must know who you are in Christ and what the Lord has enabled you to do.  Taking on the devil or his evil spirits with no knowledge or inappropriate knowledge is a prescription for disaster.  No one can survive against the devil without the Lord and what he has enabled us to do.

These deceptions come by people who look like angels of light.  They talk like angels of light. They come with glowing opportunity, with scripture and warmth.  And smiles.  And they will destroy you.

And these deceptions are not just on a grand national level but on a personal one- on-one level in your daily life.  I don’t want you to think this just happens to others, or to larger groups.

And that is the world in which we live today.  I have spent years of my life trying to warn people of all that is happening and is coming.  I didn’t choose this role.  The Lord chose me, as he likes to remind me from time to time.  Thank God he does so.  And so I do this. 

Consider yourselves warned.  Pray about new contacts, pray about persons you might work with or invite over, pray about any new opportunities or endeavors you are considering.  Get the Lord’s advice.  Listen to the Holy Spirit.  Listen!  Any doubt?  Don’t act. 

Keep Your Eyes on Jesus!

                                                                                                                                    (January 2013)

                                                                                                              Copyright © 2013 by John Newlin.

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