We are now celebrating the anniversary of the greatest moment in human history, the reconciliation of lost human beings to God by the actions of Jesus in going to and through the cross, in his victory over evil, over sin and death, over sickness and disease and pain and curses, in other words victory over anything that separated human beings from God.
On the night he was arrested, the band of soldiers and others came to where he and the disciples were. Estimates of the size of the group of soldiers amazingly range from 300 to 600. Obviously they did not know what to expect.
When the band arrived, Jesus asked them, “Who is it you want?”
They replied, “Jesus of Nazareth.”
And an astounding thing happened. According to our English language Bibles, Jesus answered, “I am he.” And the soldiers and others with them drew back and fell to the ground (John 18:6)!
But Jesus did not say, “I am he.” What he said, in the original Greek, was “ego eimi.”
“Ego eimi” means “I AM.”
That’s what Jesus said. “I AM.” The same phrase that God had applied to himself in speaking with Moses in Exodus 3:14. Our English translations have added the word “he” to “I am,” but Jesus did not say “he.” To the credit of the King James translation, the word “he” there is in italics to indicate it has been added.
Jesus had simply stated who he was. “I AM.” The overwhelming power and glory that was and is his knocked all the soldiers to the ground.
Now, having clearly demonstrated who had the greater power, he then allowed himself to be arrested and taken off to be slaughtered for you and me.
Amazing, isn’t it. That God would take such a step. We cannot comprehend that level of love. We cannot truly and fully comprehend what motivated God to send his son down here for such a purpose. Jesus had the right to take up his life and to lay it down. Thankfully, for all of us he chose to go through with the heavenly plan.
Remember when Philip in John 14 asked Jesus to show the disciples the Father, and Jesus replied that anyone who has seen him has seen the Father.
Remember elsewhere when Jesus declared that the Father and he are one?
That was the Son of God the soldiers came to arrest and that Philip was looking at. In essence and in truth, that was God they were arresting and that Philip was seeing. The great “I AM” answered the soldiers.
Jesus referred to himself that way more than once. Check out John 8:58 and John 13:19.
Nothing should prevent you from accepting Jesus as your Lord and being reconciled to the Father. If you have not done so, then sincerely ask for forgiveness for all your sinful actions and life and ask this Jesus to be your Lord. Now. There is not much time left. He’s about to make a second visit.
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