Sunday, March 27, 2022



It is time for believers to act strongly against the ungodly and destructive behavior of so many government leaders today.  To that end, we have the great power of prayer and all the authority the Lord Jesus has given us.  Remember, we believers can do the same things he did, even greater, he said.
Here are some suggestions you can pray for specific leaders you might identify or just for the leaders of certain countries, like the US or Russia or wherever:
  • In Jesus’ name, order away from the leaders all evil spirits.
  • Ask Father God to draw the leaders to a saving knowledge of Jesus. Ask him to send to them good, strong believing Christians these leaders would listen to and receive advice and guidance from.
These are good prayer points for you to use for leaders and other individuals in any field of endeavor or in any relationship to you.  Good groups to pray these points for are the media, the leaders of America’s tech community and indeed all corporations, the leaders of America’s universities and public schools, and the leaders of the entertainment/sports community.
You may want to add for some of these groups the prayer to wake the people up from the confusion and deception of the woke/cancel culture community and the progressive far left movement that has so confused many.
I am sure you can think of more to add and more people to pray for.  Always, you should be praying for Father God to draw to Jesus any of the people you know who don’t know Jesus.  Only he can do that, as Jesus said, but we surely can ask him to do so and we can be ready to share, explain, teach, whatever with anyone God puts in our path and the Holy Spirit arranges an encounter with.
                                                      March 2022
                                                      Copyright © 2022 by John Newlin
[Please forward or copy or print and send copies of this to whomever you would.] 


P O Box 1038, Cary, NC 27512        910 395 1465



Friday, March 4, 2022



Watching Russia murder the men, women, and children of the Ukraine, we want to scream.  We want to do something.  Our country surely can do something.  Can’t it?  Will it?  I don’t know, but you and I surely can.
Do you recall how when a terrible hurricane is threatening an area where some of our partners live, I have written and called upon you to take action?  I’ve asked you to take a stand in line with the authority Jesus has given us, his believers.  And we all do that, and we’ve seen hurricanes turn aside and/or diminish in power.  We’ve seen the weather change! 
In John 14:12-14 Jesus said those who believe in him will do the same things he had been doing, even greater.  He said that he would do whatever we ask him in his name.  He also said over in John 16:23 that Father God will give us whatever we ask him in Jesus’ name.
In Mark 16:17 Jesus says his believers will cast out demons.

It’s time right now we focus on these verses and put our faith into action.  The gospel of Jesus Christ is a gospel of power and not just word!  It is these verses and others that lead us to realize that in Jesus all things are possible.

Right now, turn toward the east and raise your hand (s), palm facing east.  In the name of Jesus, order all evil spirits to get away from the Ukrainians and from the Russian military attacking Ukraine.  In his name, order all Russian weapons and missiles and helicopters and jets and tanks and bombs and trucks being used against the Ukrainians not to work.  In his name, order the Russians to turn back.  Do it!  Do it now!  And do whatever you can to press your government to take rational and wise steps in helping the Ukraine and stopping Russia.
May the eyes of the Russian people be opened to the truth and may they too take whatever action they should to halt this awful, immoral, murderous assault on humanity.
May God protect the Ukrainian people and give them strength.
                                       March 2022
                                       Copyright © 2022 by John Newlin
PLEASE:  Please forward or copy or print and send copies of this to whomever you would. 


P O Box 1038, Cary, NC 27512        910 395 1465



Tuesday, March 1, 2022


So here we are in a truly horrible situation.  A huge military machine in a communist country led by an evil and perhaps even disturbed leader is intent on destroying a smaller democratic country on its border.  The leader of the smaller country and his countrymen have captured the hearts of the world, but their cause seems desperate at best.  And Americans and others throughout the world watch with horror at what is happening and may be likely to happen.

Wars and rumors of wars is one of Jesus’ prophecies about the times in which we live.  And this surely is a war, the most frightening since World War II.  Recently I wrote it follows the terrible principle that “might makes right,” a principle King George VI of the UK declared could not be allowed to stand in his speech about Germany at the beginning of WW II.  I haven’t heard any speech like King George’s thus far, except perhaps for the declarations from the Ukrainian president.  The US evidently offered to get him out of Ukraine, and he responded by saying he didn’t need a ride, he needed weapons!

Let’s be direct and honest.  The USA today is limited in responding to the Russian invasion of Ukraine because it needs Russian oil! Right now while Russia is killing innocent men, women, and children in Ukraine and while its own young soldiers are being killed, the USA and Europe  are paying Russia huge amounts of money for oil and thereby funding their terrible war effort.  Sanctions have been levied against Russia, but not any stopping this selling of oil to the West and the flow of oil funds to Russia.

But there is a quick and easy fix!  Many have already spoken about it.  Just return to the energy policies of the day before the current president took office. The US was energy independent then! Immediately upon entering office, this current president issued an executive order that restricted the energy industry in the US and the US moved to having to import oil.  And so it buys oil from Russia!  This current energy dependence is all politics, terrible politics.  It comes from the current president’s ties to the far left green new deal politicians. 

Related to this, I saw almost impossible to believe comments by John Kerry, the former candidate for President.  He stated he hoped this Russia-Ukraine war wouldn’t distract from the climate change work now underway!  He even said it was important for the Russian leader and other leaders to remain committed to the lowering of greenhouse gases.  Incredible!  As if that is anywhere near in importance right now to the horrible war going on in the Ukraine and the suffering taking place there.  Again I warn everyone – there are deceived, deluded people out there in our world, many of them, and some are filling important positions!

Of course we are concerned and pray for the Ukrainians.  And we admire their fortitude.  And we do a tiny bit have to feel for the Russian soldiers.  They are young men, really young, who I doubt know why they are involved in this conflict.   

Another “last days” point needs to be made.  Beyond the wars and rumors of war prophecy of Jesus, I think there is even more here.  I expect the Russian leader is the Gog of Ezekiel 38-39 and Russia is the Magog.  How they move from this current war to leading an attack on Israel described there we will just have to wait and see.  Most likely that happens during the early part of the Tribulation anyway so believers will miss that.  Perhaps if somehow the USA and other Western countries do somehow find a way they are willing to take to thwart Russia in its efforts to takeover Ukraine, Gog and Magog will be so incensed they will be looking for somewhere to attack.  Maybe that will be Israel.

Don't forget amidst all the Russia-Ukraine clamor:

Everything is secondary right now to the fact that Jesus is coming soon and that to be in the Kingdom, to go with him, you must be a true believer in him. You must be born anew. Jesus must be your Lord.  Keep your eyes on him.  Don’t be distracted.

                                                             March 2022

                                                             Copyright © 2022 by John Newlin
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