And when you see all these things begin to come to pass, then look up and lift up your head, for your redemption draws near. (Luke 21:28)
Yes, we are there. Or rather, we are here. It is in our time. It is now.
Many decades ago, there was a famous news announcer – Walter Cronkite – who had a program titled “YOU ARE THERE” or something like that. I expect very few now alive ever saw it. Anyway, the program would take the viewer to a historical scene being played out on the screen, and it was as if the viewer were right there – at the time Columbus discovers America, or the light bulb is invented, or Lincoln is shot. You get the idea.
Well, we really are there right now at the most important event since the coming of Jesus two thousand years ago and his eventual going to and through the cross.
It will soon happen. I know all readers would like me to say the date it will happen, but I can’t do that. Even Jesus did not know the day when he was on earth. But based on all that is happening, we can see clearly that day is coming into clear focus.
All those fulfilled prophecies. I am so sorry that so many churches and pastors do not teach any of those prophecies or the return of the Lord. The people attending them will be so surprised and shocked. The end of the book is approaching. They just never took it all that seriously. Or they never made it to the point of truly knowing the Lord. And surely they never got to the point of being filled with and guided by the Holy Spirit. He would not have let them miss the point, the end of the age.
In our book WAKE UP AMERICA we wrote of so many of the major prophecies that have been fulfilled in our lifetimes. And right now we see all those natural disasters Jesus warned about – the pestilence (“covid”), the storms, the earthquakes, the nation against nation, and so on. And right now we clearly see being formed the coalition of countries that will soon invade Israel and be stopped by God himself. You can read all about it in Ezekiel 38 and 39. The countries identified there are getting closer together – Russia, Persia (Iran and Afghanistan), Turkey, and more. The US more and more backs away from the support of Israel. As I have written before, expect that war to take place after we believers have been gathered together by Jesus in the coming rapture.
So many people – including some misguided pastors – have thought the end times scriptures in the Bible, including the book of Revelation, are just symbolic. They will soon be finding out how very accurate the Bible is. That wonderful book exists on many levels. That living book reveals more and more to those who spend time reading and searching it and asking the Holy Spirit’s guidance in their understanding. But one thing is true – it is true right on its surface. The first level.
Do you know that many of the great historical events of the Bible that we know are true and happened were once believed by many to be just stories, allegories? But then archeologists with their great work found evidence over and over again, and ancient Biblical scrolls were discovered. Names were uncovered. So we know David and Solomon really lived and were those great kings, for example. We’ve found Pilate’s name inscribed on stone.
Some people who truly know the Lord will go with him. Then shortly will begin the seven year Tribulation. Most people will experience that Tribulation, sadly, for they do not know the Lord. Some perhaps will be led to seek and discover the Lord even during that terrible time and will be known as Tribulation saints. And the end of that period will find the Lord quickly killing his enemies, the devil being thrown into a pit that is locked, and the antichrist and the false prophet being thrown into the Lake of Fire. And Kingdom rule will begin from Jerusalem.
Isn’t it amazing that YOU ARE THERE! We are here when Jesus returns to collect his believers!
As I recently quoted Ruth Graham, if God doesn’t punish America, he is going to have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah. Well, God is going to punish America, to judge it…and the whole world as well. We don’t know what the thousand years after Kingdom rule is established in Jerusalem will look like. But we will soon find out.
November 2021
Copyright © 2021 by John Newlin
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