Friday, May 14, 2021


It’s come to Jesus time!  That’s a popular expression, more often heard as a come to Jesus moment.  What it means is that time when a person realizes he has no help in a current situation other than Jesus, that time when a person is totally honest with the Lord about himself and his situation, that time when a person has totally repented of any sins he has committed.

A come to Jesus moment is the time when there is no dependence on self and total dependence on the Lord.
And that is where we are today, where we must be.
For some months I have stayed a bit away from all the shocking things happening about us and have focused on all the spiritual help the Lord has given us, such as all the protection tools, the authority to cast out demons, divine healing, other tools in fighting evil, who we are in Jesus, and the authority we have that Jesus has given us.
Well, it’s come to Jesus message time now.  This is a come to Jesus message. 
Surely you must realize where we are in God’s time.  Surely you must see all the evil going on around us in the various levels of government, media, business, education, and more.  Surely you must recognize all those people calling evil good and good evil.  Many of the big popular issues being put forward by the government and popular media and entertainers are nothing short of absolute insanity.  They make no sense.  (Yesterday I saw an advertisement for a movement to do away with all prisons and all police in the country.).
Jesus warned us about this time.  When the disciples asked him about the time we are living in, his first warning in three different gospels was to watch that we are not deceived.  Deception.  It is out there in a big way.  Now I don’t want you to be confused.  Yes, of course, it is true that many of these persons putting forward bizarre actions and propositions hope to deceive us.  But this deception goes deeper than that.  Many of those putting forward these views are deceived themselves.  They can’t see the truth.  That is why as so many have discovered that it is impossible to hold rational discussions on the popular subjects of the day.  People who might be described as woke persons, cancel culture persons, progressives, cannot discern the truth and cannot enter into rational discussions.
I hope you must realize by now that these troubling persons and their irrational agendas and actions and behaviors cannot be from God.  They cannot know God.  Of course not.  That is why they have been so deceived by the evil one, the devil.  They do not have the ability to discern truth.  America is a nation with a great number of godless people in key leadership positions.  A rabbi in Israel just said America is “tiny people with lots of money and power but no wisdom.”  Well, that’s one way of putting it.  My way:  America is led by godless people, in government, in media, in business, in entertainment and sports, in education.  Now we clearly see the results of having godless people in charge. 
Sadly, the people on earth who truly have that discerning ability are small in number indeed.  These are the born again, Spirit-filled and baptized persons who have the gifts of the Spirit and operate in those, such as the gift of discernment.  They immediately discern the complete falsehood of so many of those in leadership in the country today; and sadly, even though they may understand what I just wrote, they still marvel at how so many can believe so many lies. 
Yesterday I spoke with a believer who kept expressing frustration at persons she would speak to about God’s truths and yet they had no comprehension of what she was saying.  I pointed out that she knew why these people couldn’t comprehend.  She said yes she knew, but it was just so frustrating!  And I would add frightening!
While we believers know Jesus is coming soon and we have the great joy of knowing him now and having the Kingdom of God in us even now, we still have the physical reality on earth of seeing this country move steadily to being a totalitarian, socialist, authoritarian government where those wonderful individual freedoms we once cherished vanish one by one.  Godless people have the government as their god, and so they make that government all powerful.
Someone asked me yesterday why are Christians being attacked so much here and around the world, while other religious places such as mosques don’t seem to be so attacked?  Why are preachers under such threat for what they say in Canada, for example, while imams in mosques seem to be free of threat?  Well, the truth is obvious.  Jesus is the only way to God, the only hope for people.  These other religions have no meaning and no hope for their followers.  The devil is only threatened by Christians.  They are the only ones he really will attack and hopes to eliminate.  
The things happening now are terrible.  To use the term Paul used in communicating to Timothy about this age, they are perilous.  We believers do have the protections God has for us and we cannot afford to be idle and not use those protections.  And we must represent Jesus is all situations.  Remember again his statement that whoever disowns him before others, he will disown before his Father in heaven.
The only thing holding back the immediate return of the Lord right now, this minute, has to be that there are still some of those chosen before the creation of the world to be in God’s elect who have not yet come to a saving knowledge of Jesus or perhaps because of their location have not truly heard the gospel message.  But there can’t be many of those left, can there?  No there can’t.  Time is short.  Relative to the world’s whole history, we only have hours.
Stop wasting time.  Do whatever you can as the Holy Spirit leads to get the truths of the gospel out to others.  But don’t be so overcome with dismay when even people close to you will not listen and do not appear to understand or want to understand at all.  Jesus wrote specifically about how he had come to turn a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, and so on.  In other words, unbeliever against believer.  That is the way it is and will be.
Beware of deception.  And beware of those false prophets out there who will tell you things you might want to hear but are not Biblical and not true.  There are preachers who say all people go to Heaven, but you know that is not true.  Jesus was explicit about that in so many ways – such as his words that the gate is small and the road that leads to life narrow, and few are they that find it.  Or his words that not everyone who says to him “Lord Lord” will enter the kingdom of heaven but only he who does the will of his Father who is in heaven.  Jesus said he will say to some of these people “I never knew you.  Away from me, you evildoers.”  Obviously, Jesus must know us.  Which happens truly when we are born again and filled with and baptized with the Holy Spirit.
Jesus warned of false prophets, shortly after he warned of deception.  And as I gave an example above, there are such people today out there ministering, some very famous.  How about preachers who want to put Christianity together with Islam in the so called Chrislam, or the Pope who wants to get all the religions together.   Maybe you have noticed the recent conflict between the Pope and some American bishops who evidently think the current president should not be served communion because of his obvious evil actions (backing wholesale abortion, strong backing of the LGBTQ movement for example).  The Pope has warned the bishops about their not wanting to serve him communion, even though obviously those actions are not only counter to God and the Bible but also to the basic positions of the Catholic Church. 
You have to use the gift of discernment to recognize false prophets.
Let me give you one more false prophet possibility which some of you may consider a bit too wild.  Have you noticed all the publicity about UFO’s lately, and the fact the government is giving validity to all this with the release of UFO information soon?  If this continues to increase, don’t be surprised to see something really dramatic in the future such as a “spaceship” landing with someone pretending to be Jesus aboard, or some other similar stunt.  We are living in the age of lies and deception.
Put all your trust in God.  You have to take actions on earth of course, but you must do that with the guidance of the Holy Spirit and in line with what you know God’s truths to be.
                                                                                      MAY 2021
                                                                                      Copyright © 2021 by John Newlin
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