It really is.
About your relationship with him, about your being born anew, about your being filled with and baptized with the Holy Spirit, about your doing God’s will, about your being like little children in your sincere and innocent childlike faith in the Lord.
There is no other way to heaven, no other way to being in the Kingdom of God, no other way to a good eternity, no other way to salvation from an eternity in the lake of fire, in a hell that defies comprehension.
It is not about which denomination or church you are part of, or whether you are part of one at all.
It is not about whether you read a responsive reading with the church pastor on Sunday or attend a liturgical church or not.
It is not about whether you stand and recite in rote some creed, whether a long-standing historical one or one recently written by your pastor.
It is not about singing classical old hymns, or modern worship music, or being immersed in praise music.
It is not about whether the clergy wear fancy formal robes and decorations and proceed ever so formally in the service or whether they wear blue jeans and have an informal service.
It is not about whether the congregation is solemn and stern or joyful and relaxed.
Once again, it is about this:
Keep Your Eyes on Jesus!
And Merry Christmas to you all!
(December 2018)
Copyright © 2018 by John Newlin
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