Friday, August 18, 2017


Those are words the Lord gave us Sunday afternoon August 6 as we prayed. 

What time?  The time I believe of the beginning of the Day of the Lord, the final steps in the end of this age.  We know Jesus has not yet returned to collect his CHURCH, his true believers, although that could happen any time, even while you are reading this.  And we know the seven year Tribulation period has not yet begun, that entire period which occurs at the end of the age and which might be called the Day of the Lord.

We know from 2 Thessalonians, 2:3 that this Day of the Lord will not begin until there is a great falling away from God, a rebellion, an apostasy, and also until the man of lawlessness, the anti-christ, is revealed.  Well, we certainly have been living for some time now in a time of a great falling away from God.  How many people do you know who are truly believers of Jesus Christ, followers of the Lord, born anew, born of water and the spirit?  How many?  I would suggest it is a very, very small percentage of the human population today in America and the world.  Even among all those who go to some church building on Sunday, a large number are certainly not born again and do not know the Holy Spirit.

Look at the daily news, the daily entertainment on television and in the movie theaters and on the Internet.  Much of that look like things of God?  Hardly.

Jesus’ first warning about these days was for us to watch that we are not deceived.  And Paul wrote about the spirit of delusion that would be here now.  Certainly we see that everywhere in society.  So many people are just lost.

We have met the first criteria there – falling away from God.

And the second?  No, the anti-christ has not yet been identified.  But that could happen soon surely.
Another criterion for the beginning of that seven year Tribulation period is the signing of a peace agreement, or covenant, involving the Jews, Israel.  Daniel 9:7 points this out.  It also makes the point that the person, the leader who brings that about, is indeed the anti-christ.  Well, people are constantly trying to bring about some type of peace agreement aren’t they?  The government has just sent its team again to the Middle East to work on this.

The time is near.  Yes it is.

Certainly feels that way doesn’t it?  The entire country seems to be in upheaval.  Many people internally in the US seem incapable of understanding or tolerating each other.  That ability most of us remember from just a few years past when people of different opinions were able to debate and discuss things calmly and rationally seems to have vanished.  The evil one is having a field day among much of the population and the government.  Bizarre crazy behavior is seen every day in the cities and the universities and Washington DC and the television reports and so on.

But what does this mean?  What war?

We know from the Bible there are these three wars yet to come:
·         The Psalm 83 war involves Israel and the arab muslim countries around it.
·         The Ezekiel 38-39 war involves an attack on Israel from nations to the North – specifically and apparently Russia, Turkey, and Iran, plus a couple smaller ones.
·         Armageddon, the final battle in which the Lord destroys the forces against him, killing them all, the anti-christ and the false prophet are thrown into the lake of fire, and the devil is imprisoned in a deep pit.
These wars haven’t happened.  Maybe they all will happen during the seven year period.
Are there other wars not necessarily involving the Jews and Israel?  It appears that is highly likely.  Look at all the uproar over North Korea.  Does something happen that makes the USA of little effect during the Tribulation period, for it does not appear in any of the three wars mentioned?

Maybe, and I think this is the case, the phrase “the war is close” refers to the general nature and characteristic of the time about to begin, one of a general state of war.  It is for sure the war between good and evil is underway and ever increasing.  You know that is going on right now in the spiritual realm.  And as it spills over into the physical realm, we have all the uproar and confusion and the wars above.

How?  Physically?  Spiritually?


We’ve published several newsletters and Watchman Warnings over the years on the need for the believers to protect themselves.   Look them up on our web site and read them.  Or go to the web site and watch the videos on fighting evil.  Or request our CD with the same title.

God has given us the great protection of his armor.  Paul described this in detail in Ephesians 6.  Read the December 2016 newsletter on our website.  Don’t get up any day without first putting that armor on yourself and your family.

God has also sent all of us who will inherit salvation his angels to serve us.  Protection is one thing these angels do very well.  Those believers who are spiritually sensitive know the angels are around them now.  Every day thank God for his angels protecting you and your family and your home and car.  When you are traveling around, ask God to hold you and your vehicle in the palm of his hands, to keep you well and safe and those on the road with you as well.

Regarding physical protection I think you need to pray and seek God’s will and plan for you.  Some people have put in some stores of water and food in case it becomes difficult to get that in the days before the Lord comes to collect his believers.  Some others of course have physical weapons.  At the least you might want to have a plan of where to go if you must leave where you are living or where various members of your family might meet up if for some reason communications become disconnected.

This goes without saying.  Pray.  Whenever and wherever you would.  Pray seriously.  Pray in the spirit, in tongues.  Seek the Lord.  Listen.  Listen.  Be alert for his guidance.  It may come in direct words to you or your spouse.  Or it may come in sudden opportunities, open doors, words from a friend that you realize are from God.  Or some other way.

Why don’t you live in a condition of prayer?  I mean, why don’t you just continue in that close relationship with God after you have had your specific time of sit-down prayer in the morning?  Why not never really say a final amen ending the prayer?  Just keep it open as you go through the day, talking to God whenever you need to.  He is always there. 


That is pretty clear and succinct.  God’s words to us.  We pass them on to you.

Keep Your Eyes on Jesus!

                                                                                                   (August 2017)
                                                                                                  Copyright © 2017 by John Newlin


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