Monday, May 16, 2016


It is the early hours of the morning and I am still excited. 

Learning more every day of the Father’s magnificent hand in our lives, of the Lord’s putting together every step of his plan.

I will guide you step by step, he has told me.  I will show you the way.

So often in recent months and years the point has been made.  I can’t do it.  No, I can’t.  For all the best of motives and goals, in trying to go forward and implement what I understand to be God’s call and assignment, I can’t do it.  I can make headway, to be sure.  And good things at times can happen, to be sure.  But to fulfill his plan, his objective, his assignment, he has to do it.  Through me.  Around me.  I have to become nothing.  To give myself up entirely.  To be consciously and unconsciously open to what he is doing, sensitive to him always, not ever pressing or forcing anything that I think must happen but rather letting him work through me to accomplish.

Dying to self.  How many years, Lord?  How long ago did you tell me that, that I would be dying soon?  At least twenty.  I remember talking about that with two wonderful people you put in my path decades ago.  We were pondering.  And yes, I and we all had the right answer.  Dying to the old self, the old priorities, the old interests, the old objectives.  But year after year in all you have taught me and all that we have done together, still learning.  Still learning what that means.

Just not me.  No evidence or glory of or for me.  It is all about you, Lord.  It is all you, Lord. Everything.  And if I don’t know or see how something is to go forward or might happen that you have revealed to me, well, that’s alright.  You will reveal what you want me to know at your time, your perfect time.  It is never my time that counts, but yours.

Surely the Lord does nothing without revealing his plans, his secrets to his servants the prophets.  Yes, the Bible says that.  And how true it is you have shown me.
So long ago you revealed your plan.  You made it known.  And then suddenly you act and it all comes to pass.

There is no god but God.  All things are possible with him.  We are his people and the sheep of his pasture.

Rest in him.  Live in him.  Use all the tools he has given you, and live in him.

Keep Your Eyes on Jesus!

                                                                                            (May 2016)
                                                                                            Copyright © 2016 by John Newlin

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