Friday, April 18, 2014


Jesus is either real and true and who he says he is, or else you and I have no hope and are greatly to be pitied.  It is that easy.

My experience is that people do not come to Christ by argument and reason.  They come because God  the Father draws them.  Suddenly somewhere – at home sitting quietly and maybe reading the Bible, at a church service listening to wonderful praise and worship music, at some service where they are greatly moved by the Holy Spirit, alone in a car, and countless other places – a person suddenly realizes that Jesus is real and true and alive and he or she gives their life to Christ and becomes born again.  They receive a new spirit.  They are a new creation – the old has gone and the new has come.  And they have life eternal with Jesus and his father.

If you believe this is all not true and refuse to seek and reach out to God, refuse to be open to receive the truth, you can just discount your existence and throw it away.  Because it is nothing more than refuse as you will end up in the lake of fire for eternity.  I don’t think many want this for themselves or their family members, do you?  So even if you haven’t yet encountered the Lord, there is hope.  And you should hope and hope and hope, and sincerely cry out for Jesus.  Ask him to be your Lord.   Tell him you give your life to him.  Thank him for what he did on the cross and ask and receive his forgiveness for your sins in life.  He took care of that you know.

Either you accept Jesus or you have no hope and no future.  Now you can think like some that there is still time, but you don’t know that.  The people on Malaysia flight 370 ran out of time when they boarded the plane and took off.  The students soon to go to college ran out of time when their bus was struck by a Fed Ex truck in California.  Every day people run out of time, in car accidents and other types of accidents, in being victims of crimes, in some areas of the world in being terror victims or war victims and even victims of starvation, and even in just plain old dying from various diseases and medical maladies.  Your neighbor who died from a heart attack thought he had more time.  So too the young teenager you may know who drove into a tree one night. 

This is all real.   It is hard to accept for modern day citizens, especially westerners who are so rational and scientifically based in their approach to life.  But it is true.  And all humanity is soon to find out as the Lord is about to come.  Surely you want to hear his call, the trumpet call, the call of the archangel and to join with Jesus in the sky when he comes.  Surely you want to go forward with the life he has for you in his Kingdom.  Unless you are as dumb as dirt, that is what you want.   You know that.  So get started.


Keep Your Eyes on Jesus!


(April 2014)

Copyright © 2014 by John Newlin

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