Friday, March 21, 2014


For days now the media and so many people have been enthralled by the missing jetliner from Malaysia.  About 250 people or so and a giant airplane just vanished out of earth’s communication and monitoring systems several days ago.  And up to now all the talents and skills of the modern world have not found it.

Now of course this is a horribly sad event for all the families and friends of those on that plane.   And we all should pray for their peace in this entire affair.

But there is a greater lesson and insight for all of us.  Look at how the world and media is following this, how surprised and shocked and intrigued.  And this is just for about 250 people and one plane disappearing.

What will it be like very soon when Jesus comes in a cloud with a loud shout, the voice of the archangel, and the trumpet call of God, and the members of his CHURCH leave this earth and join him in the clouds?  What will that be like?  We have written and discussed from time to time the issue of just how many will be going with the Lord in that instant when he comes to gather up his followers, as described very succinctly in 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17.  It will surely be more than those on this Malaysian airplane. 

I think we can put to rest some of those writers who have wondered if the world would even notice those leaving in God’s “rapture,” that the government would just cover it up with some type of scientific explanation.  I think we can say for sure the population will be shocked and perplexed and seeking answers and following the television news daily.  Your friends and relatives who do not know the Lord then will be part of that.  They will be shocked.  And I expect scared.  And hopefully the shock and surprise will cause them to seek answers in the right place, and God will use that event to lead even more people to Jesus.

We have just been given a first-hand demonstration of what it might be like on earth after the rapture.  Just imagine the reaction when the missing people are not just from one airplane leaving Malaysia but from every nation and state and city.

Soon.  You cannot get away from the fact that Jesus is returning very soon.  And gathering away his saints is part of that.   It’s almost like this airplane is another warning.  The time is short.


Keep Your Eyes on Jesus!

(March 2014)

Copyright © 2014 by John Newlin

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