Monday, February 10, 2014



Have patience.  Have faith.  Your trials will not continue forever.  The continual testing of your very essence will survive this difficult place and time.


We believers are as people without a true physical home, though we know where that home truly is and we long to be in it.  To live is Christ and to die is gain – true words that reflect the seeming predicament of our lives.


The time is almost at hand when we shall move on.  Already you are in the Kingdom, already you are with him.  Ephesians tells us we are seated with him in the heavenlies even now.  But surely you wish that were full time and all about physically as well.


The Lord will complete the heavenly plan.  It will happen.  There will be more joy for the believer, and greater confounding and sense of being lost for those who are not.  And we who with unwavering faith keep our eyes on him must realize that in all things God works for good in those who have been called according to his purpose.  Though we persevere and intercede and pray and obey and at times still puzzlingly see no results that we recognize, we still maintain.  For he is good.  For his loving-kindness endures forever.


He is God.  And we are not, though we move steadily to being more and more like him.

He has told us what is to happen.  In explicit words difficult at times to comprehend.  He does nothing without revealing it to his prophets. 


Do not let your heart be troubled.  Find that place of peace and live in it, retreat to it, even though at times you must move and act and represent him in a desperate world.  He will never lose you. 

Sometime ago I wrote this poem that fits well here.  Maybe you have already seen it. 


We are never home.*

Not now.  Not here.

No matter how we try.

We cannot get there.


The moments of joy

Family and friends bring

Cannot dispel

The longing of our hearts.


Harsh though the words,

God’s children are

Strangers in a foreign land,

Aliens on planet earth.


This is not our world.

But we will soon be home,

That we know.

Our hope is secure.


*We Are Never Home, by John Newlin, published in Standard January 11, 2004




Keep Your Eyes on Jesus!


                                                                                                                                       (February 2014)

                                                                                                                   Copyright © 2014 by John Newlin






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