Monday, October 29, 2012


The End of Innocence is a famous title.  I thought to use that, but then it is not accurate.  Innocence.  Americans have no right to be innocent.  Ignorance is a much more accurate word.

Throughout most of the country’s existence the truth has been more available to Americans than to any other group of people on the face of the earth.  Books by the tens of thousands, articles, magazines, television program upon television program, libraries, universities, personal computers, churches everywhere.  And total freedom to explore all that and more.

But everywhere many still sit in naïve ignorance in giant brick buildings on Sunday mornings, believing they have heard the truth and are hearing it over and over, when for the majority what they are hearing is a greatly limited and watered down gospel.

People attend churches because their parents went there, or they went to the same denomination, or because their friends go there and they are comfortable, or because it is a social occasion.  And of course there are a few who really are serious about God and truth.  They have to seek and study on their own, which by the way is what has to happen.

Such a limited gospel.  So few Americans know that God is real, Jesus is real, the Holy Spirit is real, the Bible is true, the devil is real, angels are real, demons are real…and so on.  A poll not long ago showed that half of those who consider themselves Christians don’t believe the devil is real.  Note I said those who consider themselves Christians.  I didn’t say God considered them Christians.  Of course the devil is real.  The Lord himself warned us of the devil, talked about him, described him, was challenged unsuccessfully by him.

Jesus’ gospel is a power gospel.  Jesus Christ came to reconcile people to God.  He did all that was necessary to accomplish that.  He overcame the world, and in him true believers in the Lord do also.  He said his believers would do the same things he did, even greater.  

He became a curse on the cross so we would be free from the curses of the law, which basically are just about any horror you can think of. 

We believers are more than conquerors in him. 

Jesus said his believers would heal the sick, cast out demons, so much more.

We’ve done those things in this ministry.  People have been healed in person and even far away over the telephone.  Healed of what the world calls terminal diseases, horrible problems.  And we’ve cast out demons.  You see, demons are really real.

The end of ignorance.  So many of the traditional denominations and others bought into a lie from the early centuries after Jesus that the days of miracles and healings were over.  What a complete fabrication, another accomplishment of the devil (the father of lies, remember).  Look at all the people healed and freed through our ministry and others, some well known, some not well known.  Any truly believing Christian can go forward and act on all that the Lord gave them to do.

The Lord is to return very soon.  The first thing he warned his disciples about regarding this is to watch they not be deceived.

Ignorance.  After the last few years, it seems at least a few have waked up a bit.  The massive deception in the levels of government and the media and the entertainment world has at last gotten their attention, or their ire.  But have they truly realized what is going on?  The emergence of the events leading up to Jesus’ return?  The gradual move of government to a big brother type, one world government.  And the soon to come emergence of the antichrist and his partner, the false prophet?  All that is well underway now.

Americans, who for the most part want to be left alone to pursue their own personal goals and lives, are finding they can’t do that.  That freedom is going away.  They are going to have to pay attention.

Wonder how long it will be before most realize that only God has the answers for them as to what is happening now and what they should do?

Wonder how long it will be before all those churches on the corners and the pastors who for the most part have been held in check so long by denomination boards and church elders and such realize the full truth of who Jesus is and who they are supposed to be and begin preaching the full power gospel.

How long do they have anyway?  How long do any of us have?

Keep Your Eyes on Jesus!


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