Tuesday, March 9, 2010

[written in May 2009 but still very pertinent]

For decades Americans for the most part have focused on their own lives – their jobs, their houses, their cars and boats and for some their clubs and sports. They have not been interested or shown interest in looking beyond that small constricted circle.

What was happening in the rest of the world? What is going on in the greater spiritual world? Was there more to the spiritual world than just going and sitting through an obligatory one hour program each Sunday?

Well, now Americans are finding out. There was much more going on. There is much more going on.

In just a little over a hundred days the underlying formal structure of the country and the formal moral fabric has changed more than it ever has. We now have a leadership that either does not know the foundations of the country or does not care about those foundations, and that is clearly determined to lead the nation and the society on a road away from Jesus Christ and freedom and to a road of big government, invasion of personal life, much less freedom, and the truly socialist view that government knows best. The last great society that followed that view was the USSR, and it was a complete failure in the lifetimes of most adults living.

Americans, true to their narrow self focus of so many decades now, late last year and early this year paid attention to the economy. Nothing matters to Americans like the economy. So steps to improve that were accepted. But those steps involved actions way out of bounds – monster spending that hugely increases debt and places the country more and more as a debtor in the hands of such as the People’s Republic of China.

While watching the government take bold and even unconstitutional steps that eventually lead to takeover of major banks and invade and destroy major businesses – by the way the US government does not inherently have these rights – Americans have acquiesced and sat quietly. Other than our brave young soldiers, that’s generally how Americans behave today – sitting quietly, watching TV or whatever.

While the attention was on the economy, numerous steps were taken – some completed, some begun – to move to a socialist state, to turn away from God, to turn away from the country’s history and principals.

Well, didn’t a recent report by George Barna point out how few people who say they are Christians truly believe major points of Christianity? Yes, that’s true. So no wonder the people can’t recognize what is happening.


• Steps were taken to allow US funds to be used to fund abortions in foreign lands. Your money.

• Steps have been taken to move in the direction of stem cell research on embryos.

• The volunteer core has been greatly expanded, and in the process there actually was discussion and even language drafted that those responsible would be able to consider making this volunteer core mandatory. That would be forcibly putting young people in a volunteer core for a few years – maybe senior citizens too. What nation in the last century does this sound like?

• Pressure is being indicated and brought on doctors who will not perform abortions.

• The elected leader in the White House has said that the USA is no longer a Christian nation.

• A hate crimes bill is rapidly making its way through Congress, a bill which would put gags in the mouths of those who would speak out about some horrible evils. Are you aware of that? True preachers of the Word would no longer be able to point out, for example, that the Bible and thus God speak loudly and clearly against homosexuality. In fact, a list of deviant behaviors currently is protected by the draft of this bill making its way along, behavior such as pedophilia.

• The current White House occupant has taken trips abroad where he has apologized for the US everywhere he has gone and where he has gladly shaken hands and smiled at tyrants and evil leaders. He either does not know the history of the US or does not believe it. The fact is that the US has, among the world’s nations, been the greatest force for good on earth in our lifetimes. What other nation actually goes to war to help other people?

• The government also continues its pressure on Israel to split, to give up land to the Palestinians. But remember – “I will bless those who bless you and will curse those who curse you.” The actions regarding Israel clearly place the US on the side of those lining up for receiving cursing – not the position Harry Truman had in mind when he boldly recognized the new nation of Israel in 1949.

It is difficult for me to write these things because I want to spend my time on Jesus – who he is and that he is coming soon. But I do have to point out what is happening, because what is happening is in keeping with the truth that Jesus is coming soon, very soon.

A last sign before the antichrist is revealed and then the Day of the Lord comes is a falling away from, or rebellion against, God (II Thessalonians, 2:3). I would say we are living in the midst of that. The original Greek for this falling away is apostasia, from which we get our word for apostasy. That is where we are, in the midst of apostasy.

Jesus in three chapters talking about the last days (Mark 13, Matthew 24, Luke 21) warned strongly about deception. Americans and all in the world are living in the midst of that.

If you do not truly know Jesus, now is the time to correct that. Ask him into your life. Ask for his mercy, his forgiveness of your sins. Recognize him for who he is – Lord – and make him your Lord.

You see, soon, at the name of Jesus, every knee will bow – the knees of those who know him and the knees of those who don’t. You do want to be in the first group.

The Bible notes that the evil one has blinded the eyes of non-believers. That is true. But you say, well I see many Christians who are happy with the government. I reply, scripture says the devil has blinded the eyes of non-believers. As we approach the end of this age, we all will learn there is a big difference between all those who call themselves Christians and those who truly are believers in Jesus Christ.

So what do you do? Pray. Pray. Pray. For the veils to be removed. For people to wake up. For people to turn to God. And for a wave of outrage and then wise Godly action to follow in response to all the deception and evil now being foisted on the American people.

May God have mercy on us all.

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