Terrible subject. I don’t like writing about it. But I tell you this article is worth your reading and rereading and sharing as you can. Please read it to the end.
Surely you have noticed the intense, even frightening hatred many leaders in various fields have for the past president and for those who voted for him.
We are going to look at this and where we are right now in spiritual timing.
Step back a moment. Remember over your lives, how in past elections for president or governor or other positions, year after year, one person wins and another loses. And in all that, some are happy and others are disappointed. Yet in all that virtually all people realized what was a general truth – that while the approach and some details of the opposing candidates might be different, the fundamentals of support for traditional American truths were followed by most. In general, everyone stood behind the president even if they had not voted for him and even did not like him.
That all changed in 2016. The winner of that presidential election was a multi-billionaire businessman, not a politician. There was no reason for him to run for president from a personal standpoint. He could have lived out his life as a multi-billionaire, a pretty nice life indeed in physical terms. But no, he actually decided to throw himself and his family into the cauldron of American politics and run for office? Why? We have to assume he thought he had something to offer the country, to help the country. That was the general thrust of his campaign.
But remember now that from his surprising victory there was instant hatred from many politicians and office holders, a large majority of the media, many entertainers and others. Real hatred. They said things that we all knew were not true. And they refused to believe he was the president. This went on for four years. Absolute vitriol. Stay focused now. We are looking at this hatred. That’s the subject.
Remember all the efforts to discredit him. Remember the obviously made up scandals, the attempt to impeach, on and on.
Now we have just passed another presidential election and inauguration. And the hatred continues. The former president is out of office. His staff are out of office.
But this incredible hatred goes on.
It is not enough for his opponents that he has lost reelection. No. Now they apparently want to destroy him forever and thus they went forward with another now failed impeachment effort. They want to crush the previous president, make it impossible for him to do anything meaningful in the future.
Think for a moment. From the news reports and actions of leaders you would think only a small number voted for the past president. But the fact is almost half of those who voted in the 2020 presidential election voted for him, yet those supporting the victor want those people crushed. You see almost daily some popular entertainer or politician talking about “retraining” them, “reeducating them.” I saw one entertainer saying their children should be taken away and reeducated.
Hatred. This is hatred.
So what do you think? Is any of this of God?
Hardly. Here is a scripture that really fits the situation:
But anyone who hates a brother or sister is in the darkness and walks around in the darkness. They do not know where they are going, because the darkness has blinded them.– 1 John 2:11 NIV
Note the second sentence in this verse: They do not know where they are going, because the darkness has blinded them.
Right. That is what is happening. And I want you to realize that. I have written often about deception and delusion in these times, and they are very real. And surely you see these hating people, I should say blind hating people, are just this. They can’t see the truth. They don’t know the truth. They hate. They really can’t see the truth.
I am reminded of a word God said to me many years ago about such people: They don’t know because they really don’t know.
Or said another way, they don’t know they are deceived because they are deceived.
Yes, they hate. And they are dangerous.
They are not of God. Surely you can see that.
We have not seen such absolute raging hatred on such a large scale in America in a long time. Actually, I would say never in our lifetimes.
I remain hopeful they do not represent the majority of Americans. I do know that true born again, Spirit-filled believers in Jesus can discern the truth so surely they see this hatred for what it is. I hope that even basically decent people who are not yet believers can tell something is truly wrong here.
So there is one last major point I hope you can see: What is behind such blind hatred beyond the deception and delusion and the obvious influence of the evil one? What is it?
Remember the several presidents from both political parties before this past president? Remember how under their leadership the United States steadily was moving ever more to larger and larger government, more influence of government in individuals’ lives, ever more loss of personal freedoms, more and more movement to an end to borders and open international trade, more and more to that “one-world” future. But suddenly in the 2016 election an outsider stepped into the presidency and all that stopped. For four years an outsider kept the progress of the USA toward joining this future “one-world” government at bay. He stopped the progress of the world to that last days world system that is run eventually by the antichrist. Now the 2020 election and the new president have the USA back on track to joining this world system. We are rushing to the time of the antichrist. That’s the reason for the raging hatred of the past president – he interfered in the progress to the one world government!
So we are in the last of the last days. I have written this so long. And so much. I am sure many of you really see and understand that. I ask you to hold steadfast to your faith. Keep your eyes on Jesus. Do whatever you can to get that truth to others around you – by talking with them if possible, by sending material such as this writing, by giving material perhaps such as our WAKE UP AMERICA! book, certainly by praying for God the Father to lead them to a saving knowledge of Jesus. No one can come to Jesus unless the Father draws that person to Jesus. The Lord said that himself.
May you live in the blessings of God always.
February 2021
Copyright © 2021 by John Newlin
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email: john@johnnewlinministries.org
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