Thursday, January 29, 2015


In the early 1990’s God asked me to write “Wake Up, America.”  No specifics as to what this was, just write “Wake Up, America.”  And as I look over all my writings since, all the ministry newsletters and the email publications like WATCHMAN WARNING and SIGN OF THE TIMES, and my personal blog, our web site, our television programs, CDs, and in-person programs, I see that is indeed what I’ve been doing. 

For many years all our efforts were about the absolute wonders and marvelous truths of Jesus and the full gospel – the fact I often said that God is real, Jesus is real, the Holy Spirit is real, the Bible is true – and on and on.  I was amazed and thrilled beyond words at the reality of God, that God actually came into my car that night on the New Jersey turnpike (you can read about in my testimony on the web site), that the Holy Spirit is a tangible presence, not just someone given lip service by those who only know Jesus and God and the Holy Spirit as characters in a book.  I was amazed and thrilled at the fact that miracles and healings are for right now, not just for the first century, and that they happen right now!  Of course, knowing Jesus, having faith, is a key ingredient in that.  We have seen so many wonderful things.  So I wanted to wake everyone up to Jesus, to God, to the Holy Spirit, not just unbelievers but those who go to all those dry churches where they never or rarely ever encounter God or see healings and such. 

But then Jesus suddenly told me in 2005 to tell people who he is and that he is coming soon, and as he elaborated on that in guidance over the years, my focus shifted more to his imminent return.  Then about a year and a half ago he moved further to indicate that my message now is the return, his return. 

Events in the world, fulfillment of all the Biblical prophecies of things to happen before his return, all make it abundantly clear to anyone whose spiritual eyes and whose mind are open that we are right there at the end of this age.  The dreadful events happening on earth, the deception that is so abundant everywhere and which Jesus warned against, and the falling away from God which Paul noted all underscore where we are in time.

So in the last week of January I sent out a WATCHMAN WARNING focusing on how America’s leaders in such areas as government, education, entertainment, and media as well as a large number of average Americans just blindly ignore what is happening in the world.    The horrors of the many serious radical muslim terrorist groups are just covered over, ignored in the country by these people, with leaders refusing to use the world muslim terrorist.  It is not a few people that make up these terrorist groups.  It is a large, large number.  And it most certainly is not true that islam is a religion of peace.  That false religion spread from the very beginning by violence, and in fact was only checked after it had roared through the Mediterranean and into lower western Europe by a strong military victory by the French led by Charles Martel in 732 at Tours.  Otherwise all Europe today might have been muslim.

In that last WATCHMAN WARNING I noted how it seems to me America is much like Germany in the 1930’s and early 1940’s – the people then were just blind to the Nazis and what was happening.  And Americans today – leaders and average citizens – for the most part are similarly blind to what is happening.

So after sending that Warning out, my wife pointed me to words I found to be extremely relevant.    They are from a woman who as a young girl suffered in Auschwitz, the horrible German concentration camp in Poland where so many were killed.  She and her older sister miraculously survived and were rescued when the Russians freed the camp.  That camp was the location of the monster Dr. Josef Mengele, who conducted all sorts of experiments on people.  The girls were fortunate and survived perhaps because they came to the camp only a few months before the Soviets liberated it.

Here are the words of the woman who knew Mengele, who knew Auschwitz, who knew first-hand the horrors people are capable of, who encountered real evil first hand.  She is now 80 years old and her name is Marta Wise.  Currently she lives in Israel after living in Australia for many years.  These words were said now, just before the 70th anniversary of the liberation of the prison camp on January 27th.

“I used to be an optimist until a few years ago, but the situation in the Middle East has changed and the world does not notice anything,” she said.  “Reading the newspaper in the past few days is just like reading the newspaper in the 1930’s.

“The world has not changed at all.  The bottom line is it can happen again and it is happening again in many places, not necessarily to the Jews, but to anyone.”

Chilling, isn’t it.  Why don’t you try waking up your neighbors and friends and family to what is happening?  Many things happening on earth are horrible.  The leaders are blind, or they are confused and lost as to what to do. 

Much more importantly - and thank God - Jesus is coming back very soon. 

[Note:  Marta Wise quotes are from an article by Anthony Faiola and Ruth English in The Washington Post and published in the WIlmington StarNews on January 26, 2015.]

Keep Your Eyes on Jesus!

(January 2015)

Copyright © 2015 by John Newlin

[NOTE:  This article may and should be copied, printed, or forwarded by email to others, so long as it is copied, printed, or forwarded in its entirety with the appropriate attributions included.  We encourage you to do so and especially to give printed copies to those who you know would benefit and do not have access to computers.]

P  O Box 15797, Wilmington, NC 28408 * 910 395 1465           Email:

Monday, January 26, 2015


Please note:  My message for our time right now is the return of the Lord.  It is an assignment that I must carry out.  His return is imminent.  The signs of that return are abundant.  The fulfillment of the prophecies of things to happen before his return are evident.  In that focus, we have looked at and must continue to look at the key Bible scriptures and the events of our day, the details of what is happening around us.  We must not be ignorant.  As he himself warns, we must be alert.

Not long ago my wife and I watched the movie The Monument Men.  It is a true story about a small group of art experts near the end of WWII who were put into the army and separately and together risked their lives throughout Europe searching to save the great art treasures of the western world.  These treasures had been stolen by the German military from the great museums and collections and had been hidden somewhere or were on the way back to Germany to be put into a museum called the Fuehrer museum.

I’m talking about the great art treasures of the western world, the things that are at the heart of mankind’s human achievements, at the heart of western culture, such as paintings by Raphael and Rembrandt and sculptures by Michelangelo.  The German military, including the SS, was still amazingly taking these away from the western European countries even as the defeat of the Third Reich neared.  As the movie ensued, it was discovered that many were hidden in various mines.  It also was shown that as the end neared, the Germans were destroying great works rather than let them get back where they should be.
These art experts in discovering some of the art found a huge gold collection that had been hidden in a mine and also they found barrels of gold removed from human teeth, the gold no doubt taken from those killed in the concentration camps.

All just another horrible aspect of this devastating and evil part of our human history.  As I thought of all this I was reminded of my friend Judy, a Jew.  Years ago when I lived in Hastings-on-Hudson in New York, Judy was a family friend.  One time in particular I recall that someone in the family was talking about grandparents or other older relatives, perhaps anticipating a visit.  And Judy spoke up, saying she always found it interesting to hear other people talk about their ancestors.  Why?  Because, she said, because…she had none. 

And so of course there is a message for us here in thinking about Germany and WWII.  As I watched the movie, I thought of this…and you should too:

Hitler was a charismatic leader, very popular as he rose to power.  He was absolute evil, the definition of evil.  A mad man many would say.  The great horror with this is that so many Germans let him rule and followed his insane orders and killed so many and caused such destruction.  Under his command the horrible SS and many of the regular German armies committed outrageous actions as I hope all of you know.  And in Germany the mass of the churches did not speak up, did not object strenuously enough, did not try to stop all this, did not risk their lives to stop it.  Only a few did, the most famous being Dietrich Bonhoeffer. 

And the end result was that the people followed this version of satan in the flesh.

And now where are we in this world?  First, as always, we must recognize we are in the last of the last days before the return of Jesus.  The prophecies of things to happen before his return have occurred or are being fulfilled.  And he will soon come at the appointed time.  It will happen, no matter what and how much people pray, the return is at the appointed time. 

In this current world one of the horrific signs of evil in these last days is the terrible actions of the group known as radical muslims, a group estimated at having anywhere from 50 million to maybe 200 million people.  You know some of their names of members of this group – ISIS, AL QUEDA and its various branches in YEMEN and elsewhere, BOKO HARAN in Nigeria, and so on.  There are quite a few, together with all their hidden group participants located in the western countries and carrying out horrors like the recent Paris attacks.

These groups kill innocent people – Christians and non-Christians, even muslims who do not think exactly like they do.  Some just kill men, women, and children in barbaric fashion.  They make videos of their killings, with one recently even showing a young boy doing the killing.  Dear friends, this is evil, real evil.  We have had some representatives of these terrorists doing horrible things in the US, such as the horrible 9/11 where almost 3000 were killed and the Boston marathon attack.  Oh, there have been other such attacks on Americans, such as the attack on the US Cole in Yemen and on the American embassies in Kenya and Tanzania and a still earlier attack on the World Trade Center.
And so, think for a minute how the leader of this country still today refuses to use the word islam or muslim in describing these groups, and often refers to the horrible actions as the actions of individuals or a few.  The most egregious such description was used of the muslim military man at Fort Hood who killed many, shouting Allah be praised in Arabic while he did this.  This was described by our government as workplace violence. 

Have you noticed how the French prime minister has said France is at war with radical islam.  And the British prime minister has said much the same.  Not so the leader of the US or his staff.  Or many of the blind talking heads of the political and media and university world in the US.

I ask you, what Christian group do you know of that is out there killing thousands, cutting off heads, poking out the eyes of children, kidnapping young women and making them slaves, subjugating women and holding them in a much lower life style?  The answer is none.  Even the extremely liberal comedian Bill Maher boldly stepped out to say much the same thing as I just said!

How many of the horrors are being committed by the radical muslim groups?  All.  How about all.
This my friends is a battle between this largest of the lost religions, islam, and the rest of humanity, especially focusing on Christianity and the West. Islam is a false religion.  Allah is not the god of Christianity. 

I hear people say islam is a religion of peace.  Doesn’t look like peace to me.  Islam spread right from the outset by violence.  That is how centuries ago it spread throughout the Mediterranean and into lower western Europe.  Thank God for the forces there that stopped it.  How did they stop it?  By defeating it militarily. 

What about the churches?   Most individual churches in America do not preach the full gospel of Jesus.  They do not talk about his imminent return.  A great majority do not teach about the Holy Spirit, nor that the healings and miracles are for today.  They are essentially dead, some so cold it is difficult for me to visit and sit there.  And the ones that have lively praise music and friendly activities to attract the young still are not teaching the full gospel and the return of Jesus nor the power and reality of the Holy Spirit.

I think of America today as being much like Germany in the late 1930’s and early 1940’s.  Do you ever wonder how in the world a person like Hitler could have gotten control of a nation full of bright people like Germany?  Well, if you are a discerning American you should be able to understand today.

Sadly, most Americans on the street seem to know nothing about much of anything of substance.  You see that in the interviews on the talk shows.  And those that do seem to know do not know what to do.

There are serious Christians interceding in prayer for America and Americans, repenting for the country and people and hoping for an end-time revival, an awakening.  Why wouldn’t we all hope for this!  And it will come.  I have it on good authority.  But when I do not know.  Before the return, in the midst of the horrible tribulation period, or later?  Don’t know.

Watch out that you are not deceived.” [Luke 21:8 NIV] - the first words out of Jesus’ mouth when the disciples asked about his return.

Be always on the watch, and pray that you may be able to escape all that is about to happen, and that you may be able to stand before the Son of Man.” [Luke 21:36 NIV] – his warning after describing events to happen at the return time.

Keep Your Eyes on Jesus!

(January 2015)

Copyright © 2015 by John Newlin

[NOTE:  This article may and should be copied, printed, or forwarded by email to others, so long as it is copied, printed, or forwarded in its entirety with the appropriate attributions included.  We encourage you to do so and especially to give printed copies to those who you know would benefit and do not have access to computers.]

P  O Box 15797, Wilmington, NC 28408 * 910 395 1465           Email: