Thursday, July 24, 2014


People in New York and much of the media and some government security personnel are frightened over the white flags planted high atop the famous Brooklyn Bridge in NY City.  And well they should be.  This is a real landmark in its own right, a mammoth structure highly regarded when it was built and highly used today.  In fact, I would expect there is little time when someone is not going over the bridge, even in the middle of the night.  Having spent a great deal of time in the past in and around NY City, I know this is a city that really never sleeps.  So how did these flags ever get put at the top of the bridge?

But these white flags portend more than I expect most experts even know. 

Some time back I pointed out some really bizarre happenings in the US and noted I would come forth with more in the future.  Well, we can’t ignore these white flags.  Why?  Let me tell you.

In New York City near Columbia University is a giant cathedral called the Cathedral of St. John the Divine.

Now, I am familiar with this cathedral.  When I lived in a dormitory at Columbia University I was located not far from the cathedral.  It is a huge and impressive structure, and not once in those days did I think it anything other than just one more Catholic cathedral.  But that is not the case.

You should know some of the startling characteristics of this place which you can investigate yourself if you wish.  What is going on and why are good questions.


There are all sorts of sculptures around this cathedral.  On the west side high on a pillar are depicted in sculpture or fresco form the collapsing of the Twin Towers and the destruction of Manhattan.  Now the twin towers, known as the world trade centers, were destroyed by terrorists on September 11, 2001.  What you probably do not know is that this scene depicted high on a tower of this cathedral was put in place in 1997, four years before the shocking terrorist attack!

Pretty amazing, is it not?  Now to the Brooklyn Bridge:

Atop another tower at the cathedral there is a sculpture depicting the Brooklyn Bridge crumbling and buses and cars falling into the waters.  This has not happened, yet.

So this cathedral in hard stone has correctly forecast the destruction of the world trade centers before they were destroyed.  It also has forecast the destruction of the Brooklyn Bridge, something we cannot ignore in light of the white flags just placed at the top of that Bridge.  Certainly we can and should all pray that it does not happen.

Strange things are happening in our day. 

Since I have brought up the cathedral, I will quickly list a few more facts about it:

  • This gigantic cathedral, the fourth largest church in the world, was built over a century by the Masons.  So proud are they of this that they had it on the cover of their publication in 1925.  Significance?  The upper echelons of the Masons are apparently somehow connected with the one world gang that is working tirelessly to bring that about. 

  • There is another pillar with the four horsemen of the apocalypse described in Revelation depicted.

  • And then another pillar presenting death and Ezekiel’s observed wheel within a wheel.

  • And another with a man having one eye, the all seeing eye?

  • Beyond the building there are strange happenings here – for example, each Halloween there is a procession of ghoulish figures in the cathedral itself.  I’ve seen some of the pictures and they are horrible indeed. 

  • The cathedral is the home of the Temple of Understanding, a type of strange religious group involving the UN and famous leaders that has as an apparent goal the move to one world religion.  Troubling indeed.

Well, as we move rapidly to the end of this age, we should not be surprised by all the bizarre happenings.  We’ve already seen so many prophecies of last day events fulfilled or being fulfilled, and we know the evil one and his forces are not going out quietly.

As you consider this and all other signs of the times, the key for your peace and joy as always is to
Keep Your Eyes on Jesus!

                                                                                                                                       (July 2014)
                                                                                                            Copyright © 2014 by John Newlin

[NOTE:  This article may be copied, printed, or forwarded by email to others so long as it is copied, printed, or forwarded in its entirety with the appropriate attributions included.  We in fact encourage you to do so and especially to give printed copies to those who you know would benefit and do not have access to computers.]

P O Box 15797, Wilmington, NC 28408 * 910 395 1465           Email:

Wednesday, July 2, 2014


As we approach the Fourth of July in the US, it is a good time for believers to look at where the world is now and where we believers are.    The following is meant to be a concise summary of the current situation and an encouragement to believers to stay focused and to get out there as they are led.  It is a call to action for all believers in Jesus.

We are living in the days leading up to the return of Jesus.  Things are falling apart all around.  Wars and rumors of war abound in the Middle East – Iraq, Syria, Iran, Israel, Afghanistan – and in other areas there are looming threats or horrible terrorist activities (e.g., North Korea, Nigeria).  Terrorism is expanding exponentially.  Leaders of the world governments do not know what to do.  Look at the people in the administration and the Congress in Washington.  No idea.  The same can be said about leaders in Europe and elsewhere.

The economy is heading south rapidly.  The US suffered and even surprisingly officially reported a dramatic fall of almost 3 percent in its economy in the first quarter of this year.  That is a huge fall for a country like the US and underscores there is no great rebound of the economy underway.  Average income of Americans has fallen precipitously the last several years.  Worse, the dollar is propped up by printing enormous amounts of paper money, which of course devalues the currency internationally and even is leading some international giants to consider moving away from the dollar as the world money standard.  Some have already taken initial steps in that direction.  When that happens, expect the dollar value to go into free fall and inflation to rocket in the US.  Americans will be shocked by the prices of basic goods.

Morality as those more than a few years old have known it in their lifetimes has largely disappeared.  Oh surely some individuals and families still seek to live according to God’s values and laws.  But society?  Hardly.  While the state governments supported by the federal judiciary and the leadership in the White House have led a rapid move toward formally approving a lifestyle not accepted by millions and condemned as abomination by the Bible, individual traditional denominations too have joined the rush.  Some even now hold homosexual marriages and have homosexual ministers.  One recently announced an effort to withdraw all investments from Israel in hope of putting pressure on Israel, despite the clear warning from God regarding Israel that those who bless you I will bless and those who curse you I will curse.  No doubt there are still some individual believers in churches in these wayward denominations, why I don’t know.  But overall such churches are clearly not churches of God, of Jesus.

And everywhere in the daily news reports and television we see massive lying, massive deception which Jesus warned about.  Over and over people call good evil and evil good.  Clear and obvious bad actions on the part of people and government leaders and agencies are not dealt with or are just ignored.  Members of Congress who should investigate and bring correction themselves divide along party lines, not ever putting the country first in their duties.

Efforts of society to bring any meaningful correction to this dire situation have not succeeded.  In politics the now several years old tea party movement is floundering.  While one or two have gained office, its candidates have run into the establishment which will do anything to keep its jobs, regardless of the issues or morality of their positions.  And in truth, the tea party primarily focuses on the economy, which is hardly the only key issue out there. 

On the spiritual and values side, the public at large seems to ignore efforts of serious ministers of God in their calling the people to change, to move, and in their warning them the return is near.  People just focus on their jobs and their families and homes.   Well, why not?  They don’t know what else to do.  They have clearly seen how the large national government is not impacted by their views and wants.
Aside from all the Biblical prophecies of individual things to happen before Jesus’ return, which I have reported on many times and which have been and are being fulfilled, there are two key fundamental prophecies that have come to the fore – Jesus’ warning to watch so as not to be deceived and Paul’s warning that the day of the Lord will not come until there is a falling away from God, really a rebellion against God.  Both of these giant prophetic warnings have now clearly occurred.  We are in the midst of them.

So what are we to do?  We can bemoan all the horrible actions and behaviors in the world society today and just sit on our hands, or we can seek to influence and fight against horrible positions and actions in society – all the time keeping our eyes on Jesus and living in an internal peace that realizes he will soon be here.  Whenever we see governments and other groups taking actions and positions opposed to God and the Bible, we can speak out.  We can write our government leaders and our newspapers.  We can go to meetings and stand up for God as possible.  We can make sure those we are in contact with know our views.  And in all this we of course must act as we are led by God.   I think Jesus expects believers to be out there doing our best in standing up for him.

Remember Jesus’ words:

I tell you, whoever publicly acknowledges me before others, the Son of Man will also acknowledge before the angels of God.  But whoever disowns me before others will be disowned before the angels of God.”  (Luke 12:8-9 NIV)

 And God the Father’s words: “…Those who honor me I will honor, but those who despise me will be disdained.”
 (1 Samuel 2:30)

And Jesus’ words on this very time in which we live:  “…when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth?”   (Luke 18:8 NIV)

Well, will he?  In you?

                                                                                                                   (July 2014)

                                                                                             Copyright © 2014 by John Newlin

Keep Your Eyes on Jesus!

 [NOTE:  This article may and should be copied, printed, or forwarded by email to others, so long as it is copied, printed, or forwarded in its entirety with the appropriate attributions included.  We encourage you to do so and especially to give printed copies to those who you know would benefit and do not have access to computers.]

                                                  P  O Box 15797, Wilmington, NC 28408 * 910 395 1465           Email: