Wednesday, June 25, 2014


There are all kinds of religions on earth, and an enormous number of academic systems, and diverse beliefs everywhere.  There are many different types of people as to education levels, knowledge and talents, and skills.

But in the end there are only two groups of people that really matter on earth:  those who know Jesus, and those who don’t.  This second group is lost.  Unless something happens that opens the eyes of people in this group so they can see the truth and receive Jesus as their Lord and Savior, they are not going to have a good future. 

Unfortunately, this second group is much larger than the first group.  Throughout the Bible the point comes through that the group of true believers just is not the majority of people on earth.  Once Jesus even says that narrow is the way and few are they who find it (the way to life, to eternal life). 

Have you ever wondered why in history and even today certain Christians when threatened with death if they do not renounce Jesus choose to die?  And they do.  In ancient Rome.  And today in many places on earth where believers are attacked and killed by members of false religions.  You know those places.  If you do not you are not paying attention.  Christians are killed on a daily basis in today’s world.

Why would they prefer death over renouncing Jesus and continuing to live an earthly life?  Because they know Jesus.  Because they know their future with him.  And they know that life on this earth in its current form is as nothing in comparison.  Renouncing Jesus would condemn them to eternal hell, life in the lake of fire as described in the last book of the Bible.

We are right now at the great dividing time in human history.  Huge numbers are in the lost camp by virtue of being in false religions and lost societies.  Others actually may think they are Christians and are saved by virtue of going to a church somewhere and sitting there once a week, by growing up in a Christian home, maybe even by doing some good works in that church.  But for some of these nothing may be further from the truth.  Being someone whom Jesus calls out when he comes to collect his true CHURCH depends on your truly knowing him.  In his own words, you must be born again, or born from above (perhaps a better translation).  And the apostle Paul further elaborates:  You must confess Jesus as your Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Jesus from the dead.  In other words, it is all about truth.  God doesn’t play games.  As the stenographer said in Congress a few weeks ago, God will not be mocked.  She was quoting the Bible.  Mocking God is what happens in Washington, DC on a regular basis.

Two groups of people.   One group already spiritually in the kingdom and on its way to totally realizing that in all ways and the other a collection of lost people.  Unless God draws people from that lost group to Jesus, they will stay there.  As we approach the Lord’s return, I expect to see more and more drawn to Jesus, and I also expect to see a steadily increasing display of people obviously falling away from God, from the Lord, from a true faith.  The Bible in essence says as much.

So keep your eyes on Jesus no matter what happens in and around you.  The return of the Lord is imminent.  In recent decades numerous Biblical prophecies of things to happen before his return have indeed happened.  As described in the Bible, he could come in the clouds at any moment to call out his believers, with the horribly difficult seven year period of judgment on the world known as the tribulation beginning shortly thereafter and culminating in the great Armageddon battle and his beginning to rule from Jerusalem.
As possible, through your words and actions, seek to help the Father in his drawing others to Jesus.  Ask the Holy Spirit for guidance, to pave the way for meaningful conversations about the Lord with others, to arrange situations.  He will.  Always remember, it is all about a personal relationship between a person and the Lord.  No one can get another person into heaven.  You can’t do that for your children or parents, and they can’t do that for you.

Two groups.  That’s all that counts.  What group are you in?  And what group are your friends and family members in?

Where are you all heading?
Keep Your Eyes on Jesus!

                                                                                                                    (June 2014)
                                                                                                              Copyright © 2014 by John Newlin.

[For more information on all this, go to the web site below and request the CDs such as HOW DOES ANYONE EVER REALLY GET INTO HEAVEN? and WHAT DID JESUS DO, PARTS ONE, TWO AND THREE.  Or watch the videos there such as GETTING INTO HEAVEN and WHAT DID JESUS DO?.]


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P. O. Box 15797, Wilmington, NC 28408, USA * 910 395 1465 Email:

Thursday, June 19, 2014


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Tuesday, June 17, 2014


This is a very somber and serious watchman warning.

For some time – months, even years – we have watched together and I have sent out warnings regarding the steady progress as we march through the last days before the Lord’s return.  We have seen how so many of the prophecies of the events to happen before his return have happened. 

I seldom talk about all the prophecies anymore since I have so often in the past.  And people can read my past newsletters or listen to the CDs or watch the television programs on the Internet – at our web site and on YOUTUBE.

Now things are really getting tough.  While many Americans are preparing to enjoy the summer months and looking forward to vacations and cookouts and maybe golf and beaches, the actions of the evil side of existence are boldly moving forward at a terrifying clip.

I don’t know how many of you know any of this, so prepare to be shocked.  But better to be shocked and alert.

·       *   Iraq - The move of yet another two really wild and vicious terrorist groups in the Middle East cannot be ignored.  Really the term terrorist group is not a good description.  Yes, they are terrifying all right.  But they are larger, comprised of many diverse groups.  One of these overall groups is associated with Iraq and the other with Syria, but obviously somehow there are connections with Al Queda.  They are reeking havoc on the Iraqi population.  In no time almost they have taken over the third largest city in Iraq and a large amount of territory.  And they clearly are setting their sights on Baghdad and the whole country.  Their methods are horrible and have shocked the world.  While I haven’t seen write-ups of much of this in most press, I did see the Washington Post describe their methods.  In Mosul there have been large numbers of beheadings.  Barbarous beheadings by horrible means, torturous means.  In a home, wherever.  Of the police and others in authority or whomever they see as opposition.  One woman reported seeing large rows of beheaded bodies.  These groups not only are militaristic and violent, they rule and intimidate by absolutely terrifying those in their path.  The police and militia and such are reported to be running fast to get away, shedding their clothes so they can’t be identified.  They say that these horrible groups can’t be stopped.  They can’t fight them. 

You recognize the hand of the evil one here, I hope.  Remember he comes to kill, steal, and destroy, and that is what is happening in Iraq now.  Not only are areas that our own servicemen have given their lives for now being lost, but much worse this important nation is being captured by wild, vicious horribly immoral and evil people.  Real enemies.  Others in the region are horrified.  The more absolute evil gains control of, the more havoc and absolute evil it can do---everywhere.  Americans are not prepared to confront such an enemy.

·        *  A London newspaper recently carried a long article detailing various actions of the US government funding studies and programs in universities to develop appropriate strategies and reaction plans for the government to deal with wide-spread civil unrest.  While this looks over a variety of cultures and nations, I wonder if it might not also be read like this:   The government is aware that many do not agree with its policies of recent years, and increasingly opposition is speaking out.  The government is preparing to deal with that opposition if necessary with ways we have not seen in the US.  This probably goes along with the constant reports from various sources of holding pens for people that have been developed in many places and many states.  Who goes in those pens?  And why?

·         * The massive flow of illegal immigrants into the country that so strains the economy has reached a new height – large numbers of children from somewhere in Latin America are being dumped on the border and are crossing over the border into Arizona and Texas.  Where does the money come from to take care of them?  Can the states of Arizona and Texas handle this?  And even if the government were to decide to send them back, where would they send them and to whom?  This is a steadily increasing problem and another way of attacking the United States.  The US government has not dealt with this problem for many years, and now it is truly reaching disaster proportions.

·        *  Within the US, the gay rights movement seems to occupy so much of media attention.  Is this perhaps a diversion keeping Americans from seeing what is really happening to the country and world?  Remember, homosexuals are a tiny minority of the population.  Some say as small as 2 %.  And this is supposed to be a democracy.   The policies and efforts of the government and people can’t be so fully caught up with this.  Besides, the positions being taken by the governments and judges end up with allowing and permitting a life style that is directly opposed by God in the Bible.  So America is on the wrong side of the issue.  There is increasing fear that eventually preachers in the country will not be allowed to speak out on this issue, as they indeed are prohibited by law elsewhere.

·       *   And of course the US government keeps trying to force peace on Israel and the Palestinians, with no doubt an ever present pressure on Israel to give up land.  There has been no peace reached.  The US is on the wrong side of God again.  We should be supporting Israel whenever possible and never pressing the country to give up land.

·        *  Large numbers of Americans recognize that something is wrong.  Only a small percentage of that realize it is related to the end times, the period in which we are living.  And of course there are still blind millions who see nothing.  The truth of the words from the Bible that the devil has blinded the minds of unbelievers was never more powerfully demonstrated.

So where are those people in our society who will stand up for Jesus, who will stand up for truth and decency and honesty?  Who brings the truth out?  Who?

I think the answer is that it has to be you and me.  We are the only ones here.

Keep Your Eyes on Jesus!

(June 2014)
Copyright © 2014 by John Newlin
[NOTE:  This article may and should be copied, printed, or forwarded by email to others, so long as it is copied, printed, or forwarded in its entirety with the appropriate attributions included.  We encourage you to do so and especially to give printed copies to those who you know would benefit and do not have access to computers.]
P  O Box 15797, Wilmington, NC 28408 * 910 395 1465           Email:

Thursday, June 12, 2014


Not as much is written about fathers, and surely Father’s Day doesn’t get the enormous attention that Mother’s Day does.  But undeniably the impact of fathers on the lives of their children is enormous, and I thought for a change to write on this subject.

My father didn’t see me until I was a year and three months old.  Oh, he heard about me.  I can read the tiny cables that were sent both ways in the little aged envelopes that date from the middle of the war.  You know, the great war, World War II, which killed many more than the other war to end all wars, World War I.

I still know the story from my mother.  How I woke up the morning after he had come home.  How I was standing in my crib (evidently, I was still in a crib for some reason).  Standing and looking at this strange man.

So my dad missed the infant years.  He knew me after I had learned to sit and stand and walk.  Maybe even to talk a little.

Well, he didn’t want it to be that way.  In that stack of old cables and letters I can read after the end of World War II how upset and tired he was being in Guam so far from home, wondering when indeed would he be sent home.  I think they all wanted to come home, all of the military,  but then somebody had to stay and keep things going in the really bad areas that were so destroyed by the war.

Eventually he came, and our life went on.  Dad was quiet, quiet and somber.  He went about his work and life in a steady and highly competent manner.  Getting it done.  Before the War sometime in the past he had wanted to be an architect.  But now, with a family and those years all gone away, no, he couldn’t see that.  And he was back in the hardware and building supply business with his cousins.

Dad never talked about the war to me.  I mean never.  And so as a boy for some reason I didn’t ask.  I had other things going on of course, like growing up.  Once when he was taking me over to meet my friend Joe for a ride with him back to college some miles away, Dad suddenly said he never liked leaving home, going away like I was doing then, leaving.  That was it.  That comment I remember.  It was almost a comment about his life in the war.

He died way before his time.  I’ve got his dark blue navy uniform.  Can’t believe he ever could fit into that!  And then his various ribbons and such.  And a great picture of him on Guam that I had copies made of and gave to my kids and my sister.

But I don’t have him.  What else do I know of that time period?  From Mom only over the years, really the early years when I was very small, I heard that once he and Mom lived in Rhode Island while Dad did something for the navy.  And when he shipped out, my grandmother rode a bus all the way there so she could ride the bus back with Mom.

And then Dad worked in the pentagon for a while, especially on records of those killed in air crashes.  I do know he never flew to visit me ever, always driving. 

I am so sorry he left this earth before I was in Guam several times.  I even was in nearby Saipan where the Japanese tanks were still there by the side of the road.  Wonder if he was there too?  Who knows? 

I miss him.  Especially when life got difficult at times over the years, I missed him and his quiet wisdom.  At times I recall his throwing a baseball with me or playing basketball, using his two-handed set shot I could never understand.   But life goes on.  I do get misty when I see veterans or hear their stories or even when I meet those young military of our day on their way headfirst right into harm’s way.  And I wonder how prepared they are, beyond the training of course.  How prepared to deal with all they will encounter, not just the physical but the shockingly different cultural and yes spiritual.   How ready?  And how ready was my dad? 

Don’t know. But he and his generation did keep the country going for a while longer, kept the great evil surge at bay for a while.  Obviously just for a while.  But they did their part in that.  I am proud of him, and I miss him.  If your dad is still alive, don’t let the day pass without contacting him.

                                                                                                                                       (June 2014)
                                                                                                                   Copyright © 2014 by John Newlin

[NOTE:  This article may be copied, printed, or forwarded by email to others so long as it is copied, printed, or forwarded in its entirety with the appropriate attributions included.  We in fact encourage you to do so and especially to give printed copies to those who you know would benefit and do not have access to computers.]

P  O Box 15797, Wilmington, NC 28408 * 910 395 1465           Email: