Thursday, January 26, 2012


We are at a point now where events are getting too obvious, and where the plowing ahead gets really tiresome.

There is nothing so wonderful as having new people suddenly realize who Christ is, be saved, be healed, be delivered, be set free and move into the Kingdom of God.

But there is such heavy lifting required these days, such breaking up of barricades, such challenging of blind eyes and deaf ears, of spiritually numb people that populate this world.

It doesn’t take a spiritual giant to see the birth pains have increased and become very pointed.  It doesn’t take a Luther or Oral Roberts to discern that judgment is being laid out in specific cases that are symbolic of larger judgment and impending disaster. 

A people cannot thumb their noses at God over and over again for year after year, taking the name of God, of Jesus, out of public documents and discourse and schools and prayer and so on, with no repercussion.  A people cannot decide to formally accept life styles that are absolutely condemned as abominable by God and expect no reaction.

Oh, but you say, those are those other people in Hollywood and NY and government and politics and such.  Not me, you say.  I go to church.  I don’t agree with all that. 

But you do live here, you live here.  You are part of this country and society.  What have you done to work to change that society?  Have you just been tolerant by your silence? 

Many major church denominations have decided to be tolerant.  And accepting.  Oh, their memberships are crashing, to be sure.  Those who are sincere leave those denominations and search tirelessly for more serious churches which they often never find, ending up at home or in small groups.

Many of those same denominations have decided Israel is not the apple of God’s eye.  No, they think, it is their churches, this man-made organization of religious rules and humanist objectives, that is now the modern Israel.  And they seek to disengage from Israel.  No investments there.   

The majority of American churchgoers attend those denominations.  And are they even aware of the heresy of the opinions of the church organization to which they belong?  Not unless someone points it out to them.  Even then, they say, well my specific church is not like that.  Ah, but you are a member of the denomination.  And by your silence and actions you are accepting the position and behavior and actions of the denomination.  Not to mention that part of your financial support most likely goes to the national church organization.

Where is the full gospel being preached?  Where is the power gospel being displayed?  Blind eyes opened? Deaf ears healed?  Tumors vanished?  Pains expelled.  Curses broken?  Jesus praised and lifted high?  Prayers lifted for the peace of Jerusalem? 

Time for judgment.  It’s that time. 

For a few minutes once each week throughout the country many churchgoers sit and hear in essence a report, a little music, and shake hands and smile.  As one associate said, it’s a social occasion.  Sometimes it’s not even that.  And they miss the great truths – that God is real, that Jesus is alive today as he was 2000 years ago, that the Holy Spirit is real and here now, that demons and the devil are real too, that angels are real, that healings and miracles are real now too, and that Jesus is coming very soon to complete this age and move on.

Time.  It’s time.  This age is over.  There were some interesting movements and countries and events.  But now it’s all about floundering around.  Mass corruption and perverse behavior.  Those are primary characteristics of our culture and society.  Those who haven’t noticed have become too cold and jaded by the tolerance of all around, by the tolerance of their church.

Tough words, aren’t they.  But they are true.  These are tough times we are living in.  And they will be tougher.